A Death in the Family
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"A Death in the Family" Quotes

By James Agee

fiction | 320 pages | Published in 2008

ISBN_13: 9781440641794
ISBN_10: 144064179X


In the midst of death, we are reminded of the fragility of life.

James Agee

Loss is not something we ever truly get over; rather, we learn to carry it with us.

James Agee

Memories are the bittersweet remnants of those we have lost.

James Agee

Sometimes, the greatest strength comes from facing our deepest pain.

James Agee

Time may heal wounds, but it can never erase the scars of loss.

James Agee

When someone we love dies, a part of us dies with them.

James Agee

In times of sorrow, it is the love and support of others that carries us through.

James Agee

The pain of losing someone never truly goes away, but it does become more bearable with time.

James Agee

There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.

James Agee

Life is fragile, handle with care.

James Agee