Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life
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"Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life" Characters Analysis

By Wendy Mass

realistic fiction | 289 pages | Published in 2006

ISBN_13: 9780316058292

Estimated read time: 6 min read

List of Characters

Jeremy FinkProtagonist
LizzyJeremy's friend
Mr. OswaldEccentric neighbor
Professor HindPhilosopher

Role Identification

Jeremy Fink

Jeremy Fink is the protagonist of the novel "Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life." He embarks on a quest to discover the meaning of life after receiving a mysterious box on his 13th birthday.


Lizzy is Jeremy's best friend who accompanies him on his journey to unlock the secrets of the box and find the meaning of life.

Mr. Oswald

Mr. Oswald is an eccentric neighbor of Jeremy and Lizzy. He plays a crucial role in guiding the children on their quest.

Professor Hind

Professor Hind is a philosopher who provides valuable insights to Jeremy and Lizzy as they seek to unravel the mystery of the box.

Character Descriptions

Jeremy Fink

Jeremy Fink is a curious and introspective 13-year-old boy who is deeply affected by the loss of his father. He is intelligent, thoughtful, and determined to uncover the meaning of life. Throughout the novel, Jeremy's character evolves as he navigates the challenges of adolescence and grapples with profound questions about existence.


Lizzy is Jeremy's loyal and adventurous best friend. She is characterized by her bold and spirited nature, which complements Jeremy's more contemplative demeanor. Lizzy's unwavering support and enthusiasm propel the duo forward in their quest.

Mr. Oswald

Mr. Oswald is a reclusive and enigmatic neighbor who becomes an unexpected ally to Jeremy and Lizzy. His unconventional wisdom and mysterious past add depth to the narrative, offering guidance to the young protagonists.

Professor Hind

Professor Hind is a wise and enigmatic philosopher who imparts philosophical wisdom to Jeremy and Lizzy. His intellectual insights and thought-provoking discussions contribute to the novel's exploration of existential themes.

Character Traits

Jeremy FinkCurious, introspective, determined, thoughtful
LizzyLoyal, adventurous, spirited, supportive
Mr. OswaldEccentric, enigmatic, wise, mysterious
Professor HindIntellectual, philosophical, enigmatic

Character Background

Jeremy Fink

Jeremy Fink's background is shaped by the profound impact of losing his father at a young age. This loss has instilled in him a deep sense of introspection and a quest for meaning. His close friendship with Lizzy provides him with the support and encouragement he needs to embark on a journey of self-discovery.


Lizzy's background is characterized by her vibrant and adventurous spirit. She is fiercely loyal to Jeremy and is driven by a sense of curiosity and a thirst for exploration. Her background serves as a catalyst for her willingness to accompany Jeremy on his quest.

Mr. Oswald

Mr. Oswald's background is shrouded in mystery, adding an intriguing layer to his character. His reclusive nature and enigmatic past hint at a life filled with experiences that have shaped his unconventional wisdom and perspective.

Professor Hind

Professor Hind's background as a philosopher and intellectual provides him with a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. His scholarly pursuits and deep contemplation of existential questions position him as a significant influence on Jeremy and Lizzy's quest.

Character Arcs

Jeremy Fink

Jeremy undergoes a significant character arc as he grapples with the loss of his father and embarks on a journey to uncover the meaning of life. His initial introspective nature evolves as he engages with philosophical concepts and experiences personal growth through his interactions with Lizzy, Mr. Oswald, and Professor Hind.


Lizzy experiences her own character arc, transitioning from a spirited and adventurous companion to Jeremy to someone who gains a deeper understanding of friendship, empathy, and the complexities of existential questions. Her unwavering support for Jeremy is a constant throughout her arc.

Mr. Oswald

Mr. Oswald's character arc unfolds as he gradually reveals layers of wisdom and vulnerability, ultimately becoming a guiding figure for Jeremy and Lizzy. His transformation from an enigmatic neighbor to a mentor underscores the depth of his character.

Professor Hind

Professor Hind's character arc is characterized by his role as a philosophical guide to Jeremy and Lizzy. His intellectual evolution and willingness to impart his wisdom contribute to the development of the young protagonists as they navigate their quest for meaning.


Jeremy and Lizzy

Jeremy and Lizzy share a deep and enduring friendship that forms the emotional core of the novel. Their bond is characterized by mutual support, understanding, and a shared sense of adventure. Their relationship evolves as they navigate the challenges of their quest, reinforcing the strength of their connection.

Jeremy and Mr. Oswald

Jeremy's relationship with Mr. Oswald evolves from initial skepticism to profound respect and affection. Mr. Oswald's unconventional wisdom and guidance play a pivotal role in Jeremy's journey, fostering a unique bond between the two characters.

Lizzy and Mr. Oswald

Lizzy's interactions with Mr. Oswald are marked by her initial curiosity and eventual admiration for his unconventional wisdom. Their relationship highlights the transformative impact of Mr. Oswald's guidance on the young protagonists.

Jeremy and Professor Hind

Jeremy's encounters with Professor Hind serve as intellectual and philosophical exchanges that shape his understanding of life's profound questions. Their relationship underscores the influence of mentorship and guidance on Jeremy's journey of self-discovery.

In "Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life," Wendy Mass crafts a narrative that explores existential themes through the dynamic interactions and personal growth of its characters. Jeremy, Lizzy, Mr. Oswald, and Professor Hind each contribute to the rich tapestry of the novel, offering readers a compelling exploration of friendship, introspection, and the pursuit of meaning.