Forget Me Not
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4.26 / 5

"Forget Me Not" Characters Analysis

By Ellie Terry

middle grade | 336 pages | Published in 2017

ISBN_13: 9781250096272

Estimated read time: 9 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Calliope JuneProtagonist
Calliope's MomMother
Calliope's DadFather
Mr. RodriguezTeacher
Mrs. DavisLibrarian
Grandma RoseSupportive Figure
Uncle BillyMentor

Role Identification

The characters in "Forget Me Not" play various important roles in shaping the protagonist's journey. Calliope June, the main character, faces challenges and undergoes personal growth throughout the story. Jinsong serves as a supportive friend, while Calliope's parents and Grandma Rose provide a nurturing environment. Kay acts as the primary antagonist, and Mr. Rodriguez and Mrs. Davis offer guidance and mentorship. Uncle Billy plays a crucial role in Calliope's character development.

Character Descriptions

Calliope June

Calliope June is a twelve-year-old girl with a unique condition called Tourette Syndrome. She has uncontrollable tics, which often lead to embarrassing situations. Calliope has long, curly hair and is described as being kind-hearted and determined. She loves writing poetry and dreams of becoming a famous poet one day.


Jinsong is Calliope's best friend. He is described as being understanding and supportive. Jinsong is of Chinese descent and has a passion for photography. He is always there for Calliope, helping her navigate the challenges she faces at school.

Calliope's Mom

Calliope's Mom is a caring and compassionate character. She is understanding of Calliope's condition and does her best to support her daughter. She often encourages Calliope to express herself and pursue her dreams.

Calliope's Dad

Calliope's Dad is a loving father who tries his best to create a safe and nurturing environment for Calliope. He is a source of stability and encouragement in Calliope's life.


Kay is a classmate and bully who constantly teases and taunts Calliope about her tics. She is described as mean-spirited and often takes pleasure in making fun of others.

Mr. Rodriguez

Mr. Rodriguez is Calliope's English teacher. He recognizes Calliope's talent for poetry and provides her with opportunities to showcase her work. He serves as a mentor and source of inspiration for Calliope.

Mrs. Davis

Mrs. Davis is the school librarian. She is supportive of Calliope's love for books and poetry. Mrs. Davis helps Calliope find resources and encourages her to participate in the school poetry slam.

Grandma Rose

Grandma Rose is Calliope's maternal grandmother. She is a strong and supportive figure in Calliope's life. Grandma Rose understands Calliope's struggles and encourages her to embrace her uniqueness.

Uncle Billy

Uncle Billy is Calliope's mother's brother. He is an accomplished poet and provides Calliope with guidance and mentorship. Uncle Billy helps Calliope develop her poetic skills and teaches her about the power of self-expression.

Character Traits

Calliope June

  • Kind-hearted
  • Determined
  • Creative
  • Empathetic
  • Resilient


  • Supportive
  • Understanding
  • Loyal
  • Creative

Calliope's Mom

  • Caring
  • Compassionate
  • Understanding
  • Nurturing

Calliope's Dad

  • Loving
  • Supportive
  • Encouraging
  • Reliable


  • Mean-spirited
  • Bully
  • Cruel
  • Manipulative

Mr. Rodriguez

  • Inspirational
  • Supportive
  • Mentor
  • Encouraging

Mrs. Davis

  • Supportive
  • Encouraging
  • Resourceful
  • Nurturing

Grandma Rose

  • Strong
  • Supportive
  • Wise
  • Understanding

Uncle Billy

  • Accomplished
  • Wise
  • Mentor
  • Creative

Character Background

Calliope June

Calliope June has lived with Tourette Syndrome for as long as she can remember. She was diagnosed at a young age and has faced challenges due to her tics, which often lead to misunderstandings and social isolation. Despite these difficulties, she has a loving and supportive family who encourages her to embrace her uniqueness.


Jinsong is Calliope's best friend, and they have known each other since elementary school. He comes from a supportive family and shares a love for photography with Calliope. Jinsong understands Calliope's struggles and stands by her side, providing friendship and support.

Calliope's Mom

Calliope's Mom has always been understanding and supportive of her daughter's condition. She has educated herself about Tourette Syndrome and advocates for Calliope's needs at school. She encourages Calliope to express herself through writing and poetry.

