The Tin Drum
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3.96 / 5

"The Tin Drum" Characters Analysis

By Günter Grass

fiction | 600 pages | Published in 2017

ISBN_13: 9780691165783
ISBN_10: 0691165785

Estimated read time: 5 min read

List of Characters

Main Characters

Oskar MatzerathProtagonist
Jan BronskiOskar's father
Agnes MatzerathOskar's mother
Alfred MatzerathOskar's grandfather

Supporting Characters

Maria TruczinskiOskar's nanny
Roswitha RagunaOskar's love interest
BebraCircus director
SchmuhCircus performer

Role Identification

Oskar Matzerath

Oskar is the protagonist of the novel and narrates his life story. He is a precocious and rebellious boy who decides to stop growing at the age of three and expresses himself through his tin drum.

Jan Bronski

Jan is Oskar's biological father, a Polish postal worker, and a member of the Nazi Party. He has a tumultuous relationship with Oskar's mother, Agnes.

Agnes Matzerath

Agnes is Oskar's mother, who has an affair with Jan Bronski, leading to Oskar's birth. She later marries Alfred Matzerath.

Alfred Matzerath

Alfred is Oskar's legal father and a member of the Nazi Party. He runs a grocery store and is a domineering figure in Oskar's life.

Character Descriptions

Oskar Matzerath

Oskar is a complex character who uses his drum as a form of rebellion and communication. He is described as having piercing eyes and a strong will, despite his decision to stop growing.

Jan Bronski

Jan is depicted as a passionate and charismatic man with a rebellious spirit. He is involved in various political and romantic entanglements throughout the novel.

Agnes Matzerath

Agnes is portrayed as a troubled and enigmatic woman who struggles with her identity and desires. Her relationships with both Jan and Alfred are central to the narrative.

Alfred Matzerath

Alfred is a strict and authoritarian figure, often at odds with Oskar's unconventional behavior. He represents the oppressive forces in Oskar's life.

Character Traits

Oskar Matzerath

  • Rebellious
  • Intelligent
  • Unconventional
  • Manipulative
  • Determined

Jan Bronski

  • Charismatic
  • Passionate
  • Rebellious
  • Political
  • Impulsive

Agnes Matzerath

  • Troubled
  • Enigmatic
  • Passionate
  • Conflicted
  • Vulnerable

Alfred Matzerath

  • Authoritarian
  • Domineering
  • Traditional
  • Conventional
  • Controlling

Character Background

Oskar Matzerath

Oskar is born in Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) and grows up during the tumultuous period of World War II and its aftermath. His decision to stop growing is rooted in his desire to reject the adult world and its hypocrisies.

Jan Bronski

Jan is a Polish national living in Germany and becomes involved in various political movements, including the Nazi Party. His relationship with Agnes and his conflicting loyalties shape his character.

Agnes Matzerath

Agnes is a native of Danzig and experiences personal and emotional turmoil due to her romantic entanglements with Jan and Alfred. Her inner conflicts have a profound impact on Oskar's upbringing.

Alfred Matzerath

Alfred is a traditional German man who becomes a member of the Nazi Party. His strict adherence to societal norms and his desire for control influence his interactions with Oskar.

Character Arcs

Oskar Matzerath

Oskar's character arc revolves around his refusal to grow up and his unconventional way of engaging with the world. He navigates the complexities of wartime and post-war Germany while asserting his independence.

Jan Bronski

Jan's character arc is marked by his political and romantic pursuits, as well as his inner conflicts as a Polish man living in Germany. His relationships with Agnes and Oskar shape his trajectory.

Agnes Matzerath

Agnes undergoes a tumultuous character arc as she grapples with her romantic relationships and the challenges of motherhood. Her emotional journey is intertwined with Oskar's development.

Alfred Matzerath

Alfred's character arc is characterized by his authoritarianism and his attempts to control Oskar's behavior. His rigid adherence to societal norms is tested by Oskar's defiance.


Oskar and Jan Bronski

Oskar's relationship with Jan is marked by a mix of admiration, resentment, and a shared sense of rebelliousness. Jan's complex identity as Oskar's father shapes their interactions.

Oskar and Agnes Matzerath

Oskar's bond with Agnes is fraught with emotional intensity and conflict. Agnes's struggles deeply impact Oskar, and their relationship is a central dynamic in the novel.

Oskar and Alfred Matzerath

Oskar's relationship with Alfred is defined by power struggles and Oskar's defiance of authority. Alfred's attempts to mold Oskar clash with Oskar's determination to assert his independence.

Oskar and Maria Truczinski

Maria serves as Oskar's nanny and provides him with emotional support and stability during his tumultuous upbringing. Their relationship is rooted in mutual care and understanding.


The characters in "The Tin Drum" are intricately woven into the fabric of a tumultuous historical period, each grappling with personal and societal challenges. Oskar's unconventional journey, along with the complexities of his relationships, serves as a lens through which the novel explores themes of rebellion, identity, and the impact of war.