The Secret Agent
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"The Secret Agent" Characters Analysis

By Joseph Conrad

fiction | Published in 2007

OTHER: PSU:000062475938

Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Mr. VerlocProtagonist
Winnie VerlocAntagonist
Chief Inspector HeatSupporting Character
StevieSupporting Character
MichaelisSupporting Character
The ProfessorSupporting Character

Role Identification

In Joseph Conrad's novel "The Secret Agent," several characters play significant roles in driving the plot forward and exploring complex themes. Understanding the roles and characteristics of these characters helps unravel the intricacies of the story and its underlying messages.

Character Descriptions

1. Mr. Verloc

Description: Mr. Verloc is the central character and protagonist in "The Secret Agent." He is a middle-aged, unimpressive, and seemingly ordinary man who operates a small pornography shop in London. His appearance disguises his role as a secret agent and anarchist.

2. Winnie Verloc

Description: Winnie Verloc, Mr. Verloc's wife, is a conflicted and tormented character. She is portrayed as a devoted wife and caretaker but reveals a hidden strength and resilience throughout the story.

3. Chief Inspector Heat

Description: Chief Inspector Heat is a supporting character who works for the police. He is dedicated to his job, displaying an unwavering determination to uncover the truth behind a terrorist plot.

4. Stevie

Description: Stevie is Mr. Verloc's mentally disabled brother-in-law and plays a significant role in the narrative. He is portrayed as a vulnerable character with a childlike innocence, prone to emotional outbursts.

5. Michaelis

Description: Michaelis is a member of the anarchist group connected to Mr. Verloc. He portrays a strong political conviction and acts as a driving force in the plot.

6. The Professor

Description: The Professor is another member of the anarchist group, bringing a more intellectual and philosophical aspect to the story. Despite limited appearances, his character plays a crucial role in fueling the narrative tension.

Character Traits

1. Mr. Verloc

Trait 1: Deceptive - Mr. Verloc is adept at concealing his true identity and motives, presenting a facade of an ordinary businessman.

Trait 2: Manipulative - He skillfully manipulates those around him, using his charisma to control others and fulfill his objectives.

Trait 3: Cautious - Mr. Verloc is cautious and calculating in his actions, always considering the potential consequences before making a move.

2. Winnie Verloc

Trait 1: Devoted - Winnie is deeply devoted to her husband, Mr. Verloc, prioritizing their relationship above all else.

Trait 2: Resilient - Despite facing immense emotional turmoil, Winnie displays resilience in her ability to adapt and carry on amidst challenging circumstances.

Trait 3: Conflicted - She grapples with conflicting emotions as she discovers her husband's role in the anarchist plot, causing her to question her loyalty and moral compass.

3. Chief Inspector Heat

Trait 1: Dedicated - Chief Inspector Heat is a committed police officer, pursuing justice and relentlessly investigating the secrets and threats of terrorism.

Trait 2: Observant - He possesses keen observational skills, allowing him to gather vital clues and make insightful deductions in his pursuit of the truth.

Trait 3: Pragmatic - Chief Inspector Heat showcases a pragmatic approach to solving crimes, relying on logic and evidence rather than impulsivity.

4. Stevie

Trait 1: Vulnerable - Stevie's mental disability makes him vulnerable and easily manipulated by those around him, leading to tragic consequences.

Trait 2: Innocent - He embodies innocence, untainted by the dark world of politics and terrorism prevalent in the novel.

Trait 3: Emotional - Stevie's emotions drive his actions, leading to both outbursts of anger and moments of unexpected heroism.

Character Background

1. Mr. Verloc

Mr. Verloc's background is shrouded in mystery, just like his true identity. He is an immigrant living in London and involved in clandestine activities. The novel does not provide explicit details about his upbringing or early life, leaving his true origins up to interpretation. This ambiguity adds to the enigma surrounding his character.

2. Winnie Verloc

Winnie's background reveals her upbringing in poverty and her desire for stability and security. Her marriage to Mr. Verloc offers her a sense of stability initially, but she soon becomes entangled in his dangerous world.

3. Chief Inspector Heat

Chief Inspector Heat's background is that of a seasoned police officer, well-versed in the criminal underbelly of London. He brings his experience and expertise to his role, displaying a deep understanding of the motives and tactics of terrorists.

4. Stevie

Stevie's backstory emphasizes his mental disability and his dependency on his sister, Winnie. His limited educational opportunities further contribute to his vulnerability and naivety.

Character Arcs

1. Mr. Verloc

Mr. Verloc's character arc follows a trajectory from an unassuming and seemingly ordinary man to a perpetrator of a terrorist act. As the story unfolds, he realizes the consequences of his actions, leading to personal turmoil and a gradual descent into darkness.

2. Winnie Verloc

Winnie's character arc revolves around a transformative journey of self-discovery. Initially, she is reliant on her husband for stability and purpose. However, as she comes to understand his true nature and his dangerous activities, she confronts her own agency, leading to a defining moment of decision-making.

3. Chief Inspector Heat

Chief Inspector Heat's character arc demonstrates a gradual evolution in his perception of justice. As he delves deeper into the investigation of the anarchist plot, his steadfast adherence to the law is tested, forcing him to question the boundaries of morality and the concepts of order and chaos.

4. Stevie

Stevie's character arc showcases his transformation from a vulnerable and easily manipulated individual to an unintended hero. Despite his limitations, Stevie bravely takes action when confronted with a moral dilemma, inadvertently altering the course of events.


1. Mr. and Winnie Verloc

The relationship between Mr. and Winnie Verloc is initially portrayed as one of stability and companionship. However, as Winnie becomes aware of her husband's dangerous activities, their relationship crumbles under the weight of betrayal, secrecy, and conflicting loyalties.

2. Mr. Verloc and Stevie

Mr. Verloc's relationship with his mentally disabled brother-in-law, Stevie, is complex. While Mr. Verloc is protective of Stevie to some extent, he also exploits his vulnerability to advance his own goals. This dynamic eventually leads to tragic consequences.

3. Chief Inspector Heat and Mr. Verloc

Chief Inspector Heat's relationship with Mr. Verloc evolves into a cat-and-mouse game as Heat relentlessly pursues the truth behind the terrorist plot. Their interactions reveal the tension between law enforcement and criminality, highlighting the clash of ideologies represented by the characters.

4. The Professor and Anarchist Group

The Professor's relationship with the anarchist group, including Mr. Verloc and Michaelis, is one of ideological alignment and shared purpose. Their collective desire for societal change drives the plot forward, leading to devastating consequences.

In conclusion, "The Secret Agent" weaves a web of complex characters whose traits, backgrounds, arcs, and relationships intricately contribute to the novel's captivating narrative. By examining each character's role and motivations, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the psychological depths and themes explored within Joseph Conrad's masterpiece.