Steps to Christ
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"Steps to Christ" Characters Analysis

By Ellen G. White

christian | 90 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780816317998

Estimated read time: 7 min read

Table of Contents

  1. List of Characters

In the book "Steps to Christ" written by Ellen G. White, several characters play significant roles in shaping the narrative and conveying the core spiritual message. This character analysis will provide an in-depth examination of the key characters, their roles, descriptions, traits, backgrounds, character arcs, and relationships within the context of the book.

List of Characters

Jesus ChristSavior, Redeemer
Ellen G. WhiteAuthor, Narrator
Holy SpiritGuide, Comforter
AngelsMessengers, Protectors
SinnersIndividuals in need of salvation
Faithful DisciplesBelievers, Followers of Christ

Role Identification

Jesus Christ

  • Role: Savior, Redeemer
  • Description: Jesus Christ is the central figure in "Steps to Christ." He is portrayed as the loving and compassionate Son of God who came to earth to save humanity from sin and offer eternal life.
  • Traits: Loving, compassionate, forgiving, merciful, wise, patient
  • Background: Jesus Christ is depicted as the divine Son of God, who willingly left His heavenly abode to become human and experience the challenges and temptations faced by humanity.
  • Character Arc: Jesus' character arc revolves around His mission to reconcile sinners with God through His sacrificial death and resurrection. His love and grace transform the Seeker's life, leading to spiritual growth and salvation.
  • Relationships: Jesus Christ has a deep and personal relationship with the Seeker, guiding and transforming their life. He also interacts with other characters, such as Satan, angels, and faithful disciples.

Ellen G. White

  • Role: Author, Narrator
  • Description: Ellen G. White is the author of "Steps to Christ" and serves as the narrator, providing guidance and insights into the spiritual journey of the Seeker.
  • Traits: Knowledgeable, insightful, spiritual, empathetic
  • Background: Ellen G. White was a prominent religious author and one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She wrote extensively on Christian spirituality and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • Character Arc: As the author and narrator, Ellen G. White's character arc focuses on sharing her spiritual wisdom and experiences to help the Seeker navigate their path to Christ.
  • Relationships: Ellen G. White establishes a connection with the reader as she shares her own spiritual journey and insights. Her relationship with the Seeker is indirect but impactful through her writing.


  • Role: Protagonist
  • Description: The Seeker represents individuals seeking a deeper relationship with God and struggling with sin and spiritual growth.
  • Traits: Searching, humble, repentant, longing for God, vulnerable
  • Background: The Seeker's background is not explicitly described in the book. However, they represent any person who feels a void in their life and seeks spiritual fulfillment.
  • Character Arc: The Seeker undergoes a transformative character arc as they progress from a state of spiritual seeking and uncertainty to finding peace, hope, and salvation in Jesus Christ.
  • Relationships: The Seeker's primary relationship is with Jesus Christ, who guides and transforms their life. They also interact with other characters, such as Ellen G. White, angels, and faithful disciples, who provide support and guidance along their journey.

Holy Spirit

  • Role: Guide, Comforter
  • Description: The Holy Spirit is portrayed as the divine presence and power of God, working in the lives of believers to guide, comfort, and empower them.
  • Traits: Spiritual, gentle, wise, comforting, empowering
  • Background: The Holy Spirit is described as the third person of the Trinity, co-equal with God the Father and God the Son.
  • Character Arc: The Holy Spirit's character arc involves continually working in the lives of believers, including the Seeker, to bring about spiritual transformation and growth.
  • Relationships: The Holy Spirit has an intimate and personal relationship with the Seeker and all believers. It works in harmony with Jesus Christ and interacts with other characters, such as angels and faithful disciples.


  • Role: Adversary
  • Description: Satan is depicted as the chief adversary and tempter, seeking to separate individuals from God and hinder their spiritual growth.
  • Traits: Deceptive, manipulative, destructive, tempter
  • Background: Satan, also known as the devil, is portrayed as a fallen angel who rebelled against God and seeks to undermine His plan of salvation.
  • Character Arc: Satan's character arc involves persistent efforts to deceive and tempt the Seeker, trying to prevent them from accepting God's love and grace.
  • Relationships: Satan is in opposition to Jesus Christ and actively engages with the Seeker, attempting to discourage and lead them astray. However, the Seeker's relationship with Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit provide protection and strength against Satan's schemes.


  • Role: Messengers, Protectors
  • Description: Angels are heavenly beings sent by God to deliver messages, provide guidance, and protect believers.
  • Traits: Heavenly, obedient, messengers, protectors
  • Background: Angels are portrayed as spiritual beings who serve God and assist in carrying out His divine purposes.
  • Character Arc: Angels' character arc involves fulfilling God's assignments, including delivering messages of encouragement and protection to the Seeker and other believers.
  • Relationships: Angels interact with various characters in the book, including the Seeker, Jesus Christ, and faithful disciples. They provide spiritual support and protection, acting as messengers of God's love and grace.


  • Role: Individuals in need of salvation
  • Description: Sinners represent all humanity who have fallen short of God's glory and are in need of redemption through Jesus Christ.
  • Traits: Imperfect, lost, sinful, in need of forgiveness
  • Background: Sinners encompass people from all walks of life who have not yet accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.
  • Character Arc: The character arc of sinners revolves around their journey from a state of spiritual separation from God to receiving His forgiveness and experiencing spiritual rebirth.
  • Relationships: Sinners, including the Seeker, have a vital relationship with Jesus Christ, who offers forgiveness and salvation. They also interact with other characters, such as Satan, angels, and faithful disciples, who influence their spiritual journey.

Faithful Disciples

  • Role: Believers, Followers of Christ
  • Description: Faithful disciples are individuals who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and strive to live according to His teachings.
  • Traits: Faithful, obedient, supportive, encouraging
  • Background: Faithful disciples come from diverse backgrounds but share a common commitment to follow Jesus Christ.
  • Character Arc: The character arc of faithful disciples involves growing in their faith, supporting fellow believers, and being an example of Christ's love to others.
  • Relationships: Faithful disciples interact with various characters, including the Seeker, Jesus Christ, and angels. They provide guidance, encouragement, and support, walking alongside individuals on their spiritual journey.


The characters in "Steps to Christ" by Ellen G. White play crucial roles in conveying the book's spiritual message. Jesus Christ, as the central figure, offers love, grace, and salvation to the Seeker and all sinners. Ellen G. White serves as the narrator, sharing her spiritual insights and experiences. The Seeker represents individuals seeking a deeper relationship with God, while the Holy Spirit guides and empowers believers. Satan acts as the adversary, angels provide messages and protection, and faithful disciples exemplify living for Christ. Together, these characters contribute to the transformative and inspiring narrative of "Steps to Christ."