The Cheerleaders
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"The Cheerleaders" Characters Analysis

By Kara Thomas

mystery | 384 pages | Published in 2018

ISBN_13: 9781524718329

Estimated read time: 8 min read

Table of Contents

  1. List of Characters

List of Characters

Character NameRole
JenMonica's best friend
GinnyMonica's sister
CoachCheerleading coach
ParkerMonica's love interest

Role Identification

"The Cheerleaders" by Kara Thomas is a gripping mystery novel that revolves around Monica, a high school student who is determined to uncover the truth behind the tragic deaths of her sister and four other cheerleaders, including her best friend Jen, five years ago. Monica takes on the role of the protagonist as she delves deep into the past to unravel the secrets that haunt her small town.

Character Descriptions


Monica is a resilient and intelligent young woman who serves as the driving force behind the novel's plot. She is haunted by the deaths of her sister and friends, and her determination to uncover the truth showcases her unwavering strength. Monica is portrayed as observant and resourceful, utilizing her investigative skills to piece together the events surrounding the deaths of the cheerleaders.


Jen is Monica's best friend and one of the cheerleaders who died five years ago. She is described as charismatic and popular, with a zest for life that captivates those around her. Jen's death deeply affects Monica, driving her to uncover the truth behind the tragedy.


Ginny is Monica's younger sister, who struggles with her own grief and the weight of their shared loss. Despite her sorrow, she remains a supportive and caring sibling to Monica. Ginny provides emotional support to Monica throughout her investigation.


The cheerleading coach plays a pivotal role in the story, both as a mentor figure and a potential suspect. As the person responsible for training and guiding the cheerleaders, the coach's actions and motivations come under scrutiny as Monica seeks answers.

Brooke, Emma, and Abby

Brooke, Emma, and Abby are cheerleaders who were part of the group that died five years ago. While their characters are explored to a lesser extent than Monica's, they play a significant role in the plot. Their personalities and relationships with one another are gradually revealed as Monica uncovers more about their lives and the circumstances of their deaths.


Parker is introduced as Monica's love interest, adding a layer of romance to the story. He provides emotional support and becomes involved in Monica's investigation, assisting her in uncovering clues and confronting the truth.

Character Traits


  • Determined
  • Observant
  • Resourceful
  • Intelligent
  • Resilient


  • Charismatic
  • Popular
  • Adventurous
  • Loyal
  • Confident


  • Supportive
  • Caring
  • Grieving
  • Loyal
  • Protective


  • Authoritative
  • Mentor
  • Suspect
  • Disciplinarian
  • Mysterious

Brooke, Emma, and Abby

  • Cheerful
  • Talented
  • Mysterious
  • Connected
  • Enigmatic


  • Supportive
  • Loyal
  • Caring
  • Brave
  • Inquisitive

Character Background


Monica's life was forever changed when her sister and four friends, including Jen, died in a series of mysterious incidents. The deaths were ruled as accidents or suicides, but Monica is convinced that there is more to the story. Her determination to uncover the truth stems from her love for her sister and her need for closure.


Jen was a popular cheerleader who lived life to the fullest. Her death shook the community, leaving behind unanswered questions and a void in Monica's life. As Monica's best friend, Jen's character is fleshed out through memories and flashbacks, showcasing her vibrant personality and the impact she had on those around her.


Ginny is Monica's younger sister, who struggles with the loss of their sister and friends. She provides emotional support to Monica throughout her investigation, while also dealing with her own grief and longing for closure.


The coach's background is explored through Monica's investigation. As the cheerleading coach, she had a close relationship with the cheerleaders and was responsible for their training and well-being. Her character is shrouded in mystery, with Monica questioning her motivations and potential involvement in the deaths.

Brooke, Emma, and Abby

Brooke, Emma, and Abby were cheerleaders who died alongside Jen and Monica's sister. Their backgrounds are gradually revealed as Monica uncovers more about their lives. Each character brings their own unique traits and relationships to the story, adding layers to the mystery surrounding their deaths.


Parker is introduced as Monica's love interest, but his character goes beyond a romantic subplot. He becomes an integral part of Monica's investigation, supporting her emotionally and assisting her in uncovering the truth. His background is explored in relation to his involvement with the cheerleaders and his connection to the events from five years ago.

Character Arcs


Monica's character arc revolves around her journey from grief and confusion to determination and resolution. As she delves deeper into the mystery, Monica grows emotionally and mentally, overcoming obstacles and facing the truth head-on. Her character arc showcases her strength and resilience as she seeks justice for her sister and friends.


While Jen is deceased at the beginning of the novel, her character arc is revealed through memories and flashbacks. As Monica uncovers more about the events leading up to her death, Jen's character becomes more complex, highlighting the struggles and secrets she carried.


Ginny's character arc intertwines with Monica's, as she navigates her own grief and longing for answers. Throughout the novel, Ginny becomes more involved in Monica's investigation, finding her own strength and determination to uncover the truth.


The coach's character arc is one of suspicion and revelation. As Monica investigates further, the coach's actions and motivations are called into question, ultimately leading to the uncovering of her secrets and involvement in the tragedy.

Brooke, Emma, and Abby

While their characters are explored to a lesser extent, Brooke, Emma, and Abby's arcs are intertwined with Monica's investigation. As Monica uncovers more about their lives, their relationships with one another, and the secrets they held, their characters become more complex and integral to the overall plot.


Parker's character arc revolves around his growing involvement in Monica's investigation. Initially a love interest, Parker becomes a crucial ally for Monica, assisting her in uncovering clues and confronting the truth. His arc showcases his bravery and loyalty to Monica.


Monica and Jen

Monica and Jen share a strong bond as best friends. Their relationship is portrayed through memories and flashbacks, showcasing their deep connection and the impact of Jen's death on Monica's life.

Monica and Ginny

Monica and Ginny's relationship is one of sisterly love and support. As they both grieve the loss of their sister and friends, their bond grows stronger as they navigate their shared grief and search for answers together.

Monica and Coach

Monica's relationship with the coach is complex, transitioning from admiration and respect to suspicion and mistrust. As Monica investigates the deaths, her interactions with the coach become more confrontational, leading to a climactic revelation.

Monica and Parker

Monica and Parker's relationship evolves from a budding romance to a partnership in uncovering the truth. Parker becomes a pillar of support for Monica, providing emotional assistance and aiding her investigation.

Brooke, Emma, and Abby

The relationship between Brooke, Emma, and Abby is explored through Monica's investigation, revealing the dynamics and secrets they shared as cheerleaders. Their friendships and interactions play a significant role in unraveling the mystery surrounding their deaths.

In "The Cheerleaders" by Kara Thomas, the characters are intricately woven into a suspenseful and gripping narrative. Each character, from Monica to Jen, Ginny, the coach, Brooke, Emma, Abby, and Parker, adds depth and complexity to the story. Through their distinct roles, traits, backgrounds, arcs, and relationships, the characters drive the plot forward, keeping readers engaged until the shocking truth is unveiled.