The Reapers are the Angels
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"The Reapers are the Angels" Quotes

By Alden Bell

zombies | 225 pages | Published in 2010

ISBN_13: 9780805092431


I'm not afraid of the dead. It's the living I fear.

Alden Bell

You have to take what you're given, even if it's a curse.

Alden Bell

In a world like this, you don't get to be a child for long.

Alden Bell

The world is a dangerous place. It's not to be trusted.

Alden Bell

Some folks are just better in pieces.

Alden Bell

The dead are the only ones who really know how to keep a secret.

Alden Bell

Grief is like having a limb cut off, but no one can see the wound.

Alden Bell

Sometimes it's better not to see the future coming.

Alden Bell

The worst thing in the world is to outlive your own heart.

Alden Bell

Survival is not about being the strongest or the fastest; it's about being the most adaptable.

Alden Bell