The Remains of the Day
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4.12 / 5

"The Remains of the Day" Summary

By Kazuo Ishiguro

fiction | 234 pages | Published in 2009

ISBN_13: 9780307576187
ISBN_10: 0307576183

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A butler reflects on his life and the choices he made while serving an English lord in the years leading up to World War II.


"The Remains of the Day" is a compelling novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, exploring themes of regret, loyalty, and the passage of time. Set in post-war England, the story follows the life of Stevens, a butler who embarks on a reflective journey to revisit his past and come to terms with the choices he has made. Through his poignant narrative, the novel delves into the complexities of human emotions and the impact of personal and historical events on individual lives.

Brief Synopsis

In "The Remains of the Day," the protagonist, Mr. Stevens, a dedicated English butler, reminisces about his years of service at Darlington Hall. The novel is set against the backdrop of a changing England in the 1950s, as Stevens embarks on a road trip to visit Miss Kenton, a former housekeeper with whom he shared a complex professional and personal relationship. As he travels, he reflects on his life choices, his unwavering loyalty to his former employer, Lord Darlington, as well as the realization of his own emotional repression.

Plot Overview and Setting

The story primarily unfolds in the grandeur of Darlington Hall, an English country estate. Against the backdrop of the 1950s, the narrative explores the fading glory of the British aristocracy and the societal changes in post-war England. The road trip taken by Stevens serves as a physical and metaphorical journey, allowing him to contemplate his past, present, and future. The novel expertly weaves together the personal and historical, offering a rich tapestry of emotions and reflections.

Main Characters

The novel features several compelling characters, each playing a significant role in shaping the narrative.

Mr. StevensThe dedicated butler at Darlington Hall, who is deeply committed to his profession and shows unwavering loyalty to his former employer. He is emotionally reserved and struggles with expressing his true feelings.
Miss KentonThe former housekeeper at Darlington Hall, who shares a complex relationship with Mr. Stevens. She is strong-willed, and her departure from Darlington Hall has a lasting impact on Stevens.
Lord DarlingtonA prominent figure in British politics, with whom Stevens forms a close professional bond. His actions and decisions have a profound influence on Stevens' life and beliefs.

Summary of Different Story Points over Chapters

Chapters 1-3

The novel introduces Mr. Stevens, the butler at Darlington Hall, as he begins his journey to meet Miss Kenton, who is now married and living in a different town. Through Stevens' narration, the readers are given an insight into his unwavering commitment to his role as a butler and his deep respect for the traditions of his profession.

Chapters 4-6

As Stevens travels through the English countryside, he reflects on his interactions with Miss Kenton during her time at Darlington Hall. The narrative delves into the complexities of their professional relationship, hinting at unspoken emotions and missed opportunities. Stevens also recalls his interactions with Lord Darlington, shedding light on the political and social dynamics of the time.

Chapters 7-9

Stevens' journey triggers a series of introspective reflections on his life choices, his loyalty to Lord Darlington, and the personal sacrifices he has made in the pursuit of his professional excellence. The narrative delves into themes of duty, regret, and the passage of time, offering a poignant portrayal of human emotions and the weight of unspoken words.

Chapters 10-12

As Stevens finally meets Miss Kenton, now Mrs. Benn, the reunion brings to the surface a range of suppressed emotions and unexpressed feelings. The encounter serves as a catalyst for Stevens to confront the impact of his emotional repression and the realization of the irrevocable changes in his life.

Chapters 13-15

The novel reaches its emotional crescendo as Stevens grapples with the weight of his regrets and the choices that have shaped his life. The narrative culminates in a poignant moment of self-awareness, as Stevens comes to terms with the transient nature of time and the enduring power of human emotions.

Main Events

The novel unfolds through a series of significant events that shape the emotional landscape of the story.

Stevens' decision to embark on the journeyThe pivotal decision by Mr. Stevens to revisit the past, setting the stage for introspection and self-discovery.
Reunion with Miss KentonThe emotional reunion between Mr. Stevens and Miss Kenton, which becomes a catalyst for confronting suppressed emotions and unexpressed feelings.
Reflections on loyalty and regretStevens' introspective reflections on his unwavering loyalty to Lord Darlington and the weight of his regrets, leading to a profound realization about the nature of human existence.

Themes and Insights

"The Remains of the Day" delves into several profound themes and offers insightful reflections on the human experience.

Loyalty and Duty

The novel explores the concept of unwavering loyalty and duty, as seen through the character of Mr. Stevens and his dedication to his profession. It raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of loyalty and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of duty.

Regret and Self-Reflection

Central to the narrative is the theme of regret and the power of self-reflection. The novel delves into the emotional landscape of missed opportunities, unexpressed emotions, and the weight of personal choices, offering profound insights into the human experience.

Passage of Time

Through Stevens' introspective journey, the novel contemplates the transient nature of time and the inevitability of change. It offers poignant reflections on the impact of time on personal experiences and the enduring power of memories.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Remains of the Day" offers readers a poignant exploration of human emotions, regret, and the passage of time. Through the introspective narrative of Mr. Stevens, the novel invites readers to contemplate the complexities of loyalty, the weight of regret, and the enduring power of personal connections. It is a compelling literary work that resonates with themes of introspection and the emotional intricacies of the human experience.


In conclusion, "The Remains of the Day" is a deeply moving novel that navigates the emotional terrain of regret, loyalty, and the passage of time. With its richly drawn characters and thought-provoking themes, the novel offers readers a compelling journey into the complexities of human emotions and the enduring power of personal reflections. Kazuo Ishiguro's masterful storytelling weaves together the personal and historical, creating a narrative that lingers in the hearts and minds of readers long after the final page is turned.

The Remains of the Day FAQ

  1. What is 'The Remains of the Day' about?

    The Remains of the Day is a novel that follows the life of Stevens, a butler in post-war England. The story explores his reflections on his career, relationships, and the choices he has made.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Remains of the Day'?

    The author of 'The Remains of the Day' is Kazuo Ishiguro, a British novelist of Japanese descent.

  3. What is the setting of 'The Remains of the Day'?

    The novel is set in England, primarily in the 1950s, and features the grand country house of Darlington Hall.

  4. Is 'The Remains of the Day' a historical novel?

    Yes, 'The Remains of the Day' can be classified as a historical novel, as it delves into the post-war era in England and the societal changes of that time.

  5. What themes are explored in 'The Remains of the Day'?

    The novel delves into themes of duty, loyalty, self-deception, and the passage of time. It also explores the impact of personal and societal choices.