The Golden Notebook
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"The Golden Notebook" Characters Analysis

By Doris Lessing

fiction | 576 pages | Published in 2012

ISBN_13: 9780007369133
ISBN_10: 0007369131

Estimated read time: 13 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Anna WulfProtagonist
Molly JacobsAnna's Close Friend
Tommy PorteousAnna's Former Lover
Marion BrewsterAnna's Best Friend
Richard PorteousTommy's Brother and Anna's Lover
Billy MathewsAnna's Lover
Janet GrantAnna's Mother
Willi KulskiAnna's Ex-Husband
Ella WulfAnna's Daughter
Paul TannerElla's Boyfriend

Role Identification

Anna Wulf

Anna Wulf is the main protagonist of the novel "The Golden Notebook." She is a writer and fiercely independent woman struggling with her creative block. Anna's character represents the challenges faced by women in society, relationships, and personal growth.

Molly Jacobs

Molly is Anna's close friend and confidante. She provides support and companionship to Anna throughout the novel. Molly's character showcases a strong and vibrant personality, challenging societal norms.

Tommy Porteous

Tommy Porteous is Anna's former lover. He is an intellectual who falls in love with Anna during their passionate affair. Tommy's character represents the complex dynamics of relationships and personal desires.

Marion Brewster

Marion Brewster is Anna's best friend and a fellow writer. She serves as a sounding board for Anna's ideas and emotions. Marion's character represents the struggles faced by women in the literary world.

Richard Porteous

Richard Porteous is Tommy's brother and Anna's lover. He enters Anna's life after her failed relationship with Tommy. Richard's character explores themes of dependency, toxic masculinity, and power dynamics in relationships.

Billy Mathews

Billy Mathews is one of Anna's lovers in the novel. He is a charismatic and adventurous writer who captures Anna's attention and heart. Billy's character represents the transient and exciting nature of romantic relationships.

Janet Grant

Janet Grant is Anna's mother. Her character represents the older generation's expectations for women and the conflicting relationship between mothers and daughters.

Willi Kulski

Willi Kulski is Anna's ex-husband. As a communist sympathizer, he represents Anna's past political beliefs and the complexities of failed relationships.

Ella Wulf

Ella Wulf is Anna's daughter. As a rebellious and idealistic teenager, her character showcases the generational divide and the impact of Anna's choices on her family life.

Paul Tanner

Paul Tanner is Ella's boyfriend. His character explores themes of youth, rebellion, and the clash of ideals between generations.

Character Descriptions

1. Anna Wulf: Anna is a middle-aged, unconventional writer who struggles with her identity as a woman and artist. She is described as intelligent, strong-willed, and fiercely independent. Anna's appearance is often portrayed as striking, with her red hair and intense gaze.

2. Molly Jacobs: Molly is a vibrant and audacious woman with a zest for life. She is often described as bold, free-spirited, and stylish in her appearance. Molly's personality shines through her witty remarks and unconventional choices in life.

3. Tommy Porteous: Tommy is an intellectual man with a brooding nature. He is often portrayed as pensive and mysterious, with a disheveled appearance. Tommy's intelligence and charisma attract Anna, making him a compelling figure in her life.

4. Marion Brewster: Marion is a confident and ambitious writer. She is described as strikingly beautiful, with a strong presence. Marion's appearance and personality embody her determination to succeed in a male-dominated industry.

5. Richard Porteous: Richard is a charming and enigmatic man who enters Anna's life. He is often depicted as handsome, with a captivating smile. Richard's confident demeanor masks a complex personality that challenges Anna's notions of love and independence.

6. Billy Mathews: Billy is a charismatic and adventurous writer. He is characterized by his intriguing appearance, including unkempt hair and a rebellious style. Billy's allure lies in his unpredictability and passion, drawing Anna towards him.

7. Janet Grant: Janet is an elegant and refined woman. Her appearance reflects her traditional values, often portrayed as beautifully dressed and composed. Janet's relationship with Anna is strained by their differing perspectives on womanhood.

8. Willi Kulski: Willi is a rugged and passionate man with leftist political beliefs. He is depicted as having a charismatic presence and rugged good looks. Willi's character embodies the clash between personal and political ideologies.

9. Ella Wulf: Ella is a rebellious teenager with an artistic soul. She is portrayed as having a unique style, expressing her individuality through clothing and hairstyles. Ella's appearance evolves as she grows, reflecting her search for identity.

