
A person does not belong to a place until there is someone dead under the ground.

Gabriel García Márquez

The only thing I need is to see you in order to feel that I am still alive.

Gabriel García Márquez

The only thing that keeps a man alive is the hope of seeing again the woman he loves.

Gabriel García Márquez

He was the victim of his destiny, but he was also its sword.

Gabriel García Márquez

He thought that in the beauty of the world were hidden a secret, a melancholy that was so deep that it made the heart heavy.

Gabriel García Márquez

He had the feeling that he was walking in the wrong direction.

Gabriel García Márquez

They would go on loving each other in the same way until they died and were buried in the same grave.

Gabriel García Márquez

He was more in love with her than ever, and he could hardly bear the thought that she was not there waiting for him.

Gabriel García Márquez

He had the feeling that his heart was sagging under the weight of so much past.

Gabriel García Márquez

He realized that he had already lived his life to the end.

Gabriel García Márquez