The Key to Rebecca
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"The Key to Rebecca" Summary

By Ken Follett

fiction | 352 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780451207791

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A British intelligence officer races against time to stop a German spy from uncovering a crucial secret during World War II.


"The Key to Rebecca" is a thrilling espionage novel written by Ken Follett. Set during the Second World War, this gripping story takes readers on a journey through the dangerous world of espionage and counterintelligence. With a blend of historical accuracy and fictional elements, Follett weaves an intricate plot filled with suspense, mystery, and betrayal. In this summary, we will explore the plot, main characters, key events, themes, and insights of "The Key to Rebecca."

Brief Synopsis

Set in 1942, amidst the backdrop of the North African campaign during World War II, "The Key to Rebecca" follows the intertwining paths of two men: Alex Wolff, a German spy, and William Vandam, an intelligence officer for the British army. As Rommel's Afrika Korps advances across the desert, the British desperately try to decipher the secret codes and strategies of their enemy.

Alex Wolff, a cunning and resourceful German agent, possesses a crucial advantage: knowledge of the "The Nile Code," a top-secret British cipher. With this knowledge, Wolff plans to use the code to aid Rommel's forces and turn the tide of the war in favor of the Axis powers. William Vandam, determined to stop Wolff at all costs, embarks on a perilous mission to uncover the spy's true identity and intentions.

Main Characters

Character NameDescription
Alex WolffA German spy with a deep knowledge of British codes and ciphers. Resourceful and cunning, he poses a significant threat to the Allies.
William VandamA British intelligence officer tasked with stopping Wolff. Vandam is determined and relentless in his pursuit of the German spy.
Elene FontanaA beautiful Egyptian woman caught between her loyalty to her country and her love for Wolff. She becomes entangled in the dangerous web of espionage.
Sonja El-AramVandam's lover and an influential Egyptian socialite. She aids Vandam in his mission to apprehend Wolff.

Summary of Different Story Points over Chapters

Chapter 1: The Nile Code

In this chapter, the readers are introduced to the main characters, Alex Wolff and William Vandam. Wolff, a German spy, obtains a copy of "The Nile Code," a top-secret British cipher. Vandam, an intelligence officer, becomes aware of Wolff's actions and is determined to stop him.

Chapter 2: The Spy's Network

Vandam uncovers a network of German spies operating in Cairo. He starts investigating their activities, hoping to find a link to Wolff. Meanwhile, Wolff establishes contact with Elene Fontana, an Egyptian woman who becomes entangled in his web of espionage.

Chapter 3: The Pursuit Begins

Vandam discovers a potential lead on Wolff's whereabouts and sets off on his pursuit. He tracks down Sonja El-Aram, his lover, and persuades her to help him capture Wolff. The chase intensifies as Vandam gets closer to his target.

Chapter 4: The Double Agent

Vandam and Sonja uncover a double agent within Wolff's network. They use this information to gain an advantage over Wolff and plan their next move. Meanwhile, Wolff becomes suspicious of Elene's loyalty and starts questioning her motives.

Chapter 5: The Final Showdown

Vandam and Wolff finally come face to face in a dramatic confrontation. The stakes are high as they battle for control and the fate of the war hangs in the balance. Betrayal, sacrifice, and unforeseen twists shape the outcome of this thrilling climax.

Main Events

  1. Alex Wolff obtains a copy of "The Nile Code" and plans to use it to aid Rommel's forces.
  2. William Vandam discovers the existence of a network of German spies operating in Cairo.
  3. Vandam forms an alliance with Sonja El-Aram to capture Wolff.
  4. Vandam and Sonja uncover a double agent within Wolff's network.
  5. The final confrontation between Vandam and Wolff determines the outcome of the war.

Themes and Insights


  1. Espionage and Counterintelligence: The novel explores the world of espionage and the lengths to which intelligence agencies go to gather information and protect national security.
  2. Loyalty and Betrayal: The characters face moral dilemmas as they navigate the intricacies of loyalty and betrayal. Friendships are tested, and loyalties shift in the face of war and personal interests.
  3. Love and Sacrifice: The story delves into the complexities of love and the sacrifices made in the name of duty and honor.


"The Key to Rebecca" provides readers with a glimpse into the world of intelligence operations during World War II. It highlights the importance of information and how it can shape the course of history. The novel also showcases the lengths individuals will go to protect their countries and loved ones, blurring the lines between right and wrong in the pursuit of victory.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Key to Rebecca" is a riveting page-turner that combines historical events with thrilling espionage. Ken Follett's meticulous research and compelling storytelling create a gripping narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The complex characters, intricate plot twists, and themes of loyalty and betrayal make this novel an enthralling read.


"The Key to Rebecca" is a captivating novel that transports readers to the world of spies and intelligence operations during World War II. Ken Follett's masterful storytelling and attention to historical detail bring this gripping tale to life. With its compelling characters, high-stakes plot, and themes of loyalty and sacrifice, "The Key to Rebecca" is a must-read for fans of espionage and historical fiction.

The Key to Rebecca FAQ

  1. Who is the author of 'The Key to Rebecca'?

    The author of 'The Key to Rebecca' is Ken Follett.

  2. What genre does 'The Key to Rebecca' belong to?

    'The Key to Rebecca' belongs to the genre of historical fiction.

  3. When was 'The Key to Rebecca' published?

    'The Key to Rebecca' was published in 1980.

  4. What is the setting of 'The Key to Rebecca'?

    The setting of 'The Key to Rebecca' is primarily during World War II, with the majority of the story taking place in Cairo, Egypt.

  5. What is the main plot of 'The Key to Rebecca'?

    The main plot of 'The Key to Rebecca' revolves around a British intelligence officer named Major William Vandam who tries to track down and capture a German spy known as 'The Sphinx' during World War II in Cairo.

  6. Are there any notable characters in 'The Key to Rebecca'?

    Yes, some notable characters in 'The Key to Rebecca' include Major William Vandam, a resourceful British intelligence officer, and Alex Wolff, a cunning German spy known as 'The Sphinx'.

  7. Is 'The Key to Rebecca' based on a true story?

    No, 'The Key to Rebecca' is a work of fiction, but it incorporates historical events and settings to provide a realistic backdrop.

  8. What are some similar books to 'The Key to Rebecca'?

    Some similar books to 'The Key to Rebecca' include 'Eye of the Needle' by Ken Follett and 'The Spy Who Came in from the Cold' by John le Carré.

  9. Is 'The Key to Rebecca' part of a series?

    No, 'The Key to Rebecca' is a standalone novel and not part of a series.

  10. Has 'The Key to Rebecca' been adapted into a movie?

    Yes, 'The Key to Rebecca' was adapted into a television movie in 1985.