Long Way Down
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4.31 / 5

"Long Way Down" Summary

By Jason Reynolds

young adult | 306 pages | Published in 2017

ISBN_13: 9781481438254

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A teenage boy navigates the aftermath of his brother's murder in a gripping novel-in-verse set during a tense elevator ride.


"Long Way Down" by Jason Reynolds is a gripping young adult novel that delves into the cycle of gun violence in a powerful and thought-provoking way. Reynolds' unique narrative style and compelling storytelling make this book a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary social issues and the impact of violence on individuals and communities.

Brief Synopsis

The novel is set in an impoverished neighborhood and revolves around the life of fifteen-year-old Will. The story takes place over the course of 60 seconds, as Will descends in an elevator with a gun tucked into his waistband. He is on a mission to avenge his brother Shawn's murder, following a set of unspoken rules of the neighborhood: "No crying, no snitching, and always seek revenge."

Plot Overview and Setting

The setting of "Long Way Down" is a gritty and tense urban environment, where the rules of the street carry more weight than the law. The narrative unfolds within the span of one minute, capturing the tension and urgency of Will's mission. As the elevator descends, Will is visited by a series of ghostly apparitions, each representing a victim of the cycle of violence that has plagued his community. Through these encounters, Will is forced to confront the impact of his choices and the repercussions of seeking revenge.

Main Characters

The novel primarily revolves around the following key characters:

WillThe protagonist, a 15-year-old boy seeking revenge for his brother's murder.
ShawnWill's older brother, who was murdered and whose death sets the events of the novel in motion.
Various GhostsRepresenting individuals affected by gun violence, each with a compelling story to tell.

Story Points Over Chapters

The story unfolds through a series of encounters with the ghosts of individuals who have been affected by gun violence. Each encounter reveals a different perspective on the cycle of revenge and its impact. The following is a summary of the key story points over the chapters:

Chapter 1: Ground

  • Will learns about his brother's murder and decides to seek revenge.

Chapter 2: Floor 7

  • Will encounters the ghost of his father, who was also killed by gun violence.

Chapter 3: Floor 6

  • The ghost of Buck, a neighborhood figure, appears and shares his story.

Chapter 4: Floor 5

  • Dani's ghost visits Will, revealing the collateral damage of gun violence.

Chapter 5: Floor 4

  • Will is confronted by his own role in perpetuating the cycle of violence.

Chapter 6: Floor 3

  • Will encounters the ghost of his brother Shawn, leading to a powerful revelation.

Chapter 7: Floor 2

  • The ghost of his best friend, Tony, appears, shedding light on the consequences of revenge.

Chapter 8: Floor 1

  • A shocking twist awaits as Will reaches the ground floor.

Main Events

The main events in "Long Way Down" revolve around Will's emotional journey as he grapples with the weight of his decision to seek revenge. The encounters with the ghostly figures force him to confront the ripple effect of violence and the complexity of his emotions. Each interaction challenges his preconceptions and forces him to reconsider his course of action.

Themes and Insights

Reynolds explores several poignant themes throughout the novel, including the cyclical nature of violence, the impact of loss on individuals and communities, the struggle for redemption, and the power of choice. The novel also delves into the broader issues of systemic inequality and the pervasive influence of street culture on young lives.

Reader's Takeaway

"Long Way Down" offers a profound and haunting exploration of the consequences of violence and the choices that shape our lives. Readers will be deeply moved by the raw emotion and stark portrayal of the impact of gun violence on individuals and families. The novel challenges preconceptions and invites introspection, making it an essential read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the human experience.


In "Long Way Down," Jason Reynolds delivers a compelling and unflinching narrative that captures the raw reality of urban life and the toll of unending violence. Through a masterful blend of storytelling and introspection, the novel leaves a lasting impression on readers, prompting them to contemplate the profound themes and moral dilemmas it presents. "Long Way Down" is a literary tour de force that demands to be read, discussed, and remembered.

Long Way Down FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'Long Way Down'?

    Long Way Down is a young adult novel that falls under the genre of contemporary fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'Long Way Down'?

    The author of 'Long Way Down' is Jason Reynolds.

  3. What is the main theme of 'Long Way Down'?

    The main theme of 'Long Way Down' revolves around the cycle of violence and the impact of personal choices.

  4. Can you provide a brief summary of 'Long Way Down'?

    Sure! 'Long Way Down' follows the story of a 15-year-old boy named Will who sets out for revenge after his brother is shot and killed. As he takes the elevator down, he is visited by the ghosts of people from his past, forcing him to confront the cycle of violence.

  5. What age group is 'Long Way Down' suitable for?

    Long Way Down is suitable for young adult readers, typically recommended for ages 12 and up.