Michael Kohlhaas
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"Michael Kohlhaas" Quotes

By Heinrich von Kleist

classics | 112 pages | Published in 2021

ISBN_13: 9781473593589
ISBN_10: 1473593581


A time will come when you will understand, Michael Kohlhaas, that it is not enough to be right.

Heinrich von Kleist

I will have my rights, or I will have revenge! I will have my rights, or I will have revenge!

Heinrich von Kleist

I am ready to make peace with the whole world, except for the men who have wronged me.

Heinrich von Kleist

I have been wronged, and I will only be satisfied with justice, not mercy.

Heinrich von Kleist

It is better to fight for justice than to live with injustice.

Heinrich von Kleist

Do not mistake my silence for acceptance. I am biding my time, waiting for justice to be served.

Heinrich von Kleist

I will not rest until the scales of justice are balanced in my favor.

Heinrich von Kleist

True freedom comes from standing up for what is right, even in the face of oppression.

Heinrich von Kleist

Do not mistake my determination for anger. I am simply resolute in my pursuit of justice.

Heinrich von Kleist

The measure of a man is not in his wealth or power, but in his integrity and sense of justice.

Heinrich von Kleist