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"Mythology" Summary

By Philip Wilkinson

mythology | 497 pages | Published in 1942

ISBN_13: 9780316341516

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

"Mythology" by Philip Wilkinson is a comprehensive guide to the myths and legends of the ancient world.


"Mythology" by Philip Wilkinson is a comprehensive guide to the world of myths and legends, offering an in-depth exploration of the stories, characters, and themes that have shaped cultures and civilizations throughout history. From Greek and Roman mythology to Norse and Egyptian legends, this book provides a captivating journey into the realms of gods, heroes, and mythical creatures.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview and Setting

"Mythology" takes readers on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of myths and legends from around the world. The book explores the origins and significance of these stories, shedding light on the cultural, religious, and moral values they embody. From the majestic Mount Olympus of Greek mythology to the enchanting realm of Asgard in Norse lore, the setting of "Mythology" spans across diverse civilizations and time periods.

Main Characters

ZeusKing of the gods in Greek mythology, known for his thunderbolt and role as the ruler of Mount Olympus.
ThorNorse god of thunder, renowned for his mighty hammer and protective role in Asgard.
IsisEgyptian goddess of magic and motherhood, revered for her wisdom and nurturing nature.
HerculesHero of Greek mythology, celebrated for his extraordinary strength and legendary Twelve Labors.
OdinAllfather of the Norse gods, associated with wisdom, war, and poetry, and revered as the creator of the world.

Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1: The Birth of the Gods

The book delves into the creation myths of various cultures, exploring the birth of gods and the emergence of the universe. It discusses the primordial chaos and the rise of deities who shaped the world and its inhabitants.

Chapter 2: Heroic Sagas

Readers are introduced to the epic tales of heroes and heroines, from the valiant feats of Hercules in Greek mythology to the courageous exploits of Beowulf in Norse sagas. The chapter illuminates the enduring appeal of heroic figures and their significance in different mythologies.

Chapter 3: Mythical Creatures

This chapter unravels the wondrous world of mythical beasts, from the majestic griffins and fearsome dragons to the elusive unicorns and powerful sphinxes. It explores the symbolic meanings and cultural interpretations of these fantastical creatures.

Chapter 4: Legends of Love and Betrayal

Exploring the themes of love, passion, and betrayal, this section delves into the romantic entanglements and tragic relationships depicted in mythological narratives. It examines the enduring tales of love and the consequences of betrayal in various mythologies.

Chapter 5: Gods of the Underworld

The realms of the afterlife and the deities governing them are the focus of this chapter. It delves into the myths surrounding the underworld, the journey of the soul after death, and the figures that preside over these enigmatic domains.

Chapter 6: Creation Myths

This chapter revisits the creation stories from different cultures, shedding light on the origins of the world and humanity as envisioned in diverse mythological traditions. It explores the symbolic significance of these narratives and their enduring relevance.

Main Events

The Twelve Labors of Hercules

Hercules, the legendary hero of Greek mythology, undertakes a series of incredible challenges, known as the Twelve Labors, as atonement for a tragic act. These labors include slaying the Nemean lion, capturing the Golden Hind, and cleaning the Augean stables, showcasing his unparalleled strength and valor.

The Binding of Fenrir

In Norse mythology, the powerful wolf Fenrir poses a threat to the gods, prompting them to devise a plan to restrain him. The gripping event culminates in the daring act of binding the ferocious wolf, resulting in significant repercussions for the divine realm.

The Tale of Osiris and Isis

The poignant myth of Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife, and his devoted wife Isis unfolds a story of love, betrayal, and resurrection. The narrative encapsulates themes of loyalty, devotion, and the eternal cycle of life and death.

Themes and Insights

The Power of Myth

"Mythology" underscores the enduring power of myths and legends as vessels of cultural values, moral teachings, and human aspirations. It illuminates how these timeless narratives continue to resonate across generations, offering profound insights into the human experience.

Archetypes and Symbolism

The book explores the archetypal characters, motifs, and symbols found in myths, revealing their universal relevance and psychological resonance. It delves into the profound symbolism embedded in mythological narratives, reflecting the collective unconscious of humanity.

Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Lessons

Through the exploration of moral dilemmas, ethical choices, and the consequences of actions depicted in myths, "Mythology" offers valuable lessons on integrity, resilience, and the complexities of human nature. It invites readers to contemplate the ethical dimensions of mythic stories and their relevance to contemporary society.

Reader's Takeaway

"Mythology" invites readers to embark on an enchanting odyssey through the captivating realms of gods, heroes, and mythical creatures. It offers a profound exploration of cultural narratives, moral teachings, and universal truths embedded in the world's mythological heritage. With its rich tapestry of stories and insightful commentary, the book inspires a deeper appreciation for the enduring legacy of myths and their profound impact on human consciousness.


In "Mythology," Philip Wilkinson skillfully guides readers through the enthralling landscapes of myth and legend, unraveling the timeless narratives and universal themes that continue to captivate and enlighten. This comprehensive exploration of mythological traditions provides a compelling testament to the enduring relevance of these age-old stories and their profound resonance in the human experience.

Mythology FAQ

  1. What is 'Mythology' by Philip Wilkinson about?

    Mythology by Philip Wilkinson is a comprehensive guide to the myths and legends of the ancient world. It explores the stories, gods, and heroes from various cultures, including Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian mythology.

  2. What makes 'Mythology' different from other books on the subject?

    Mythology stands out for its engaging storytelling, beautiful illustrations, and in-depth exploration of diverse mythological traditions. It provides a cohesive understanding of the similarities and differences between various mythologies.

  3. Is 'Mythology' suitable for readers new to the subject?

    Yes, Mythology is suitable for readers new to the subject. It presents the information in an accessible and engaging manner, making it easy for beginners to grasp the complexities of different mythological narratives.

  4. Does 'Mythology' delve into specific mythological characters and their stories?

    Yes, Mythology delves into specific mythological characters and their stories. It provides detailed accounts of gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters, offering insight into their significance within their respective mythologies.

  5. Is 'Mythology' solely focused on Western myths, or does it cover other cultures as well?

    Mythology covers a wide range of mythological traditions, including Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, and other cultures from around the world. It offers a global perspective on mythology.