The Mist
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"The Mist" Summary

By Stephen King

horror | 230 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9999999999999

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A mysterious mist descends on a small town, trapping residents in a supermarket with terrifying creatures lurking outside.


"The Mist" is a horror novella written by Stephen King, known for his mastery in the genre. The story takes place in a small town in Maine and follows the terrifying events that unfold after a mysterious mist engulfs the area, bringing with it otherworldly creatures and driving the residents to the brink of madness.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

The novella is set in Bridgton, Maine, where a violent thunderstorm causes a strange mist to descend upon the town, trapping several people in a supermarket. As the survivors grapple with fear and uncertainty, they soon realize that the mist conceals otherworldly creatures that pose a grave threat to their lives.


The story primarily unfolds within the confines of the small-town supermarket, where the trapped characters must confront the horrors lurking in the mist while also dealing with their own internal conflicts and the breakdown of societal norms.

Main Characters

The story revolves around a diverse group of characters, each struggling to survive in the face of unimaginable terror. Here are the main characters:

David DraytonA commercial artist and the protagonist of the story. He is resourceful and determined to protect his son.
Stephanie DraytonDavid's wife, who is also trapped in the supermarket. Her strong will and resilience become crucial in the group's survival.
Brent NortonA neighbor of the Draytons who becomes increasingly paranoid and authoritarian as the situation escalates.
Ollie WeeksA level-headed and resourceful store employee who emerges as a leader among the survivors.
Mrs. CarmodyA deeply religious woman who interprets the events as a biblical apocalypse, gaining a fanatical following among the frightened survivors.

Summary of Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1-5

The story begins with a violent storm that damages the town, leading David Drayton and his son, Billy, to join their neighbors, including Brent Norton, in a trip to the supermarket for supplies. As the mist descends, the group witnesses horrifying creatures, sending the supermarket into panic and chaos.

Chapter 6-10

Tensions rise as the trapped survivors grapple with the realization that the mist is not only populated by deadly creatures but also conceals unknown dangers. Mrs. Carmody begins to gather a following among the frightened townspeople, interpreting the events as a religious apocalypse.

Chapter 11-15

The survivors attempt to fortify their position in the supermarket, facing internal conflicts and the growing influence of Mrs. Carmody's apocalyptic beliefs. As supplies dwindle and desperation mounts, the group faces the harrowing reality of their situation.

Chapter 16-20

David and a small group decide to brave the mist and seek refuge, only to face unimaginable horrors. Meanwhile, the situation in the supermarket reaches a breaking point, leading to a final confrontation that will determine the fate of the remaining survivors.

Main Events

The novella is filled with gripping events that drive the narrative forward and intensify the sense of dread and desperation among the characters. Some of the main events include:

  • The descent of the mist upon the town, revealing otherworldly creatures.
  • The growing influence of Mrs. Carmody's apocalyptic beliefs among the survivors.
  • The perilous journey of a group of survivors through the mist in search of refuge.
  • The climactic confrontation within the supermarket as tensions reach a breaking point.

Themes and Insights


"The Mist" explores several profound themes that resonate with readers and contribute to the novella's enduring impact. Some of the key themes include:

  • Fear and Desperation: The story delves into the primal fear and desperation that arise when faced with unknown and unimaginable horrors.
  • Human Nature and Societal Breakdown: The narrative examines the fragility of societal norms and the potential for human nature to veer into darkness when confronted with extreme circumstances.
  • Faith and Fanaticism: The influence of religious beliefs and the dangers of fanaticism are central to the story, particularly through the character of Mrs. Carmody.


The novella offers thought-provoking insights into the depths of human resilience, the complexities of faith and belief, and the harrowing consequences of societal breakdown. It serves as a chilling reminder of the fragility of civilization in the face of existential threats.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Mist" presents readers with a gripping and harrowing exploration of the human psyche when confronted with unspeakable horrors. It is a compelling reminder of the thin veneer of civilization and the primal instincts that emerge in the face of existential threats. The novella's relentless tension and profound themes leave a lasting impression on readers, making it a haunting and thought-provoking read.


In "The Mist," Stephen King masterfully weaves a tale of terror and survival, plunging readers into a nightmarish scenario where the line between humanity and monstrosity blurs. Through its compelling characters, relentless suspense, and profound themes, the novella immerses readers in a chilling exploration of the human condition when pushed to the brink. It stands as a testament to King's unparalleled ability to evoke fear and introspection, leaving an indelible mark on those who dare to journey into the mist.

The Mist FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'The Mist'?

    The genre of 'The Mist' is horror fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Mist'?

    Stephen King is the author of 'The Mist.'

  3. What is the setting of 'The Mist'?

    The story is set in a small town in Maine, which is a common setting for many of Stephen King's works.

  4. What is the main plot of 'The Mist'?

    The main plot revolves around a small town that becomes enveloped in a mysterious mist, bringing with it deadly creatures and causing chaos and fear among the townspeople.

  5. Is 'The Mist' a standalone novel or part of a series?

    'The Mist' is a standalone novella and is not part of a series.

  6. Are there any film adaptations of 'The Mist'?

    Yes, 'The Mist' was adapted into a film in 2007, directed by Frank Darabont.