10. Paul Tanner: Paul is a young and idealistic man. He is often depicted as casually dressed, with a rebellious demeanor. Paul's appearance reflects his youthfulness and resistance to conforming to societal expectations.

Character Traits

Anna Wulf

  • Independent
  • Intelligent
  • Determined
  • Frustrated
  • Creative
  • Observant

Molly Jacobs

  • Bold
  • Stylish
  • Loyal
  • Adventurous
  • Witty
  • Supportive

Tommy Porteous

  • Intellectual
  • Brooding
  • Mysterious
  • Pensive
  • Romantic
  • Enigmatic

Marion Brewster

  • Ambitious
  • Confident
  • Striking
  • Determined
  • Artistic
  • Supportive

Richard Porteous

  • Charming
  • Enigmatic
  • Confident
  • Passionate
  • Charismatic
  • Complex

Billy Mathews

  • Charismatic
  • Adventurous
  • Rebellious
  • Passionate
  • Unpredictable
  • Inspiring

Janet Grant

  • Elegant
  • Refined
  • Traditional
  • Motherly
  • Judgmental
  • Complex

Willi Kulski

  • Rugged
  • Passionate
  • Charismatic
  • Ideological
  • Political
  • Independent

Ella Wulf

  • Rebellious
  • Artistic
  • Independent
  • Idealistic
  • Searching
  • Evolving

Paul Tanner

  • Young
  • Idealistic
  • Rebellious
  • Non-conformist
  • Passionate
  • Curious

Character Background

Anna Wulf

Anna Wulf is a successful writer who has experienced the ups and downs of love, relationships, and personal growth. She grew up in a conventional family but later rebelled against societal expectations. Anna's background includes failed marriages, passion-driven affairs, and a struggle to find her creative voice.

Molly Jacobs

Molly Jacobs grew up in an unconventional household, which shaped her bold and free-spirited personality. She pursued her dreams fearlessly, rejecting societal norms. Molly's background involves various non-conformist endeavors and a strong desire to live life on her own terms.

Tommy Porteous

Tommy Porteous comes from a middle-class family known for their intellectual pursuits. He has always been fascinated by literature and philosophy, which influenced his character's brooding nature. Tommy's background includes academic achievements, romantic entanglements, and a yearning for deeper connections.

Marion Brewster

Marion Brewster grew up in a liberal and artistic household, fostering her determination to challenge societal norms. She studied literature and developed her writing skills, becoming a close friend and confidante for Anna. Marion's background revolves around her ambition to break free from traditional female roles and succeed in the literary world.

Richard Porteous

Richard Porteous hails from a privileged background, where he was taught to embrace his charm and assertiveness. He shares a tumultuous relationship with his brother, Tommy, and his appearance often turns heads due to his magnetic personality. Richard's background includes a troubled past, complicated family dynamics, and a desire to find love.

Billy Mathews

Billy Mathews grew up in a working-class family, which deeply influenced his adventurous and rebellious character traits. He pursued his writing career with passion, constantly seeking new experiences. Billy's background involves travels, encounters with diverse cultures, and a carefree approach to relationships.

Janet Grant

Janet Grant comes from a conventional background, valuing traditional family structures and societal expectations. She is Anna's mother, and her background includes a struggle to understand her daughter's unconventional choices while maintaining her own sense of identity.

Willi Kulski

Willi Kulski comes from a politically active family and developed strong beliefs in communism and socialist ideals. He met Anna during their political involvement and their shared passion ignited their relationship. Willi's background encompasses political activism, ideological clashes, and the challenges of balancing personal and political aspirations.

Ella Wulf

Ella Wulf is the daughter of Anna, growing up in a household influenced by her mother's unconventional choices. Ella's background involves navigating the complexities of parental relationships and discovering her own identity amidst societal expectations.

Paul Tanner

Paul Tanner comes from a middle-class family and represents the youth in the novel. He is deeply influenced by counterculture and non-conformist ideals. Paul's background includes a search for purpose, rebellion against societal norms, and a desire to challenge the status quo.

Character Arcs

Anna Wulf

Anna's character arc revolves around her struggle to break free from societal expectations and find her creative voice. She starts as a frustrated writer, dealing with personal struggles and failed relationships. Throughout the novel, Anna goes through various emotional phases, exploring different aspects of her life and experiences. She ultimately finds liberation by combining her fragmented writing into the golden notebook, symbolizing her integration and self-acceptance.

Molly Jacobs

Molly's character arc showcases her evolution as a confident and independent woman. She starts as a supportive friend to Anna, always making spontaneous choices. Molly's arc explores her quest for self-discovery and the challenges she faces in maintaining her individuality within societal boundaries.

