A Night to Remember
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"A Night to Remember" Quotes

By Walter Lord

history | 208 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780805077643


I don't think I'll put my lifebelt on today. I will leave it off until we get a bit further into the Atlantic.

Walter Lord

We are unsinkable!

Walter Lord

What a sight! What a sight! My God, there are women and children down there!

Walter Lord

Women and children first!

Walter Lord

We may go down, but at least we can go down like gentlemen.

Walter Lord

She's making water fast, sir.

Walter Lord

It's every man for himself now.

Walter Lord

Gentlemen, I bid you farewell.

Walter Lord

The ship is going down by the head.

Walter Lord

We've had a good ship, and now she's gone.

Walter Lord