The Kite Runner
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"The Kite Runner" Characters Analysis

By Khaled Hosseini

fiction | Published in 2013

ISBN_13: 9781594631931
ISBN_10: 159463193X

Estimated read time: 8 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
HassanAmir's Childhood Friend/Servant
BabaAmir's Father
SorayaAmir's Wife
Rahim KhanFamily Friend/Mentor
AliHassan's Father/Servant

Role Identification


Amir is the protagonist of the story, whose journey forms the central narrative of the novel. He is a complex character, grappling with guilt, betrayal, and redemption.


Hassan is Amir's childhood friend and servant. He plays a crucial role in Amir's life, serving as a constant reminder of Amir's moral failings.


Baba is Amir's father, a respected and influential figure in their community. His actions and values greatly shape Amir's character and the trajectory of the story.


Soraya is Amir's wife, providing him with love and support as he navigates the challenges of his past and present.


Assef serves as the antagonist in the novel, representing the darkest aspects of human nature and the oppressive political climate in Afghanistan.

Rahim Khan

Rahim Khan acts as a guiding figure and mentor to Amir, offering wisdom and insight into his past and present actions.


Ali is Hassan's father and also serves as a servant in Amir's household, adding depth to the themes of social class and loyalty in the story.

Character Descriptions


Amir is a layered character, struggling with the burden of his past actions and the desire for redemption. He is depicted as a thoughtful and introspective individual, haunted by the events of his childhood and seeking to atone for his mistakes.


Hassan is portrayed as loyal, kind-hearted, and resilient despite facing discrimination and hardship. His unwavering devotion to Amir contrasts sharply with Amir's own moral failings.


Baba is depicted as a strong and imposing figure, with a strict moral code that greatly influences Amir's worldview. Despite his flaws, he is shown to be capable of great sacrifice for those he loves.


Soraya is characterized as compassionate, understanding, and supportive of Amir, providing him with the emotional stability he desperately needs.


Assef is portrayed as a menacing and unrepentant figure, embodying the brutal realities of power and oppression in Afghanistan.

Rahim Khan

Rahim Khan is presented as a wise and compassionate mentor to Amir, offering guidance and understanding as Amir confronts his past.


Ali is depicted as a dignified and stoic figure, devoted to his son and unwavering in his loyalty to the family despite facing discrimination.

Character Traits


  • Guilt-ridden
  • Ambitious
  • Insecure
  • Compassionate


  • Loyal
  • Brave
  • Kind-hearted
  • Resilient


  • Authoritative
  • Generous
  • Morally upright
  • Protective


  • Empathetic
  • Strong-willed
  • Supportive
  • Compassionate


  • Ruthless
  • Sadistic
  • Manipulative
  • Unrepentant

Rahim Khan

  • Wise
  • Compassionate
  • Patient
  • Understanding


  • Loyal
  • Dignified
  • Stoic
  • Selfless

Character Background


Amir is the son of a wealthy and influential businessman in Kabul, Afghanistan. His privileged upbringing contrasts sharply with the hardships faced by his friend and servant, Hassan. Amir's complex relationship with his father and his guilt over betraying Hassan shape his character and motivations throughout the story.


Hassan is the son of Ali, the loyal servant of Amir's family. Despite facing discrimination due to his Hazara ethnicity, Hassan remains devoted to Amir, even at great personal cost. His unwavering loyalty and resilience stem from a childhood marked by hardship and injustice.


Baba is a prominent and respected figure in Kabul, known for his generosity and strong moral compass. His past in Afghanistan and his efforts to provide a better future for Amir significantly influence the dynamics of their relationship and the choices Amir makes.


Soraya is an Afghan woman who faces societal judgment and prejudice due to her past. Her experiences and resilience shape her compassionate and understanding nature, providing Amir with a source of stability in his life.


Assef is a product of the oppressive political climate in Afghanistan, his cruel and sadistic nature reflecting the dehumanizing effects of power and privilege. His interactions with Amir and Hassan reveal the stark realities of social hierarchy and oppression in the country.

Rahim Khan

Rahim Khan is a close family friend who serves as a moral compass and confidant to Amir. His deep understanding of Amir's past and his unwavering support offer Amir a path to redemption and self-discovery.


Ali is a Hazara man who serves as a loyal and dedicated servant to Amir's family. His unwavering loyalty and dignity in the face of discrimination provide a poignant commentary on the complexities of social class and loyalty in Afghan society.

Character Arcs


Amir's character arc is defined by his journey towards redemption and self-forgiveness. His initial betrayal of Hassan and the guilt that follows drive his actions as he seeks to atone for his past mistakes and find inner peace.


Hassan's character arc is marked by his unwavering loyalty and resilience despite facing betrayal and hardship. His enduring spirit and moral integrity serve as a stark contrast to the moral failings of other characters in the novel.


Baba's character arc reflects his efforts to reconcile his past actions and make amends for his mistakes. His sacrifices and the values he imparts to Amir shape the trajectory of the story and influence Amir's own journey.


Soraya's character arc revolves around her journey to find acceptance and understanding in the face of societal judgment. Her strength and compassion offer Amir a source of love and support as he confronts his past.


Assef's character arc is that of an unrepentant and menacing figure whose actions embody the darkest aspects of human nature. His presence serves as a constant threat, driving the narrative towards moments of confrontation and reckoning.

Rahim Khan

Rahim Khan's character arc revolves around his role as a guiding force for Amir, offering wisdom and perspective as Amir navigates his past and present. His unwavering support and understanding shape Amir's path towards redemption.


Ali's character arc is defined by his unwavering loyalty and dignity in the face of discrimination and hardship. His quiet strength and selflessness serve as a poignant commentary on the complexities of social dynamics in the story.


Amir and Hassan

The relationship between Amir and Hassan is marked by betrayal, guilt, and ultimately, redemption. Their childhood bond and the events that unfold shape the moral core of the novel, highlighting the complexities of friendship and loyalty.

Amir and Baba

The dynamic between Amir and Baba is fraught with tension and longing for acceptance. Their relationship is defined by unspoken expectations and the impact of past actions, driving the emotional core of the narrative.

Amir and Soraya

Amir's relationship with Soraya serves as a source of emotional stability and understanding, providing him with the love and support he desperately needs as he confronts his past.

Amir and Rahim Khan

Rahim Khan's relationship with Amir is one of mentorship and guidance, offering Amir wisdom and perspective as he confronts his past and seeks redemption.

Hassan and Ali

The relationship between Hassan and Ali is characterized by unwavering loyalty and sacrifice, serving as a poignant commentary on the complexities of social class and the enduring strength of familial bonds.


The characters in "The Kite Runner" are intricately woven into a narrative that explores themes of betrayal, redemption, and the enduring power of love and friendship. Their complex relationships and individual arcs serve as a poignant commentary on the human experience, offering readers a profound exploration of the human condition.