Tommy Porteous

Tommy's character arc focuses on his emotional journey through intense relationships and intellectual pursuits. He starts as an enigmatic lover to Anna, but their affair ends abruptly. Tommy's arc delves into his exploration of masculinity, vulnerability, and the longing for authentic connections.

Marion Brewster

Marion's character arc explores her ambition as a writer and her friendship with Anna. She starts as a supportive friend, encouraging Anna to find her voice. Marion's arc delves into the sacrifices she makes for her career, the challenges faced by women in the literary world, and her own growth as an artist.

Richard Porteous

Richard's character arc centers around his relationship with Anna and his internal conflicts. He starts as Tommy's brother, drawn to Anna's strength and independence. Richard's arc delves into themes of power dynamics, emotional dependency, and the pursuit of love, ultimately leading to self-discovery and personal growth.

Billy Mathews

Billy's character arc emphasizes his impact on Anna's life and his transient presence. He starts as a passionate lover, inspiring Anna's creativity. Billy's arc showcases the excitement and uncertainty of their relationship, encouraging Anna to explore new possibilities and challenge her own boundaries.

Janet Grant

Janet's character arc highlights the generational divide and her struggle to understand Anna's choices. She starts as a traditional mother, focusing on societal expectations. Janet's arc explores her journey towards acceptance and learning to appreciate Anna's strength and independence.

Willi Kulski

Willi's character arc centers around his political beliefs, his relationship with Anna, and the conflicts inherent in merging personal and political ambition. He starts as Anna's ex-husband, representing her past and challenges her political ideals. Willi's arc explores the complexities of love and political ideology and the sacrifices they entail.

Ella Wulf

Ella's character arc captures her coming-of-age journey and her relationship with her mother, Anna. She starts as a rebellious teenager, challenging societal norms. Ella's arc explores her search for identity, understanding her mother's choices, and forging her own path in life.

Paul Tanner

Paul's character arc showcases his youthful ideals and his impact on Ella's life. He starts as Ella's boyfriend, bringing countercultural influences into her life. Paul's arc delves into rebellion, self-discovery, and the clash of generations, leading to an evolution in his own beliefs and understanding.


Anna Wulf and Molly Jacobs

Anna and Molly share a close friendship built on mutual support and understanding. They provide each other with emotional companionship, helping each other navigate the complexities of relationships, creative blocks, and societal expectations.

Anna Wulf and Tommy Porteous

Anna and Tommy share a passionate and turbulent love affair. They are intellectually and emotionally connected, but their relationship ultimately ends due to conflicts and personal issues.

Anna Wulf and Marion Brewster

Anna and Marion have a deep friendship rooted in their shared passion for writing and challenging societal norms. They serve as each other's sounding board and sources of support through their personal and creative struggles.

Anna Wulf and Richard Porteous

Anna and Richard's relationship starts as a tumultuous love affair, challenging Anna's notions of independence and love. They navigate power dynamics and emotional struggles that test their connection.

Anna Wulf and Billy Mathews

Anna and Billy have a passionate and fleeting affair that inspires Anna's creativity. Their relationship emphasizes the excitement and transience of romantic connections.

Anna Wulf and Janet Grant

Anna and Janet's relationship is complicated and strained due to their differing perspectives on womanhood and societal expectations. They explore the complexities of the mother-daughter dynamic and the evolution of their understanding.

Anna Wulf and Willi Kulski

Anna and Willi's relationship is marked by their shared political ideals and past marriage. Their connection emphasizes the conflicts between personal and political aspirations and the challenges of sustaining relationships amidst ideological differences.

Anna Wulf and Ella Wulf

Anna and Ella's relationship represents the generational divide and the impact of Anna's choices on her daughter. They navigate the complexities of mother-daughter dynamics, rebellion, and the search for personal identity.

Ella Wulf and Paul Tanner

Ella and Paul's relationship showcases the clash of youth and rebellion against societal norms. Their connection embodies the challenges of growing up, discovering individuality, and finding common ground amidst differences.


"The Golden Notebook" presents a diverse array of characters with complex backgrounds, distinct traits, and intricate relationships. Each character contributes to the exploration of themes such as gender roles, personal growth, creative struggles, and the conflicts between societal expectations and individual desires. Through their interactions and development, the characters in "The Golden Notebook" provide a rich tapestry of experiences that resonate with readers, prompting reflection on their own lives and the challenges they face.