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3.84 / 5

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A teenage boy navigates the challenges of adolescence and family dynamics in a small Oklahoma town.


"Tex" is a coming-of-age novel written by S.E. Hinton, the author of the popular young adult novel "The Outsiders." This novel follows the story of a 15-year-old boy, Tex McCormick, as he navigates the challenges of adolescence, family dynamics, and growing up in rural Oklahoma. Through Tex's experiences, the novel delves into themes of identity, family, and the complexities of teenage life.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

Set in the 1970s, "Tex" takes place in a small town in Oklahoma. The story revolves around Tex McCormick, a 15-year-old high school student who lives with his older brother, Mason. Tex's mother died when he was young, and his father is absent, leaving the brothers to fend for themselves. The novel explores Tex's relationships with his brother, best friend, and his struggle to make sense of his place in the world.


The story is primarily set in the rural town of Francis, Oklahoma. The town's small size and close-knit community play a significant role in shaping Tex's experiences and interactions with the people around him.

Main Characters

The characters in "Tex" play essential roles in shaping the story and its themes. Here are the main characters in the novel:

Tex McCormickThe 15-year-old protagonist, who is independent, impulsive, and fiercely loyal to his loved ones.
Mason McCormickTex's older brother, who takes on the role of a parental figure and is protective of Tex.
Johnny CollinsTex's best friend, who is supportive and often provides a sense of stability in Tex's life.
Pop McCormickTex and Mason's father, who is absent for much of the novel and has a strained relationship with his sons.

Summary of Different Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1-5

Tex, Mason, and Johnny are the main characters introduced in the story. The dynamics of the brothers' relationship are established, along with Tex's impulsive nature and his yearning for independence. The absence of their father is hinted at, setting the stage for the family's struggles.

Chapter 6-10

Tex's interactions with his peers at school, including his crush on a girl named Jamie, are explored. The complexities of teenage relationships and Tex's longing for stability and love become apparent. Mason's protective nature is further highlighted as he tries to shield Tex from the harsh realities of their life.

Chapter 11-15

The brothers' financial struggles and the impact of their father's absence become more pronounced. Tex's desire to help support the family and assert his independence leads him to take on odd jobs. The theme of family responsibility and the challenges of growing up in a fractured family are central to this section.

Chapter 16-20

Tensions rise as the brothers face increasing hardships, and Tex becomes entangled in a series of events that test his character and relationships. The novel's exploration of loyalty, sacrifice, and the consequences of impulsive actions come to the forefront.

Chapter 21-25

The climax of the novel unfolds as Tex is forced to confront difficult truths about his family, friends, and himself. The resolution of the story brings about a sense of growth and acceptance for Tex, as he grapples with the complexities of his emotions and experiences.

Main Events

The following are some of the main events that shape the narrative of "Tex":

Tex's crush on JamieTex's infatuation with Jamie serves as a catalyst for exploring themes of love and longing in the teenage experience.
Financial strugglesThe McCormick brothers' hardships, including their father's absence and financial instability, drive much of the story's tension and conflict.
Tex's impulsive actionsTex's impulsive nature leads to a series of events that force him to confront the consequences of his choices, revealing aspects of his character and growth.
Family revelationsThe novel's climax involves revelations about Tex's family history and the impact of these revelations on his relationships and understanding of his identity.

Themes and Insights

"Tex" delves into several themes that provide insight into the human experience, particularly during the formative years of adolescence. Some of the prominent themes include:

Family Dynamics

The novel explores the complexities of family relationships, the impact of absent parents, and the burden of responsibility that falls on young shoulders in the absence of parental guidance.

Adolescence and Identity

Tex's journey towards self-discovery and understanding his place in the world reflects the universal struggles of adolescence, including the search for independence, belonging, and purpose.

Loyalty and Sacrifice

The theme of loyalty is central to the relationships in the novel, as characters make sacrifices for one another and grapple with the consequences of their actions.

Reader's Takeaway

"Tex" offers readers a poignant and relatable portrayal of the challenges and triumphs of adolescence. Through Tex's experiences, readers gain insight into the complexities of family, friendship, and self-discovery. The novel's exploration of universal themes makes it a compelling and thought-provoking read for both young adult and adult audiences.


In "Tex," S.E. Hinton crafts a compelling narrative that resonates with readers through its authentic portrayal of teenage experiences and the intricacies of family dynamics. The novel's enduring themes and memorable characters make it a timeless coming-of-age story that continues to captivate readers with its emotional depth and relatability.


  1. What is the genre of the book Tex by S.E. Hinton?

    Tex is a young adult novel that falls under the genre of realistic fiction.

  2. When was the book Tex by S.E. Hinton first published?

    Tex was first published in 1979.

  3. What is the main theme of Tex?

    The main theme of Tex revolves around the coming-of-age experience, family dynamics, and the pursuit of dreams and aspirations.

  4. Is Tex by S.E. Hinton suitable for young adult readers?

    Yes, Tex is suitable for young adult readers as it explores issues and experiences that resonate with teenagers.

  5. What is the setting of the book Tex?

    The story is set in Oklahoma during the 1970s, depicting the rural lifestyle and challenges faced by the characters.