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3.88 / 5

"Footloose" Summary

By Rudy Josephs

young adult | 228 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9781408828793

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A thrilling novel that follows the intense journey of a young dancer who fights against a repressive society to pursue his passion for dance.


"Footloose" is a captivating novel written by Rudy Josephs that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the world of dance and self-discovery. Set in the backdrop of a small town called Bomont, the story revolves around a rebellious teenager named Ren McCormack, who moves from Chicago to Bomont with his mother. The book explores themes of freedom, expression, and the power of breaking free from societal norms.

Brief Synopsis

The story of "Footloose" begins with Ren McCormack, a vibrant and energetic teenager, moving to the conservative town of Bomont after his father abandons him and his mother. The town is governed by strict religious beliefs and has banned dancing and rock music. Ren's rebellious nature clashes with the town's rules, and he becomes determined to challenge the status quo and bring change to Bomont.

Ren befriends Willard Hewitt, a local boy who becomes his ally in his quest to overturn the dance ban. Ren's strong-willed and independent personality attracts the attention of Ariel Moore, the daughter of Reverend Shaw Moore, the town's influential spiritual leader. Despite her father's disapproval, Ariel is drawn to Ren's free-spirited nature and joins him in his mission.

Together, Ren, Ariel, and their group of friends organize a secret dance event to defy the ban and showcase the importance of self-expression. Their efforts face resistance from the conservative townspeople, including Reverend Moore. However, as the story progresses, the characters' determination and resilience inspire the community to question their beliefs and embrace the power of dance.

Main Characters

Character NameDescription
Ren McCormackA rebellious teenager who moves to Bomont and challenges the town's dance ban
Ariel MooreThe daughter of Reverend Shaw Moore and Ren's love interest
Reverend Shaw MooreThe influential spiritual leader of Bomont who opposes dancing
Willard HewittRen's best friend who initially struggles with dancing but eventually becomes a supporter
Ethel McCormackRen's mother who supports him in his pursuit of change

Summary of Story Points

Chapters 1-3: Ren's Arrival and Discovery of the Dance Ban

Ren McCormack arrives in Bomont and quickly realizes the strict rules and dance ban in the town. He meets Ariel Moore, the spirited daughter of Reverend Shaw Moore, and befriends Willard Hewitt. Ren becomes determined to challenge the dance ban and bring about change.

Chapters 4-6: Ren's Efforts to Organize a Secret Dance Event

Ren and his friends begin planning a secret dance event to defy the ban. They face resistance from the townspeople, especially Reverend Moore. Ren's relationship with Ariel deepens, and they find solace in each other's company.

Chapters 7-9: Conflict and Tension Rise

As the date of the secret dance event approaches, tensions rise within the community. Reverend Moore's opposition intensifies, causing a divide among the townspeople. Ren and Ariel's relationship is tested, but their determination remains unwavering.

Chapters 10-12: The Power of Dance and Change

The secret dance event takes place, showcasing the community's hidden desire for self-expression. The event has a profound impact on the townspeople, including Reverend Moore, who realizes the importance of embracing change and allowing freedom of expression.

Main Events

  1. Ren McCormack's arrival in Bomont and discovery of the dance ban
  2. Ren's determination to challenge the ban and bring change
  3. Ren's friendship with Willard and his relationship with Ariel
  4. Planning and organizing the secret dance event
  5. Resistance from the townspeople, especially Reverend Moore
  6. Tensions and conflicts within the community
  7. The realization of the power of dance and the desire for change
  8. The secret dance event and its impact on the townspeople
  9. Reverend Moore's change of heart and acceptance of self-expression

Themes and Insights

  • Freedom and Self-Expression: "Footloose" explores the importance of freedom and self-expression, highlighting the transformative power of dance as a form of personal and collective liberation.
  • Resilience and Determination: The characters in the book demonstrate resilience and determination in their pursuit of change, inspiring readers to stand up for what they believe in, even when faced with opposition.
  • Breaking Societal Norms: The story challenges societal norms and encourages individuals to question established rules and traditions that may limit personal growth and happiness.
  • The Influence of Community: The book emphasizes the impact a united community can have in bringing about change. It shows how collective action can challenge long-standing beliefs and create a more inclusive and accepting society.

Reader's Takeaway

"Footloose" is a captivating novel that reminds readers of the importance of breaking free from societal constraints and embracing self-expression. It inspires individuals to question the status quo and fight for their beliefs, highlighting the transformative power of dance and the potential for positive change within communities.


Rudy Josephs' "Footloose" takes readers on a thrilling journey through the world of dance and personal liberation. The story of Ren McCormack and his quest to challenge the dance ban in the conservative town of Bomont is filled with tension, romance, and inspiration. "Footloose" serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of individual freedom, resilience, and the transformative power of self-expression.

Footloose FAQ

  1. What is the genre of the book 'Footloose'?

    The book 'Footloose' is a fiction novel.

  2. Who is the author of 'Footloose'?

    The author of 'Footloose' is Rudy Josephs.

  3. What is the main theme of the book 'Footloose'?

    The main theme of 'Footloose' revolves around adventure and self-discovery.

  4. What is the synopsis of the book 'Footloose'?

    The book 'Footloose' follows the story of a young traveler who embarks on a journey to explore the world, encountering various cultures, landscapes, and personal challenges along the way.

  5. Is the book 'Footloose' part of a series?

    No, 'Footloose' is a standalone novel.

  6. What age group is the book 'Footloose' suitable for?

    The book 'Footloose' is suitable for young adult and adult readers.

  7. Where can I purchase a copy of 'Footloose'?

    You can purchase a copy of 'Footloose' at local bookstores or online retailers such as Amazon.

  8. How long is the book 'Footloose'?

    The book 'Footloose' consists of 300 pages.

  9. Are there any illustrations in the book 'Footloose'?

    No, 'Footloose' is a text-only novel without illustrations.

  10. Has the book 'Footloose' won any awards?

    As of now, 'Footloose' has not won any awards.