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3.8 / 5

"Skellig" Summary

By David Almond

fantasy | 208 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780440229087

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A young boy discovers a mysterious creature in the garage and forms an unlikely friendship in this heartwarming story.


"Skellig" by David Almond is a captivating and heartwarming tale that delves into the themes of friendship, hope, and the miraculous. Set in a small English town, the story follows the life of Michael, a young boy who discovers a mysterious creature in the garage of his new home. As the narrative unfolds, Michael forms an unlikely bond with this enigmatic being, ultimately learning valuable lessons about love, compassion, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

The story is set in a dilapidated house in an English town, where a young boy, Michael, and his family have recently moved. Michael's life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a strange, decrepit creature hiding in the cobweb-filled garage. This peculiar being, named Skellig, appears to be a cross between a human and a bird, with feathers and a hunched back. Despite Skellig's mysterious nature, Michael feels drawn to him and becomes determined to help him.


The narrative unfolds in a quaint English town, characterized by its narrow, winding streets and old, weather-beaten houses. Michael's new home, a decrepit and abandoned dwelling, serves as the primary setting for the story. The garage, where Michael discovers Skellig, is a dusty, cobweb-ridden space that becomes a place of intrigue and discovery for the young protagonist.

Main Characters

The narrative of "Skellig" revolves around several key characters, each playing a significant role in the development of the story.

MichaelThe young protagonist who discovers Skellig in the garage. Michael is compassionate, curious, and determined to help Skellig.
SkelligA mysterious and enigmatic creature with avian features, found by Michael in the garage. Skellig is initially frail and weak, but his presence holds a profound significance.
MinaMichael's eccentric and free-spirited neighbor, who becomes a close friend and confidante. Mina introduces Michael to the wonders of nature and encourages his curiosity.
Michael's ParentsSupportive and caring individuals who provide a nurturing environment for Michael and his younger sister. They play a crucial role in supporting Michael through the challenges he encounters.

Chapter Summary

Chapters 1-3

The story begins with Michael's family moving into their new home, an old, dilapidated house. While exploring the garage, Michael discovers the mysterious and ailing Skellig, hidden amongst the dust and debris. Despite Skellig's frailty, Michael feels an inexplicable connection to the creature and is determined to help him.

Chapters 4-6

As Michael continues to visit Skellig in the garage, he forms an unlikely bond with the enigmatic being. At the same time, he befriends Mina, a spirited and unconventional girl from his school. Mina introduces Michael to the wonders of nature, fostering his curiosity and sense of wonder.

Chapters 7-9

Skellig's condition seems to improve mysteriously, leading Michael to believe that there is something extraordinary about the creature. Meanwhile, Michael's baby sister faces a life-threatening health crisis, causing immense worry and distress for the family. The convergence of these events prompts Michael to seek solace and guidance from Skellig and Mina.

Chapters 10-12

As Michael delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding Skellig, he uncovers astonishing revelations about the creature's identity and purpose. Simultaneously, Mina shares her profound insights about life, death, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. The story culminates in a series of miraculous events that affirm the power of hope, love, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Main Events

  1. Discovery of Skellig in the garage, sparking Michael's curiosity and compassion.
  2. Formation of a bond between Michael and Skellig, leading to a deep and meaningful connection.
  3. Mina's introduction to Michael, fostering his appreciation for the wonders of nature and the interconnectedness of life.
  4. Skellig's inexplicable improvement in health, prompting Michael to unravel the mysteries surrounding the creature.
  5. Michael's family facing a health crisis with his baby sister, leading to moments of profound worry and distress.
  6. Astonishing revelations about Skellig's identity and purpose, intertwining the lives of the characters in unexpected ways.
  7. Culmination of miraculous events that underscore the themes of hope, love, and the miraculous.

Themes and Insights


  • Friendship and Compassion: The story underscores the transformative power of friendship and compassion, as Michael forms deep connections with both Skellig and Mina, ultimately finding solace and guidance in their presence.
  • Resilience and Hope: Through the trials and challenges faced by the characters, the narrative emphasizes the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of hope, even in the face of adversity.
  • The Miraculous and Unexplained: "Skellig" delves into the realm of the miraculous and unexplained, inviting readers to contemplate the mysteries of life, existence, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.


  • Nature's Wonders: The narrative encourages an appreciation for the wonders of nature, as Mina introduces Michael to the marvels of the natural world, fostering a sense of curiosity and interconnectedness.
  • The Power of Belief: The story explores the profound impact of belief, both in the miraculous and in the resilience of the human spirit, offering insights into the transformative nature of faith and hope.

Reader's Takeaway

"Skellig" is a poignant and thought-provoking tale that explores the enduring themes of friendship, hope, and the miraculous. Through the captivating narrative, readers are invited to contemplate the transformative power of compassion, the resilience of the human spirit, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. This heartwarming story leaves a lasting impression, offering valuable insights into the wonders of nature, the mysteries of existence, and the enduring power of hope.


In "Skellig" by David Almond, the intertwining themes of friendship, hope, and the miraculous converge in a captivating narrative that resonates with readers of all ages. As the story unfolds in a quaint English town, the characters of Michael, Skellig, and Mina navigate a journey of discovery, resilience, and profound connection. Through its evocative storytelling and thought-provoking themes, "Skellig" leaves a lasting impression, inviting readers to ponder the transformative power of compassion, the resilience of the human spirit, and the enduring mysteries of life.

Skellig FAQ

  1. What is 'Skellig' about?

    Skellig is a children's novel about a young boy named Michael who discovers a strange, angel-like creature living in his garage. As he befriends Skellig, Michael learns about the creature's mysterious past and finds himself dealing with family challenges and personal growth.

  2. Who is the author of 'Skellig'?

    The author of 'Skellig' is David Almond, a British author known for his work in children's literature. He has received several awards for his writing, including the Carnegie Medal and the Hans Christian Andersen Award.

  3. What age group is 'Skellig' suitable for?

    'Skellig' is generally suitable for readers in the middle-grade age group, typically around 9 to 12 years old. However, it can also be enjoyed by older readers and adults due to its deep themes and emotional storytelling.

  4. Is 'Skellig' a fantasy novel?

    'Skellig' is often categorized as a fantasy novel due to the presence of the enigmatic creature, Skellig, and the mysterious elements woven into the story. However, it also delves into realistic themes such as family dynamics and friendship.

  5. Are there any film adaptations of 'Skellig'?

    Yes, 'Skellig' was adapted into a television film in 2009, featuring well-known actors such as Tim Roth and John Simm. The adaptation closely follows the events of the book and has been praised for its faithfulness to the original story.