Gangsta Granny
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"Gangsta Granny" Characters Analysis

By David Walliams

childrens | 299 pages | Published in 2011

Another hilarious and moving novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children’s author in the country. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David’s previous bestsellers.Our hero Ben is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at his grandma’s house. She’s the boringest grandma ever: all she wants to do is to play Scrabble, and eat cabbage soup. But there are two things Ben doesn’t know about his grandma.1) She was once an international jewel thief.2) All her life, she has been plotting to steal the Crown Jewels, and now she needs Ben’s help…


Estimated read time: 8 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
GrannySupporting Character
MumSupporting Character
DadSupporting Character
RajSupporting Character
Mr. ParkerSupporting Character

Role Identification

In the book "Gangsta Granny" by David Walliams, the main character is Ben. He serves as the protagonist who embarks on an unexpected adventure with his eccentric and mysterious Granny. Other important characters include Granny, Ben's parents (Mum and Dad), Raj, and Mr. Parker.

Character Descriptions


Ben, a young boy in his pre-teens, is the central character of the story. He is depicted as an ordinary boy who finds his grandmother's company boring. Ben is initially disappointed by his Granny's repetitive and predictable visits. However, as the story progresses, Ben discovers the exciting secret life his Granny leads as a jewel thief.


Granny is portrayed as an elderly woman with a seemingly dull and uneventful life. She is always dressed in her traditional floral attire and carries a seemingly endless supply of cabbage soup. Granny's true personality unfolds when Ben discovers her secret life as an international jewel thief. Beneath her innocent facade lies a cunning and adventurous side that surprises both Ben and the readers.

Mum and Dad

Ben's parents, Mum and Dad, play supporting roles in the story. They are depicted as typical parents who are preoccupied with their own lives and seem oblivious to Ben's boredom during his visits to Granny's house. Mum and Dad are unable to comprehend the excitement and adventure Ben experiences with Granny until the truth is revealed.


Raj is a local shop owner who befriends Ben. He is lively, enthusiastic, and portrays a strong bond with his customers. Raj becomes an ally to Ben and Granny in their mission to steal the Crown Jewels. His knowledge and connections help them in their endeavor, and he adds a comedic element to the story.

Mr. Parker

Mr. Parker is the strict neighborhood watchman who patrols the area where Granny lives. He is portrayed as a no-nonsense character who is suspicious of Granny and her activities. Mr. Parker becomes a formidable obstacle for Ben, Granny, and their plan to steal the Crown Jewels.

Character Traits


Ben is initially portrayed as a bored and disinterested boy who craves excitement and adventure. However, as the story progresses, he develops traits of curiosity, bravery, and resourcefulness. Ben's character arc shows how he transforms from a bored child to an active participant in Granny's thrilling escapades.


Granny is a multi-dimensional character who initially appears as a typical grandmother figure. However, her true character traits emerge when her secret life as a jewel thief is revealed. She possesses cunning, wit, and a spirit of adventure. Granny's character arc showcases her hidden talents and the bond she develops with Ben.

Mum and Dad

Mum and Dad are portrayed as busy and somewhat oblivious parents. They are characterized by their conventional and routine lifestyles, which contrast with the thrilling experiences Ben encounters with Granny. Their character traits include being caring parents who eventually learn to appreciate the importance of family time and the adventures that can be found within it.


Raj is a jovial character with a zest for life. He is friendly, helpful, and always ready to lend a hand. Raj's character traits include being resourceful, humorous, and an important ally to Ben and Granny in their mission to steal the Crown Jewels.

Mr. Parker

Mr. Parker is depicted as a strict and suspicious character. He is vigilant about maintaining law and order in the neighborhood and becomes a significant obstacle for Ben and Granny's plans. Mr. Parker's character traits include being observant, cautious, and determined to uncover Granny's secret activities.