Calliope's Dad

Calliope's Dad is a loving and supportive father. He works hard to provide for his family and creates a safe and nurturing environment for Calliope. He often engages in activities that Calliope enjoys and encourages her to pursue her dreams.


Kay is a classmate who bullies Calliope due to her tics. She often uses Calliope's condition as a source of mockery and humiliation. Kay's motivations for bullying are not explored in depth, but her actions contribute to Calliope's struggles.

Mr. Rodriguez

Mr. Rodriguez is an English teacher who recognizes Calliope's talent for poetry. He provides her with opportunities to showcase her work and encourages her to pursue her passion. Mr. Rodriguez becomes a mentor figure for Calliope, helping her develop her writing skills and boosting her confidence.

Mrs. Davis

Mrs. Davis is the school librarian who supports Calliope's love for books and poetry. She helps Calliope find resources and encourages her to participate in the school poetry slam. Mrs. Davis provides a safe space for Calliope to explore her interests and express herself.

Grandma Rose

Grandma Rose is Calliope's maternal grandmother, and they share a special bond. She understands Calliope's struggles and offers words of wisdom and encouragement. Grandma Rose acts as a guiding presence, reminding Calliope of her strength and uniqueness.

Uncle Billy

Uncle Billy is an accomplished poet and Calliope's mentor. He recognizes Calliope's talent and provides her with guidance and support. Uncle Billy helps Calliope refine her poetic skills and teaches her about the power of self-expression through writing.

Character Arcs

Calliope June

Throughout the story, Calliope undergoes a significant character arc. At the beginning, she is shy and insecure about her tics, often feeling isolated from her peers. As the story progresses, Calliope gains confidence through her love for poetry and the support of her friends and family. She learns to embrace her uniqueness and finds her voice, ultimately participating in the school poetry slam and sharing her talent with others.


Jinsong's character arc is more subtle compared to Calliope's. He starts as a supportive friend and continues to provide unwavering support throughout the story. Jinsong's role remains consistent, offering stability and friendship to Calliope as she navigates her challenges.


Kay's character arc is primarily that of an antagonist. She consistently bullies Calliope throughout the story, causing emotional distress. However, towards the end, Kay begins to show glimpses of remorse, implying the potential for personal growth and change.


Calliope June and Jinsong

Calliope and Jinsong share a deep and supportive friendship. Jinsong is always there for Calliope, offering understanding and standing up for her against bullies. Their friendship provides a sense of belonging and comfort for Calliope, allowing her to be herself.

Calliope June and Calliope's Mom

Calliope's relationship with her mother is loving and nurturing. Calliope's Mom understands her struggles and provides emotional support. She encourages Calliope to express herself and pursue her dreams, fostering a strong bond between them.

Calliope June and Calliope's Dad

Calliope's relationship with her father is characterized by love and support. He creates a safe and nurturing environment for Calliope, offering stability and encouragement. Calliope's Dad engages in activities that Calliope enjoys, strengthening their bond.

Calliope June and Kay

Calliope and Kay have a strained relationship due to Kay's bullying behavior. Kay's relentless teasing and taunting contribute to Calliope's struggles. However, towards the end of the story, there are hints of Kay's potential for change, suggesting a more complex dynamic between them.

Calliope June and Mr. Rodriguez

Calliope's relationship with Mr. Rodriguez starts as that of a teacher and student but evolves into a mentorship. Mr. Rodriguez recognizes Calliope's talent and helps her develop her poetic skills. He becomes a source of inspiration and encouragement, fostering a strong bond between them.

Calliope June and Mrs. Davis

Calliope's relationship with Mrs. Davis is one of support and encouragement. Mrs. Davis recognizes Calliope's love for books and poetry, providing her with resources and opportunities to participate in the school's poetry slam. Mrs. Davis creates a safe space for Calliope, fostering her passion for writing.

Calliope June and Grandma Rose

Calliope's relationship with Grandma Rose is one of unconditional love and understanding. Grandma Rose offers wisdom and encouragement, reminding Calliope of her strength and uniqueness. Their bond provides Calliope with a sense of belonging and emotional support.

Calliope June and Uncle Billy

Calliope's relationship with Uncle Billy is one of mentorship and guidance. Uncle Billy, an accomplished poet himself, recognizes Calliope's talent and helps her refine her poetic skills. He teaches her about the power of self-expression and serves as a source of inspiration. Their relationship plays a crucial role in Calliope's character development.