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Test your knowledge about the book "A Dangerous Fortune". We have come up with 10 quiz questions for the book. Hit play and start testing your knowledge. Each correctly answered question gives one point.

10 questions available

Essay questions

These essay questions are meant to be used as a starting point for your essay or research paper.

  1. How does the theme of power and greed drive the plot of 'A Dangerous Fortune'?
  2. Discuss the role of women in the novel. How do they challenge the societal norms of the time?
  3. Analyze the character of Hugh Pilaster. How does his ambition shape his actions throughout the story?
  4. Examine the significance of the banking industry in the novel. How does it serve as a backdrop for the characters' struggles?
  5. Explore the theme of betrayal in 'A Dangerous Fortune.' How do the characters navigate the consequences of their betrayals?
  6. Discuss the role of class and social status in the novel. How does it affect the characters' relationships and opportunities?
  7. Explain the significance of the fortune mentioned in the title. How does it impact the characters' lives and decisions?
  8. Analyze the character of Maisie Robinson. How does her resilience and determination drive the narrative forward?
  9. Explore the theme of revenge in the novel. How do the characters seek retribution for past wrongs?
  10. Discuss the role of love and romance in 'A Dangerous Fortune.' How do romantic relationships shape the characters' lives?