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"Ash" Quotes

By James Herbert

horror | 264 pages | Published in 2009

ISBN_13: 9780316040099


Do you think it works? I mean, do you believe in it?

James Herbert

I need to believe that good can triumph over evil.

James Herbert

Fear is a constant in our lives, I think, for most people.

James Herbert

It's the darkness that makes the light seem so much brighter.

James Herbert

Love is the one thing that can destroy evil.

James Herbert

Sometimes the dead don't want to be found.

James Herbert

Evil takes many forms, and it preys on the weak and vulnerable.

James Herbert

The unknown is often scarier than what we know.

James Herbert

We all have a choice in how we respond to the darkness we encounter.

James Herbert

Sometimes the most courageous act is to face our own fears.

James Herbert