A Prayer For Owen Meany
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"A Prayer For Owen Meany" Summary

By John Irving

fiction | 79 pages | Published in 2012

ISBN_13: 9781448111831
ISBN_10: 1448111838

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A boy with a strange voice believes he is an instrument of God's will.

Table of Contents


"A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that delves into themes of faith, friendship, destiny, and the impact of one individual on the lives of others. Set in the fictional town of Gravesend, New Hampshire, the story unfolds through the eyes of the protagonist, John Wheelwright, as he recounts the extraordinary life of his best friend, Owen Meany. The novel is a poignant exploration of the human spirit and the mysterious ways in which fate and faith intersect.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview and Setting

The novel is set in the mid-20th century, spanning the 1950s to the 1980s, and primarily takes place in the small town of Gravesend, New Hampshire. The story is narrated by John Wheelwright, who reflects on his childhood and adolescence in Gravesend and his enduring friendship with Owen Meany, a remarkable and enigmatic figure. The narrative weaves together themes of friendship, religion, and destiny, as John recounts the events that shaped his life and the indelible impact of Owen Meany.

Main Characters

The characters in "A Prayer for Owen Meany" are richly developed and play integral roles in shaping the narrative.

John WheelwrightThe protagonist and narrator of the novel. He is an introspective and thoughtful individual who reflects on his life and the influence of his extraordinary friend, Owen Meany.
Owen MeanyA diminutive and peculiar boy with a distinctive high-pitched voice. He possesses an unwavering belief in predestination and sees himself as an instrument of God. His actions have a profound impact on those around him.
Hester EastmanJohn's mother, a strong-willed and independent woman who plays a significant role in shaping John's worldview.
Dan NeedhamJohn's stepfather, a compassionate and understanding figure who becomes a source of guidance and support for both John and Owen.
Tabitha WheelwrightJohn's grandmother, whose mysterious death deeply affects both John and Owen and sets in motion a series of events that reverberate throughout the novel.

Summary of Different Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1-6: Childhood in Gravesend

The novel begins with John Wheelwright reflecting on his childhood in Gravesend, New Hampshire, and his enduring friendship with Owen Meany. The two boys navigate the complexities of adolescence, with Owen's unusual demeanor setting him apart from his peers. The narrative establishes the deep bond between John and Owen and foreshadows the pivotal role Owen will play in John's life.

Chapter 7-12: Owen's Prophecy

A pivotal moment occurs when Owen has a profound vision during a Little League baseball game, foreseeing his own death and a fateful event that will shape the lives of those around him. This prophecy sets the stage for the unfolding of Owen's enigmatic destiny and the impact it will have on John and others.

Chapter 13-20: Friendship and Faith

As the boys transition into young adulthood, their friendship deepens, and Owen's unwavering faith and sense of purpose become increasingly pronounced. John grapples with his own beliefs and questions of fate, while Owen remains resolute in his conviction that he is an instrument of a higher power.

Chapter 21-25: Tragedy and Revelation

Tragedy strikes when John's mother, Hester, is killed in a tragic accident, further solidifying the bond between John and Owen. The circumstances surrounding Hester's death and the revelations that follow propel the narrative toward a powerful and climactic resolution.

Chapter 26-30: Unraveling Destiny

The novel builds toward a series of revelations and events that culminate in a stunning and poignant conclusion. The impact of Owen's life and actions becomes increasingly apparent as the narrative reaches its emotional crescendo, leaving an indelible mark on John and the reader.

Main Events

The novel "A Prayer for Owen Meany" is punctuated by several significant events that drive the narrative forward and shape the characters' lives.

Owen's ProphecyDuring a Little League baseball game, Owen experiences a profound vision, foreseeing his own death and a fateful event that will impact the lives of those around him. This prophecy sets the stage for the unfolding of Owen's extraordinary destiny.
Hester's Tragic DeathThe sudden and tragic death of John's mother, Hester, sets in motion a series of events that deeply affect both John and Owen. The circumstances surrounding her death lead to revelations that reverberate throughout the novel.
The Climactic ResolutionThe novel builds toward a powerful and emotional conclusion, as the impact of Owen's life and actions becomes increasingly apparent. The resolution is marked by a series of revelations that leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Themes and Insights


  1. Faith and Predestination: The novel delves into the concept of predestination and the role of faith in shaping one's destiny. Owen's unwavering belief in his predestined purpose and the influence of a higher power is a central theme.
  2. Friendship and Loyalty: The enduring bond between John and Owen serves as a testament to the power of friendship and unwavering loyalty in the face of adversity.
  3. Identity and Purpose: The characters grapple with questions of identity and purpose, exploring their place in the world and the impact of their actions on the lives of others.


The novel offers profound insights into the complexities of human existence, the enduring power of faith, and the indelible impact of one individual on the lives of others. It prompts introspection and contemplation of the mysterious ways in which destiny unfolds and the role of faith in guiding one's path.

Reader's Takeaway

"A Prayer for Owen Meany" is a deeply moving and thought-provoking novel that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. It invites contemplation of faith, friendship, and the enigmatic forces that shape our lives. The profound themes and richly developed characters make this a compelling and unforgettable literary work.


In "A Prayer for Owen Meany," John Irving skillfully weaves a narrative that captivates and inspires, exploring themes of faith, friendship, and the inexorable pull of destiny. The novel's enduring resonance lies in its profound insights and the remarkable impact of one individual on the lives of those around him. With its powerful storytelling and poignant themes, "A Prayer for Owen Meany" is a literary masterpiece that lingers in the hearts and minds of its readers long after the final page.

A Prayer For Owen Meany FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'A Prayer For Owen Meany'?

    The genre of 'A Prayer For Owen Meany' is literary fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'A Prayer For Owen Meany'?

    The author of 'A Prayer For Owen Meany' is John Irving.

  3. What is the book 'A Prayer For Owen Meany' about?

    The book 'A Prayer For Owen Meany' follows the story of two young boys, John Wheelwright and Owen Meany, as they grow up in a small New Hampshire town. It explores themes of friendship, faith, and destiny.

  4. Is 'A Prayer For Owen Meany' part of a series?

    No, 'A Prayer For Owen Meany' is a standalone novel and is not part of a series.

  5. Is 'A Prayer For Owen Meany' suitable for young readers?

    The book contains mature themes and language, so it may not be suitable for young readers. It is generally recommended for older teens and adults.