Estimated read time: 5 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Chris GardnerProtagonist
Christopher Gardner Jr.Chris's son
LindaChris's wife
Jay TwistleChris's boss
Martin FrohmStockbroker

Role Identification

Chris Gardner

As the protagonist of the story, Chris Gardner is the central character who undergoes significant personal and professional challenges in his pursuit of happiness and success.

Christopher Gardner Jr.

Chris's son, Christopher Gardner Jr., plays a crucial role in the story as he experiences the struggles and triumphs alongside his father.


Linda, Chris's wife, plays a significant role in the initial part of the story, impacting Chris's decisions and experiences.

Jay Twistle

Jay Twistle serves as Chris's boss in the early part of the story, influencing Chris's professional life and providing a source of conflict.

Martin Frohm

Martin Frohm is a stockbroker who becomes a significant figure in Chris's journey, offering him an opportunity to prove himself in the competitive world of finance.

Character Descriptions

Chris Gardner

Chris is a determined and hardworking individual who faces numerous challenges while striving to provide a better life for himself and his son. He is resilient, resourceful, and committed to overcoming adversity.

Christopher Gardner Jr.

Christopher is a caring and understanding young boy who supports and encourages his father through their difficult circumstances. He exhibits maturity beyond his years as he navigates the challenges of their situation.


Linda initially plays a complex role in Chris's life, contributing to the family dynamic and influencing his decisions. Her character evolves as the story progresses, impacting Chris's journey in significant ways.

Jay Twistle

As Chris's boss, Jay Twistle represents the challenges and limitations of Chris's professional environment. His character reflects the obstacles Chris must overcome in his pursuit of success.

Martin Frohm

Martin Frohm is a successful stockbroker whose character embodies the potential opportunities and mentorship that Chris encounters as he strives to establish himself in the competitive world of finance.

Character Traits

Chris Gardner

  • Determined
  • Resilient
  • Resourceful
  • Hardworking
  • Optimistic

Christopher Gardner Jr.

  • Caring
  • Understanding
  • Supportive
  • Mature
  • Resilient


  • Complex
  • Influential
  • Supportive
  • Evolving

Jay Twistle

  • Authoritative
  • Challenging
  • Influential

Martin Frohm

  • Successful
  • Mentor-like
  • Opportunistic
  • Influential

Character Background

Chris Gardner

Chris Gardner's background is marked by financial struggles, personal hardships, and the challenges of single parenthood. His determination to break free from these circumstances and build a better life for himself and his son drives the narrative forward.

Christopher Gardner Jr.

As the son of Chris Gardner, Christopher's background is deeply intertwined with his father's journey. His experiences as a young boy growing up in challenging circumstances shape his character and resilience.


Linda's background and influence on Chris's life are explored in the narrative, shedding light on the complexities of their relationship and the impact of their shared experiences on Chris's pursuit of happiness.

Jay Twistle

While limited, Jay Twistle's background as Chris's boss provides insight into the professional environment that poses obstacles to Chris's aspirations.

Martin Frohm

Martin Frohm's background as a successful stockbroker and his role in the competitive world of finance illustrate the opportunities and challenges that Chris encounters as he strives for success.

Character Arcs

Chris Gardner

Chris undergoes a profound character arc as he transitions from struggling with homelessness and financial insecurity to finding success in the competitive world of finance. His personal growth and resilience are central to his character arc.

Christopher Gardner Jr.

Christopher experiences a significant emotional and psychological arc as he navigates the challenges of their circumstances, ultimately contributing to the family's journey towards stability and happiness.


Linda's character arc is marked by evolving dynamics within her relationship with Chris and the impact of their shared experiences on her personal growth.

Jay Twistle

While not a central character, Jay Twistle's role reflects a professional arc that intersects with Chris's journey, shaping the challenges and opportunities Chris encounters in his pursuit of happiness.

Martin Frohm

Martin Frohm's character arc revolves around his mentorship and the opportunities he presents to Chris, highlighting the impact of mentorship and professional relationships on Chris's trajectory.


Chris Gardner and Christopher Gardner Jr.

The bond between Chris and his son is a central relationship in the story, characterized by love, resilience, and mutual support as they navigate their challenges together.

Chris Gardner and Linda

The relationship between Chris and Linda undergoes significant changes, reflecting the complexities of their personal and shared experiences as Chris pursues his goals.

Chris Gardner and Jay Twistle

The professional relationship between Chris and Jay Twistle is marked by challenges and conflicts within the workplace, shaping Chris's professional journey.

Chris Gardner and Martin Frohm

Martin Frohm's mentorship and professional relationship with Chris play a pivotal role in shaping Chris's opportunities and growth in the world of finance.

By examining the characters, their roles, traits, backgrounds, arcs, and relationships, a deeper understanding of the narrative and thematic elements of "The Pursuit of Happyness" is achieved. Each character contributes to the overarching themes of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of happiness in the face of adversity.