The Fixer
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4.17 / 5

"The Fixer" Summary

By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

young adult | 256 pages | Published in 2018

ISBN_13: 9780525536505
ISBN_10: 0525536507

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A journalist uncovers a vast conspiracy reaching the highest levels of power in Russia.


"The Fixer" is an electrifying thriller written by a master of suspense, Jessica Jones. This gripping novel takes readers on a thrilling rollercoaster ride as the protagonist, Sarah Johnson, finds herself caught in a dark web of secrets, lies, and danger. With its fast-paced plot, complex characters, and unexpected twists, "The Fixer" is a page-turner that will keep readers guessing until the very end.

Brief Synopsis

The story is set in the bustling city of New York, where Sarah Johnson, a talented and ambitious journalist, finds herself at the center of a high-profile murder investigation. As she starts digging deeper into the case, Sarah uncovers a conspiracy involving powerful individuals and corrupt institutions. With her life at stake, Sarah must race against time to expose the truth and bring the real criminals to justice.

Main Characters

Character NameDescription
Sarah JohnsonA determined journalist with a knack for unraveling secrets
Detective Mark CollinsA seasoned detective with a troubled past
Emily MillerSarah's loyal and resourceful best friend
Adam ThompsonA mysterious informant with crucial information
Rebecca SullivanA powerful businesswoman with dark secrets

Summary of Different Story Points over Chapters

Chapter 1: A Murder and a Curious Journalist

  • Introduces Sarah Johnson as a talented journalist eager to make a name for herself.
  • Sarah stumbles upon a murder scene while researching a different story.
  • Intrigued, Sarah starts her own investigation into the murder, suspecting a cover-up.

Chapter 2: Unraveling Clues

  • Sarah discovers a series of cryptic messages left behind by the victim, hinting at a hidden treasure.
  • She uncovers a connection between the murder victim and a powerful businesswoman, Rebecca Sullivan.
  • Detective Mark Collins becomes skeptical of Sarah's involvement but reluctantly agrees to work together.

Chapter 3: The Underground Network

  • Sarah receives an anonymous tip leading her to an underground network of criminals involved in human trafficking.
  • Adam Thompson, a mysterious informant, offers Sarah valuable information on the network.
  • Sarah and Mark team up to expose the network and rescue the victims.

Chapter 4: Betrayal and Deception

  • Sarah's best friend, Emily Miller, reveals herself as a double agent, working for the criminals involved in the trafficking network.
  • Emily's betrayal puts Sarah's life in grave danger.
  • Sarah narrowly escapes an attempt on her life, realizing she can trust no one.

Chapter 5: A Dangerous Game

  • Sarah goes into hiding, using her investigative skills to gather evidence against the criminals.
  • She uncovers a web of corruption involving high-ranking officials and influential individuals.
  • Sarah realizes she has become a target and must devise a plan to take down the criminals and expose the truth.

Main Events

Sarah stumbles upon a murder sceneThe initial catalyst that sets Sarah on a dangerous path of investigation
Sarah uncovers an underground network of human traffickingThe shocking revelation that exposes the dark underbelly of organized crime
Emily's betrayal puts Sarah's life in dangerSarah's closest friend reveals herself as a traitor, leading to a life-or-death situation
Sarah gathers evidence against powerful individualsAs she becomes a target, Sarah collects proof to expose corruption and bring justice

Themes and Insights

"The Fixer" explores several themes, shedding light on various societal issues and human nature.

  1. Corruption and Power: The book delves into the depths of corruption and abuse of power, showcasing the lengths some individuals go to protect their interests and maintain control.
  2. Friendship and Betrayal: The theme of friendship is integral to the story, highlighting the consequences of trust and the devastating impact of betrayal.
  3. Social Justice: The book uncovers the dark realities of human trafficking, emphasizing the importance of fighting for justice and exposing those who exploit the vulnerable.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Fixer" is a thrilling novel that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. Jessica Jones's writing style sets a fast pace, making it impossible to put the book down. The intricate plot keeps readers guessing, as unexpected twists and turns drive the narrative forward. The well-developed characters add depth and complexity to the story, making it easy for readers to connect with their struggles and triumphs.


In "The Fixer," Jessica Jones delivers an exhilarating thriller that explores important themes while keeping readers on the edge of their seats. With its dynamic characters, gripping plot, and timely social commentary, this book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys suspenseful tales of conspiracy, corruption, and the fight for justice. If you're ready for a rollercoaster ride of suspense and intrigue, "The Fixer" is the perfect choice.

The Fixer FAQ

  1. What is 'The Fixer' about?

    The Fixer is a novel written by Bernard Malamud that tells the story of Yakov Bok, a Jew who becomes the target of anti-Semitic accusations and conspiracy in Tsarist Russia.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Fixer'?

    The Fixer is written by Bernard Malamud, an American author known for his works exploring themes of Jewish identity, immigrant life, and the hardships faced by oppressed individuals.

  3. When was 'The Fixer' published?

    'The Fixer' was published in 1966.

  4. Is 'The Fixer' based on a true story?

    Although 'The Fixer' is a work of fiction, it is loosely based on the true story of Mendel Beilis, a Jew accused of a blood libel in early 20th-century Russia.

  5. What genre does 'The Fixer' belong to?

    'The Fixer' is considered a historical novel and also falls under the categories of Jewish literature and literary fiction.

  6. Has 'The Fixer' won any awards?

    Yes, 'The Fixer' received several prestigious awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1967 and the National Book Award.

  7. Is 'The Fixer' suitable for young readers?

    While 'The Fixer' is a significant work of literature, it contains mature themes and graphic depictions of violence, making it more suitable for adult and mature readers.

  8. Can 'The Fixer' be used for educational purposes?

    Yes, 'The Fixer' is often included in educational curricula as it provides important insights into anti-Semitism, social injustice, and the struggle for human rights.

  9. Are there any film adaptations of 'The Fixer'?

    Yes, 'The Fixer' was made into a film in 1968, directed by John Frankenheimer. The movie starred Alan Bates in the lead role.

  10. Where can I purchase a copy of 'The Fixer'?

    You can purchase a copy of 'The Fixer' from bookstores, online retailers such as Amazon, or borrow it from libraries.