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Test your knowledge about the book "Born Again". We have come up with 10 quiz questions for the book. Hit play and start testing your knowledge. Each correctly answered question gives one point.

10 questions available

Essay questions

These essay questions are meant to be used as a starting point for your essay or research paper.

  1. Discuss the transformation of Charles Colson's character throughout the book 'Born Again'.
  2. How does Colson's experience in prison shape his understanding of justice and redemption?
  3. Examine the role of faith and religion in Colson's journey from a powerful political figure to a born-again Christian.
  4. What impact does Colson's conversion have on his relationships with family, friends, and colleagues?
  5. Analyze the significance of the Watergate scandal in Colson's spiritual awakening and the subsequent formation of Prison Fellowship.
  6. Discuss the challenges Colson faced in merging his faith with his political career and the conflicts that arose as a result.
  7. How does Colson's understanding of power and influence change after his conversion?
  8. Examine the role of forgiveness in Colson's journey and its impact on his personal growth.
  9. Discuss the significance of Colson's encounter with the pastor Tom Phillips and its role in his conversion and subsequent ministry.
  10. Analyze the themes of redemption and second chances in 'Born Again' and their relevance to a broader audience.