Captains Courageous
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"Captains Courageous" Characters Analysis

By Rudyard Kipling

classics | 161 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780543895882

Estimated read time: 10 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Harvey Cheyne Jr.Protagonist
ManuelSupporting Character
Captain Disko TroopSupporting Character
Dan TroopSupporting Character
Mr. CheyneSupporting Character
Mrs. CheyneSupporting Character
Long JackSupporting Character
Tom PlattSupporting Character
Uncle SaltersSupporting Character

Role Identification

In Rudyard Kipling's novel "Captains Courageous," the characters play various roles in shaping the narrative and influencing the protagonist's development. The main character, Harvey Cheyne Jr., undergoes a significant character arc, moving from a spoiled and entitled young boy to a mature and compassionate individual. The supporting cast, including Manuel, Captain Disko Troop, Dan Troop, Mr. and Mrs. Cheyne, Long Jack, Tom Platt, and Uncle Salters, contribute to Harvey's transformation and provide a rich backdrop for the story.

Character Descriptions

Harvey Cheyne Jr.

Harvey Cheyne Jr., also known as "Harvey," is the central character of the novel. He is a fifteen-year-old boy from a wealthy family, accustomed to a life of privilege and indulgence. Harvey is described as having blond hair, blue eyes, and a slender frame. At the beginning of the story, Harvey is portrayed as arrogant, self-centered, and lacking in empathy.


Manuel is a Portuguese fisherman and becomes an influential figure in Harvey's life. He is described as a strong and skilled seaman with a kind heart. Manuel is responsible for saving Harvey from drowning after he falls off a ship. He becomes Harvey's mentor and teaches him the ways of the sea.

Captain Disko Troop

Captain Disko Troop is the captain of the "We're Here" fishing schooner. He is an experienced and respected seaman who takes his responsibilities seriously. Captain Troop is described as a robust and authoritative figure with a gray beard and a commanding presence.

Dan Troop

Dan Troop is Captain Troop's son and one of the crew members on the "We're Here." He is a hardworking and loyal fisherman who initially resents Harvey's presence on the ship. Dan is described as muscular and tough, but he eventually develops a friendship with Harvey.

Mr. Cheyne

Mr. Cheyne is Harvey's father, a wealthy businessman who is concerned about his son's behavior and decides to send him on a fishing trip to teach him a lesson. He is described as a stern and serious man who wants his son to learn the value of hard work and responsibility.

Mrs. Cheyne

Mrs. Cheyne is Harvey's mother, who is initially worried about her son's safety but later realizes the positive impact the fishing trip has on his character. She is described as a caring and supportive woman who wants the best for her son.

Long Jack

Long Jack is a seasoned fisherman and one of the crew members on the "We're Here." He is described as tall and thin, with a weathered face and a cynical demeanor. Long Jack serves as a mentor to Harvey and provides guidance and wisdom.

Tom Platt

Tom Platt is another crew member on the "We're Here." He is an experienced fisherman who takes an interest in Harvey's development. Tom Platt is described as a strong and reliable man with a good sense of humor.

Uncle Salters

Uncle Salters is an elderly and cranky fisherman on the "We're Here." He initially dislikes Harvey but eventually warms up to him. Uncle Salters is described as a grumpy and stubborn character.

Character Traits

Harvey Cheyne Jr.

  • Arrogant
  • Entitled
  • Self-centered
  • Impulsive
  • Immature
  • Privileged
  • Curious
  • Quick learner
  • Compassionate
  • Responsible


  • Kind-hearted
  • Skilled
  • Patient
  • Wise
  • Humble
  • Generous
  • Experienced

Captain Disko Troop

  • Authoritative
  • Responsible
  • Experienced
  • Commanding
  • Disciplined
  • Fair
  • Traditional
  • Caring

Dan Troop

  • Hardworking
  • Loyal
  • Tough
  • Resilient
  • Protective
  • Independent
  • Friendly

Mr. Cheyne

  • Stern
  • Serious
  • Concerned
  • Responsible
  • Disciplined
  • Pragmatic
  • Caring

Mrs. Cheyne

  • Caring
  • Supportive
  • Nurturing
  • Loving
  • Understanding
  • Patient
  • Resilient

Long Jack

  • Cynical
  • Wise
  • Experienced
  • Mentor-like
  • Sensitive
  • Observant
  • Supportive

Tom Platt

  • Strong
  • Reliable
  • Humorous
  • Supportive
  • Experienced
  • Adventurous
  • Good-natured

Uncle Salters

  • Grumpy
  • Stubborn
  • Traditional
  • Resistant to change
  • Caring (in his own way)
  • Protective
  • Observant

Character Background

Harvey Cheyne Jr.

Harvey comes from a wealthy family and has lived a life of privilege and luxury. He is used to having everything handed to him without having to work for it. His father, Mr. Cheyne, decides to send him on a fishing trip to teach him the value of hard work and responsibility.


