
The body's there, but the soul is already gone.

Stephenie Meyer

The end of all things is near, and I must face it with honor and courage.

Stephenie Meyer

It's not the face, but the expressions on it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it.

Stephenie Meyer

We can be tough, independent, and capable, and still be feminine.

Stephenie Meyer

The body was a good one, and it would accomplish much in its lifetime. But it was still the least important part of who I was.

Stephenie Meyer

I do not see what the point is of love, if you're not willing to stand up and fight for it.

Stephenie Meyer

I was almost overwhelmed by the sense of beauty around me and the intelligence within me.

Stephenie Meyer

The length of a life is not important. It's what you do with it that is.

Stephenie Meyer

They did not have to fear me, and they did not have to like me, but they needed me.

Stephenie Meyer

I was a soul, and I had a body.

Stephenie Meyer