Rabbit at Rest
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"Rabbit at Rest" Summary

By John Updike

fiction | 608 pages | Published in 2010

ISBN_13: 9780307744104
ISBN_10: 0307744108

Estimated read time: 1 min read

One Sentence Summary

A middle-aged man in declining health reflects on his life and relationships while struggling with addiction and family drama.

Table of Contents

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Rabbit at Rest FAQ

  1. What is 'Rabbit at Rest' about?

    Rabbit at Rest is the fourth and final novel in the series by John Updike, following the life of Harry 'Rabbit' Angstrom. The book focuses on Rabbit's struggles with health, family dynamics, and the changing American landscape as he reaches the end of his life.

  2. Do I need to read the previous books in the series to understand 'Rabbit at Rest'?

    While it's beneficial to have read the previous books in the series to fully grasp Rabbit's character development and history, 'Rabbit at Rest' can be read as a standalone novel.

  3. What themes are explored in 'Rabbit at Rest'?

    The novel touches on themes of aging, mortality, family relationships, the impact of American consumerism, and the struggle to find purpose in later stages of life.

  4. Is 'Rabbit at Rest' a suitable read for young adults?

    Due to its mature themes and content, 'Rabbit at Rest' is more suitable for adult readers.

  5. What is the writing style of 'Rabbit at Rest'?

    John Updike's writing style in 'Rabbit at Rest' is known for its descriptive and introspective nature, delving deep into the internal thoughts and emotions of the characters.