Estimated read time: 9 min read

List of Characters

Dan SylvesteProtagonist, Scientist
Ilia VolyovaShip's Captain
Ana KhouriMercenary, Bodyguard
Nevil ClavainFormer soldier
Sylveste's FatherRenowned archaeologist, deceased
Sun StealerAncient alien artifact

Role Identification

In Alastair Reynolds' "Revelation Space," the characters play crucial roles in driving the narrative forward. The protagonist, Dan Sylveste, is a scientist on a mission to uncover the secrets of an ancient alien race. Ilia Volyova is the captain of the ship they travel on, while Ana Khouri serves as Sylveste's bodyguard and mercenary. Nevil Clavain, a former soldier, also joins their ranks. Another significant character is Sylveste's deceased father, a renowned archaeologist. Additionally, the ancient alien artifact known as the Sun Stealer holds a pivotal role in the story.

Character Descriptions

Dan Sylveste

Dan Sylveste is introduced as a brilliant scientist with a single-minded determination to uncover the truth about the alien civilization that mysteriously vanished. He possesses a tall and lean physique, with intense blue eyes that reflect his unwavering resolve. Sylveste's disheveled appearance and unkempt hair mirror his obsession with his research. He is often seen wearing a worn lab coat and glasses, highlighting his commitment to scientific discovery.

Ilia Volyova

Ilia Volyova is the ship's captain on the Nostalgia for Infinity, a spacecraft that plays a central role in the story. Volyova is described as a strong-willed and pragmatic leader, with short-cropped black hair and piercing green eyes. Her sharp features and confident demeanor make her a commanding presence on the ship. Volyova is often seen wearing a utilitarian jumpsuit, emphasizing her role as a capable and resourceful captain.

Ana Khouri

Ana Khouri serves as Dan Sylveste's bodyguard and mercenary. She is a skilled fighter with a muscular build and a no-nonsense attitude. Khouri's appearance is characterized by her close-cropped hair and numerous tattoos that symbolize her warrior spirit. Her combat gear and weaponry are constant companions, reflecting her readiness to protect Sylveste at any cost.

Nevil Clavain

Nevil Clavain, a former soldier, is a complex and enigmatic character. He possesses a rugged and weathered appearance, with a scarred face and graying hair. Clavain's military background is evident in his disciplined posture and sharp reflexes. Despite his stoic demeanor, there is a sense of underlying turmoil within him, hinting at a troubled past.

Sylveste's Father

Although deceased, Sylveste's father plays a significant role in the story through his legacy as a renowned archaeologist. His absence looms over Dan Sylveste's quest, as he strives to unravel the mysteries his father left behind. Through flashbacks and memories, Sylveste's father is depicted as an intellectual giant, whose research and discoveries inspire and haunt his son.

Sun Stealer

The Sun Stealer is an ancient alien artifact that becomes a central focus of the narrative. It is a colossal structure with intricate designs and a mysterious purpose. The nature of the Sun Stealer is shrouded in secrecy, and its presence in the story creates an aura of intrigue and danger.

Character Traits

Dan Sylveste

  • Brilliant and obsessive scientist
  • Determined and relentless in pursuit of knowledge
  • Intense and focused
  • Willing to take risks for the sake of discovery

Ilia Volyova

  • Strong-willed and pragmatic
  • Resourceful and capable leader
  • Loyal to her crew and mission
  • Calculating and strategic

Ana Khouri

  • Skilled fighter and bodyguard
  • Protective and fiercely loyal
  • Fearless and unyielding
  • Stoic and disciplined

Nevil Clavain

  • Mysterious and complex
  • Scarred by past experiences
  • Resilient and adaptable
  • Possesses a sense of duty and loyalty

Sylveste's Father

  • Revered and influential archaeologist
  • Brilliant and visionary
  • Haunting presence in Dan Sylveste's life
  • Catalyst for his son's journey

Sun Stealer

  • Ancient and enigmatic
  • Intricate and awe-inspiring design
  • Catalyst for the unfolding events
  • Raises questions about the nature of the universe

Character Background

Dan Sylveste

Dan Sylveste comes from a family of esteemed scientists and researchers. He grew up in the shadow of his father's legacy, which heavily influenced his own scientific pursuits. Sylveste's obsession with the alien civilization known as the Amarantin drives him to embark on a dangerous journey across space. His relentless pursuit of knowledge and discovery shapes his character and motivates his actions throughout the story.

Ilia Volyova

Ilia Volyova's background is less explored in the narrative. She is introduced as the captain of the Nostalgia for Infinity, a ship on a mission to uncover the secrets of the Amarantin civilization. Volyova's leadership skills and resourcefulness are a product of her past experiences, which are only hinted at within the story.