Manuel is a Portuguese fisherman who has spent most of his life at sea. He is skilled in fishing and has a deep understanding of the ocean. Manuel's background is not extensively explored in the novel, but his experiences as a fisherman shape his character and wisdom.

Captain Disko Troop

Captain Disko Troop has been a seaman for most of his life. He comes from a long line of fishermen and takes great pride in his family's tradition. Captain Troop's background is rooted in the fishing industry, and his knowledge and experience make him a respected figure among the crew.

Dan Troop

Dan Troop has grown up in a fishing community and has been working as a fisherman for many years. He is familiar with the hardships and challenges of the sea. Dan's background contributes to his strong work ethic and loyalty towards his crewmates.

Mr. Cheyne

Mr. Cheyne is a successful businessman who has built his fortune through hard work and determination. He is concerned about his son's behavior and believes that exposing Harvey to the harsh realities of the fishing industry will help him develop character and responsibility.

Mrs. Cheyne

Mrs. Cheyne is a caring and supportive mother who worries about her son's well-being. She initially opposes the idea of sending Harvey on a fishing trip but later realizes the positive impact it has on his character development.

Long Jack

Long Jack has spent most of his life at sea, working as a fisherman. His background is rooted in the fishing industry, and his experiences shape his cynical yet wise perspective on life. Long Jack's knowledge and mentoring contribute to Harvey's growth.

Tom Platt

Tom Platt comes from a family of fishermen and has worked in the industry for many years. His background and experiences as a crew member on the "We're Here" provide him with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the challenges of the sea.

Uncle Salters

Uncle Salters is an elderly fisherman who has spent his entire life working at sea. His background is deeply rooted in tradition, and he is resistant to change. Uncle Salters' experiences and stubbornness add depth to his character and influence his interactions with Harvey.

Character Arcs

Harvey Cheyne Jr.

Harvey's character arc is the central focus of the novel. At the beginning, he is portrayed as an arrogant and entitled young boy who lacks empathy for others. However, his experiences on the fishing trip and interactions with the crew members gradually transform him into a mature and compassionate individual. Harvey learns the value of hard work, responsibility, and the importance of considering others' feelings.


Manuel's character arc is intertwined with Harvey's development. He starts as a skilled fisherman who saves Harvey's life but remains somewhat mysterious. As the story progresses, Manuel becomes Harvey's mentor and teaches him valuable lessons about life, the sea, and the importance of kindness. Manuel's character arc highlights his wisdom, generosity, and selflessness.

Captain Disko Troop, Dan Troop, Long Jack, Tom Platt, and Uncle Salters

While these supporting characters do not undergo significant character arcs, their interactions and relationships with Harvey contribute to his growth. They serve as mentors, guides, and friends, providing him with valuable life lessons and shaping his understanding of the world.


Harvey Cheyne Jr. and Manuel

The relationship between Harvey and Manuel is crucial to Harvey's transformation. Manuel saves Harvey from drowning and becomes his mentor and friend. Manuel's patience, kindness, and wisdom help Harvey develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the world.

Harvey Cheyne Jr. and Captain Disko Troop

Captain Disko Troop initially sees Harvey as an unwanted burden on his ship. However, as the story progresses, he recognizes Harvey's potential and becomes a mentor figure to him. Captain Troop's guidance and discipline play a significant role in Harvey's character development.

Harvey Cheyne Jr. and Dan Troop

At first, Dan Troop resents Harvey's presence on the ship and sees him as a privileged and spoiled boy. However, as they spend more time together, a friendship develops between them. Dan's loyalty and friendship contribute to Harvey's growth and understanding of others.

Harvey Cheyne Jr. and Long Jack

Long Jack serves as a mentor to Harvey, providing him with guidance and wisdom. Their relationship is characterized by Long Jack's cynicism and Harvey's curiosity. Long Jack's insights and observations help Harvey navigate the challenges of the fishing trip and gain a deeper understanding of life.

Harvey Cheyne Jr. and Tom Platt

Tom Platt takes an interest in Harvey's development and becomes a supportive figure in his life. He offers guidance, humor, and friendship to Harvey. Tom Platt's experiences as a fisherman provide Harvey with valuable lessons about the sea and the importance of camaraderie.

Harvey Cheyne Jr. and Uncle Salters

Uncle Salters initially dislikes Harvey but eventually warms up to him. Their relationship is characterized by Uncle Salters' grumpiness and Harvey's persistence. As the story progresses, Uncle Salters becomes more protective of Harvey and plays a role in his growth and acceptance within the crew.

In conclusion, "Captains Courageous" by Rudyard Kipling features a diverse cast of characters who contribute to the development of the protagonist, Harvey Cheyne Jr. Each character brings unique traits, backgrounds, and relationships that shape Harvey's character arc. Through his interactions with Manuel, Captain Disko Troop, Dan Troop, Long Jack, Tom Platt, and Uncle Salters, Harvey learns valuable lessons about responsibility, empathy, and the importance of hard work. The supporting characters serve as mentors, guides, and friends, providing Harvey with the tools to mature and become a courageous individual.