I Too Had a Love Story
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3.64 / 5

"I Too Had a Love Story" Summary

By Ravinder Singh

romance | 112 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9788188575701

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A heartwarming tale of love, loss, and resilience that will leave you teary-eyed.


"I Too Had a Love Story" is a heartwarming and emotional novel written by Ravinder Singh. Published in 2008, this book quickly gained popularity among readers for its poignant narrative and relatable characters. Set in Punjab, India, the story revolves around the protagonist, Ravin, and his journey of love, loss, and hope. Through his heartfelt storytelling, Singh explores the themes of love, fate, and the power of memories.

Brief Synopsis

The plot of "I Too Had a Love Story" centers around Ravin, a young man working in a software company in Chandigarh. Ravin leads a simple and content life until he decides to explore the world of online dating. Little does he know that this decision will change his life forever.

Ravin's life takes an unexpected turn when he meets Khushi, a witty and compassionate girl from Punjab. They connect instantly and their virtual friendship soon blossoms into a beautiful and intense love story. Despite the physical distance between them, Ravin and Khushi find solace in their deep emotional connection.

However, tragedy strikes when Khushi meets with a fatal accident. Ravin's world comes crashing down as he tries to come to terms with the loss of his beloved. The novel delves into Ravin's journey of grief, his struggle to keep Khushi's memory alive, and his search for hope and healing.

Main Characters

RavinThe protagonist of the story, Ravin is a young man working in Chandigarh. He is compassionate, romantic, and deeply in love with Khushi.
KhushiThe love interest of Ravin, Khushi is a vibrant and caring girl from Punjab. She possesses a strong personality and an infectious zest for life.

Summary of Story Points

Chapter 1-5: The Beginning of Love

Ravin, an introverted software engineer, decides to try online dating and creates a profile on a matrimonial website. He connects with Khushi, a girl who captivates him with her charm and intelligence. They begin exchanging messages and soon fall deeply in love, despite never meeting in person.

Chapter 6-10: The Blossoming of Love

Ravin and Khushi continue their virtual relationship, sharing their dreams, fears, and aspirations. They realize that their love transcends physical boundaries and decide to meet in person. Their first meeting is filled with nervous excitement and sparks fly as they spend time together, solidifying their bond.

Chapter 11-15: Trials and Tribulations

Ravin and Khushi face challenges in their relationship as they navigate through societal expectations and familial pressure. They struggle to convince their families about their love and face opposition from their loved ones. However, their love remains strong, and they find solace in each other's support.

Chapter 16-20: Tragic Turn of Events

Tragedy strikes as Khushi meets with a devastating accident on her way to meet Ravin. Ravin's world crumbles as he receives the news and rushes to be by her side. The chapters explore Ravin's anguish, his struggle to cope with the loss, and his determination to keep Khushi's memories alive.

Chapter 21-25: Healing and Hope

Ravin embarks on a journey of healing, finding solace in his memories of Khushi. Through the support of his friends and family, he gradually begins to rebuild his life. The chapters depict Ravin's growth, his acceptance of the past, and his newfound hope for the future.

Main Events

  1. Ravin and Khushi's virtual connection and the blossoming of their love.
  2. The challenges faced by Ravin and Khushi in their relationship due to societal pressures.
  3. Khushi's tragic accident and the impact it has on Ravin's life.
  4. Ravin's journey of grief, healing, and finding hope after Khushi's death.

Themes and Insights


  • Love and its ability to transcend physical boundaries.
  • The power of memories and their role in healing and moving forward.
  • Fate and the unexpected turns life can take.
  • Society's influence on relationships and the challenges faced by couples.


  • The novel highlights the importance of cherishing the present and valuing the people we love.
  • It explores the strength of human resilience in the face of tragedy.
  • The story emphasizes the significance of emotional connections and the impact they can have on our lives.

Reader's Takeaway

"I Too Had a Love Story" is a poignant tale that tugs at the heartstrings of readers. It reminds us of the fragility of life and the importance of treasuring the moments we have with the ones we love. Through Ravin's journey, readers are reminded of the strength of the human spirit and the power of love to heal even the deepest wounds.


"I Too Had a Love Story" is a captivating novel that explores the depths of love, loss, and healing. Ravinder Singh's heartfelt storytelling and relatable characters make this book an emotional rollercoaster. With its themes of love, fate, and memories, this novel leaves a lasting impact on readers, reminding them of the power of love even in the face of adversity.

I Too Had a Love Story FAQ

  1. What is 'I Too Had a Love Story' about?

    'I Too Had a Love Story' is a heartwarming novel that tells the story of Ravin, a young software engineer, and his journey of finding true love.

  2. Who is the author of 'I Too Had a Love Story'?

    The author of 'I Too Had a Love Story' is Ravinder Singh.

  3. Is 'I Too Had a Love Story' based on a true story?

    Yes, 'I Too Had a Love Story' is based on the author's real-life experiences and his own love story.

  4. What genre does 'I Too Had a Love Story' belong to?

    'I Too Had a Love Story' belongs to the genre of contemporary romance.

  5. Is 'I Too Had a Love Story' a standalone novel or part of a series?

    'I Too Had a Love Story' is a standalone novel.

  6. What is the target audience for 'I Too Had a Love Story'?

    The target audience for 'I Too Had a Love Story' is young adults and fans of romance novels.

  7. Is 'I Too Had a Love Story' available in multiple languages?

    Yes, 'I Too Had a Love Story' has been translated into multiple languages to reach a wider audience.

  8. Can I purchase a physical copy of 'I Too Had a Love Story'?

    Yes, 'I Too Had a Love Story' is available in physical bookstores and can also be purchased online.

  9. Are there any sequels to 'I Too Had a Love Story'?

    No, 'I Too Had a Love Story' does not have any direct sequels, but the author has written other novels that explore similar themes.

  10. Has 'I Too Had a Love Story' won any awards?

    Yes, 'I Too Had a Love Story' has received several awards and accolades for its emotional storytelling.