Beautiful Disaster
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"Beautiful Disaster" Quotes

By Jamie McGuire

romance | 319 pages | Published in 2011



The only way to survive was to escape the pain, to find a way to forget.

Jamie McGuire

I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you.

Jamie McGuire

I would fight for you. I’ll lie for you. I’ll steal for you. I’ll kill for you.

Jamie McGuire

I belong to him. He belongs to me.

Jamie McGuire

I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.

Jamie McGuire

I know we’re fucked up, alright? I’m impulsive, and hot tempered, and you get under my skin like no one else. You act like you hate me one minute, and then need me the next.

Jamie McGuire

I knew it the first time I saw her. It was like coming home, only to no home I’d ever known. I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like… magic.

Jamie McGuire

I love you. I’m never going to stop loving you, no matter how much you want me to.

Jamie McGuire

Every person is a fresh universe to explore. You don’t know what you’ll find until you start looking.

Jamie McGuire

The world is full of nice people. If you can’t find one, be one.

Jamie McGuire