Character Background


Ben is an ordinary boy who lives with his parents in a regular neighborhood. He has a typical school life and is often bored during his visits to Granny's house. Ben's character background sets the stage for his desire for excitement and adventure, leading him to discover his Granny's secret life.


Granny's background is initially portrayed as unremarkable, with her life revolving around baking cabbage soup and playing Scrabble. However, as the story unfolds, it is revealed that Granny has a hidden past as a jewel thief. Her character background adds an element of surprise and intrigue to the story.

Mum and Dad

Mum and Dad's background is depicted as ordinary and routine. They are portrayed as loving parents who are slightly disconnected from Ben's desire for adventure. Their character background reflects the typical challenges of balancing work and family life.


Raj's background is not extensively explored in the story. He is presented as a local shop owner with a friendly and helpful nature. His character background adds diversity to the story and introduces a character who brings humor and support to Ben and Granny.

Mr. Parker

Mr. Parker's background is not explicitly provided in the story. He is presented as a strict neighborhood watchman who takes his role seriously. His character background suggests a strong sense of duty and a commitment to maintaining order in the community.

Character Arcs


Ben's character arc is significant in "Gangsta Granny." Initially bored and disinterested, he undergoes a transformation as he discovers Granny's secret life as a jewel thief. Ben's arc involves embracing adventure, developing bravery, and learning the importance of family connections. By the end of the story, Ben becomes an active and willing participant in Granny's escapades.


Granny's character arc is also central to the story. Initially presented as a typical grandmother figure, her true personality is gradually unveiled as her secret life as a jewel thief is revealed. Granny's arc involves rediscovering her adventurous side, bonding with Ben, and finding purpose and excitement in her life once again.

Mum and Dad

Mum and Dad's character arcs are secondary to Ben and Granny's arcs. They initially appear preoccupied and disconnected from Ben's desire for adventure. However, as the story progresses, they begin to appreciate the importance of family time and the value of shared experiences. Mum and Dad's arcs involve a shift in priorities and a deeper understanding of their son's desires.


Raj's character arc is relatively minor compared to the other characters. He serves as a supportive ally to Ben and Granny throughout their adventures. Raj's arc involves showcasing his resourcefulness and humor, highlighting the importance of friendship and community support.

Mr. Parker

Mr. Parker's character arc is limited but significant in creating tension and obstacles for Ben and Granny. He remains suspicious and vigilant throughout the story, adding a sense of danger and challenge. Mr. Parker's arc involves an ongoing pursuit of uncovering Granny's secret activities, creating suspense and conflict in the narrative.


Ben and Granny

The relationship between Ben and Granny is at the heart of the story. Initially distant, their bond strengthens as Ben discovers Granny's thrilling secret life. They develop a deep connection built on trust, adventure, and shared experiences. Through their escapades, Ben and Granny learn to appreciate and understand each other, forming a unique and unbreakable bond.

Ben and Mum/Dad

The relationship between Ben and his parents, Mum and Dad, is initially strained due to their lack of understanding of his desire for adventure. However, as the story progresses, Ben's adventures with Granny help bridge the gap between him and his parents. They eventually recognize the importance of spending quality time together and develop a deeper appreciation for Ben's desires.

Ben and Raj

Ben's relationship with Raj is one of friendship and support. Raj becomes an important ally to Ben and Granny, providing them with knowledge, resources, and humor. Raj's friendship with Ben highlights the significance of community connections and the value of having a trustworthy friend.

Granny and Mr. Parker

Granny's relationship with Mr. Parker is one of suspicion and secrecy. Mr. Parker is always on the lookout for any suspicious activities, and Granny's secret life as a jewel thief adds a layer of tension to their interactions. This relationship creates a sense of danger and challenge for Granny's adventures.

In conclusion, "Gangsta Granny" by David Walliams presents a diverse range of characters with distinct roles, traits, backgrounds, and arcs. The relationships between the characters, particularly Ben and Granny, form the emotional core of the story. Through their shared adventures, the characters learn valuable lessons about family, friendship, and embracing the unexpected.