Ana Khouri

Ana Khouri's background remains largely mysterious, with limited details provided in the narrative. Her expertise as a bodyguard and mercenary suggests a history of combat and survival. Khouri's loyalty to Dan Sylveste and her commitment to protecting him indicate a deep personal connection or a shared past.

Nevil Clavain

Nevil Clavain is a former soldier with a troubled history. His experiences in the military have left him scarred, both physically and emotionally. Clavain's past shapes his actions and decisions, often leading him to question his loyalties and moral compass. His background adds depth and complexity to his character, reflecting the toll of a life filled with conflict.

Sylveste's Father

Sylveste's father, though deceased, plays a pivotal role in shaping the protagonist's character. As a renowned archaeologist, he dedicated his life to unraveling the secrets of the Amarantin civilization. His work and reputation cast a long shadow over Dan Sylveste, driving him to follow in his father's footsteps and discover the truth about the Amarantin.

Sun Stealer

The origin and background of the Sun Stealer remain shrouded in mystery. Its presence in the story represents an ancient and advanced civilization that existed long before the events of the book. The Sun Stealer's purpose and significance become central to the unfolding events, capturing the characters' attention and driving the narrative forward.

Character Arcs

Dan Sylveste

Dan Sylveste's character arc in "Revelation Space" is one of transformation and self-discovery. Initially driven solely by his obsession with the Amarantin civilization, he gradually learns the importance of human connections and the consequences of his actions. As the story progresses, Sylveste's focus shifts from personal gain to a broader understanding of the universe and his place within it. His character arc ultimately culminates in a selfless act that challenges his preconceived notions and highlights his growth as a person.

Ilia Volyova

Ilia Volyova's character arc is one of unwavering loyalty and resilience. As the captain of the Nostalgia for Infinity, she faces numerous challenges and obstacles throughout the story. Volyova's arc is defined by her unwavering commitment to her crew and her determination to complete their mission. Despite the hardships she faces, Volyova remains steadfast and resolute, showcasing her strength and unwavering loyalty.

Ana Khouri

Ana Khouri's character arc is intertwined with her relationship to Dan Sylveste. Initially portrayed as a stoic and fierce bodyguard, Khouri's arc evolves as she develops a deep bond with Sylveste. Her loyalty and protective nature undergo a transformation, as she becomes not only his guardian but also a trusted ally and confidante. Khouri's arc is marked by her growth from a hardened warrior to a compassionate and understanding companion.

Nevil Clavain

Nevil Clavain's character arc is one of redemption and self-reflection. Haunted by his past actions, Clavain grapples with guilt and remorse throughout the story. As the narrative unfolds, he is presented with opportunities for redemption and a chance to reconcile with his troubled history. Clavain's arc is characterized by his journey towards forgiveness and his eventual acceptance of his past.


Dan Sylveste and Ilia Volyova

Dan Sylveste and Ilia Volyova share a complex relationship throughout the book. Initially, their interactions are marked by tension and mistrust, as Sylveste's obsession with the Amarantin threatens the success of their mission. However, as the story progresses, they develop a mutual respect and understanding, realizing the importance of working together. Their relationship evolves from one of conflict to one of cooperation and reliance.

Dan Sylveste and Ana Khouri

Dan Sylveste and Ana Khouri's relationship is founded on trust and mutual dependence. Khouri serves as Sylveste's bodyguard and protector, ensuring his safety during their dangerous journey. Their bond deepens as they face perilous situations together, and Khouri becomes a steadfast ally in Sylveste's quest. Their relationship is characterized by loyalty, respect, and a shared sense of purpose.

Nevil Clavain and Dan Sylveste

Nevil Clavain's relationship with Dan Sylveste is one of mentorship and guidance. As a former soldier and experienced individual, Clavain offers guidance to Sylveste, helping him navigate the challenges they encounter. Their relationship is marked by Clavain's role as a mentor figure, offering wisdom and advice to the young scientist. Clavain's presence in Sylveste's life is instrumental in his character development and growth.

In conclusion, "Revelation Space" by Alastair Reynolds features a diverse cast of characters who play crucial roles in driving the narrative forward. The protagonist, Dan Sylveste, undergoes a transformational character arc as he navigates the mysteries of the alien civilization. The relationships between the characters, such as Sylveste and Ilia Volyova or Sylveste and Ana Khouri, add depth and complexity to the story. Their individual backgrounds, traits, and interactions contribute to the rich tapestry of the novel, making "Revelation Space" a captivating read for fans of science fiction and character-driven storytelling.