A Wizard of Earthsea
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"A Wizard of Earthsea" Characters Analysis

By Ursula K. Le Guin

fantasy | 320 pages | Published in 2015

ISBN_13: 9781473208452
ISBN_10: 1473208459

Estimated read time: 8 min read

List of Characters

The ShadowAntagonist

Role Identification


Ged is the protagonist of "A Wizard of Earthsea." He is a talented young mage who becomes entangled in a battle against a powerful shadow that he unwittingly released.


Ogion serves as Ged's mentor and guide, offering wisdom and guidance as Ged learns the ways of magic and the responsibilities that come with wielding such power.


Vetch is Ged's loyal friend who accompanies him on his journey, providing support and camaraderie as Ged faces numerous challenges.


Jasper is a fellow student at the wizard school and becomes Ged's rival, creating tension and conflict throughout the story.


Tenar is a key character who becomes intertwined with Ged's story, providing both support and opposition as the narrative unfolds.


Serret is an antagonist who plays a role in Ged's journey, adding complexity and tension to the plot as she becomes a source of conflict for the protagonist.

The Shadow

The Shadow is a formidable antagonist that Ged must confront, representing the darker aspects of his own nature and the challenges he must overcome.

Character Descriptions


Ged is a young and gifted mage with a strong sense of curiosity and ambition. He possesses a natural talent for magic but also struggles with his own inner demons and the consequences of his actions.


Ogion is a wise and experienced wizard who serves as a mentor to Ged. He is a calm and contemplative figure who provides guidance and teachings to the protagonist.


Vetch is a loyal and supportive friend to Ged. He is a steadfast companion who stands by Ged through various trials and tribulations, offering friendship and encouragement.


Jasper is a fellow student at the wizard school who becomes Ged's rival. He is ambitious and competitive, often challenging Ged and fueling tension between them.


Tenar is a complex character who becomes intertwined with Ged's journey. She offers both support and opposition, adding depth to the narrative and influencing Ged's development.


Serret is a character who introduces conflict into Ged's story. She brings complexity and tension as she becomes a source of challenge and opposition for the protagonist.

The Shadow

The Shadow is a formidable and enigmatic antagonist in the story. It represents the darker aspects of Ged's own nature and forces him to confront his inner struggles and fears.

Character Traits


  • Curious
  • Ambitious
  • Talented
  • Conflicted
  • Determined


  • Wise
  • Calm
  • Contemplative
  • Patient
  • Guiding


  • Loyal
  • Supportive
  • Steadfast
  • Encouraging
  • Friendly


  • Ambitious
  • Competitive
  • Rivalrous
  • Challenging
  • Confident


  • Complex
  • Supportive
  • Oppositional
  • Influential
  • Compelling


  • Conflicting
  • Challenging
  • Complex
  • Tension-inducing
  • Ambiguous

The Shadow

  • Formidable
  • Enigmatic
  • Dark
  • Challenging
  • Reflective

Character Background


Ged hails from the island of Gont and discovers his innate magical abilities at a young age. His thirst for knowledge and power leads him to study at the wizard school on Roke, where he becomes embroiled in a fateful encounter that sets the course for his transformative journey.


Ogion is a revered mage known for his wisdom and connection to the natural world. He takes Ged under his wing, recognizing the young wizard's potential but also cautioning him about the dangers of wielding magic irresponsibly.


Vetch is a fellow student at the wizard school who forms a deep bond with Ged. He hails from the island of O, and his unwavering support and friendship provide a grounding influence for Ged throughout his trials.


Jasper is a competitive and ambitious student at the wizard school who becomes Ged's rival. His desire to outshine Ged fuels tension and animosity between them, shaping the course of their interactions.


Tenar is a character with a complex background that intertwines with Ged's journey. Her presence introduces new dynamics and challenges, shaping Ged's experiences and influencing his growth as a character.


Serret's background and motivations add layers of complexity to the story, as her actions and intentions create tension and conflict for Ged, contributing to the intricacies of his narrative.

The Shadow

The Shadow's origins and nature are shrouded in mystery, serving as a powerful and menacing force that emerges from Ged's own actions, challenging him in profound and unexpected ways.

Character Arcs


Ged undergoes a transformative character arc, evolving from a young and impulsive mage to a wiser and more introspective individual. His journey is marked by the challenges he faces, the mistakes he makes, and the growth he experiences as he confronts the consequences of his actions.


Ogion's role in Ged's arc is pivotal, as he imparts crucial wisdom and guidance that shape Ged's understanding of magic and responsibility. Through his interactions with Ged, Ogion also undergoes his own subtle evolution, influenced by the impact of his teachings on his student.


Vetch's character arc is intertwined with his unwavering support for Ged. As Ged faces trials and tribulations, Vetch's steadfast friendship and loyalty serve as a constant, contributing to both his own growth and the development of their bond.


Jasper's arc is defined by his competitive nature and the tensions that arise between him and Ged. His evolution is influenced by the dynamics of his rivalry with Ged and the consequences of their interactions, shaping his character and motivations.


Tenar's character arc is complex, as her involvement with Ged leads to significant personal and narrative developments. Her interactions with Ged and the choices she makes impact her trajectory, influencing the overall narrative and Ged's journey.


Serret's arc is marked by the complexities of her motivations and actions, which contribute to the escalating conflicts in Ged's story. Her character development adds layers of intrigue and tension, impacting the direction of the narrative and Ged's experiences.

The Shadow

The Shadow's arc is intertwined with Ged's journey, representing the darker aspects of his own nature. As Ged confronts the Shadow, he undergoes a profound internal struggle, leading to transformative revelations and growth that shape the trajectory of the narrative.


Ged and Ogion

Ged's relationship with Ogion is one of mentorship, respect, and guidance. Ogion's wisdom and teachings profoundly influence Ged's development and understanding of magic, shaping their bond and Ged's journey.

Ged and Vetch

Ged and Vetch share a deep and enduring friendship marked by loyalty, support, and camaraderie. Vetch's steadfast presence provides a grounding influence for Ged, shaping their interactions and the challenges they face together.

Ged and Jasper

Ged's relationship with Jasper is defined by rivalry, competition, and conflict. Their interactions fuel tension and animosity, shaping the dynamics of their interactions and influencing Ged's experiences at the wizard school.

Ged and Tenar

Ged's connection with Tenar introduces complexities of friendship, support, and opposition. Their evolving relationship impacts the narrative, shaping Ged's experiences and influencing the trajectory of his journey.

Ged and Serret

Ged's interactions with Serret are fraught with tension and conflict, adding layers of opposition and challenge to his story. Their relationship contributes to the intricacies of the narrative, influencing Ged's experiences and growth.

Ged and The Shadow

Ged's confrontation with the Shadow represents an internal and existential struggle, shaping his character and the trajectory of his journey. His relationship with the Shadow forces him to confront his own inner demons and undergo profound transformation.

Overall, "A Wizard of Earthsea" features a rich tapestry of characters whose interactions, arcs, and relationships contribute to the depth and complexity of the narrative, shaping Ged's transformative journey as he confronts the consequences of his actions and grapples with the darker aspects of his own nature.