"Call It Sleep" Quotes
A young immigrant boy grapples with identity and survival in the hostile streets of early 20th century New York City.
fiction | 480 pages | Published in 2013
Fear unflinchingly added to itself, rousing phantoms to phantom hosts, all mingling with the stark terrifying reflection of his father.
He knew now that the world descended, not ascended. It was a descending, a hell.
Oh, where can one find rest from the hounding bafflings of the self?
To lie back wrapped about in warmth! How wonderful! It was almost not worth while ever to rise again from such a place.
His mind had slipped, staggering under the blow of utterance.
They formed into a legion of whispers that racked him with shame.
But he still believed a way out could be found—some bit of magic, some forgotten secret. It lay about him, yet he could not grasp it.
The mystery of being had long ago reduced him to an appendix.
There was a sullen flicker in his eyes.
He stood buffered up by the sheltering sky.