The Silver Chair
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"The Silver Chair" Quotes

By C.S. Lewis

fantasy | 260 pages | Published in 1998

ISBN_10: 0006716814
ISBN_13: 9780006716815


Safe? Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.

C.S. Lewis

One word, Ma'am,

C.S. Lewis

We're not quite as simple as that, for we have met the Witch. And she was always jolly nice to us—oh, very nice. If you'd like to know she's a lot nicer than you'd think. She is a serpent, though I never saw a worse,

C.S. Lewis

Fancy talking to a man about marrying a woman! I never heard such impudence in my life.

C.S. Lewis

We do not want any adventures here, thank you! You might think that, but no, we do not. The whole lot of us are against it, and we're not going to move. We don't intend to let you take the children out of our hands just as if we were kidnappers.

C.S. Lewis

It's all right. I know it's all right. He won't let us be drowned. Look at him!

C.S. Lewis

And as they came hurtling down, he saw the water, like a thick bar, flashing past in a twinkling. But he also saw that it was flashing past on the other side of the horse too.

C.S. Lewis

It is indeed a very grave matter,

C.S. Lewis

You must remind me to tell you about the signs he has made and the words he has spoken. There are things one must do after a battle.

C.S. Lewis

I am sure I am very glad to see you, and I know it's all right,

C.S. Lewis