A Tale of Love and Darkness
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"A Tale of Love and Darkness" Quotes

By Amos Oz

nonfiction | 528 pages | Published in 2015

ISBN_13: 9781448163090
ISBN_10: 1448163099


I believe that the world is divided into two opposing camps, and I belong to the camp of the wounded.

Amos Oz

I am a wounded person who sings, not a singer with a wound.

Amos Oz

We are all wounded souls, but even with our wounds, we sing and dance and pray.

Amos Oz

Sometimes you can find a whole world in a word.

Amos Oz

The world remade itself in a different shape, a different form, and I still belonged to the old world.

Amos Oz

I often read books that gave me the feeling of peering into a mirror.

Amos Oz

I have always had an instinct for survival.

Amos Oz

What was I doing in this world? What was my purpose?

Amos Oz

I was certain that I would never return to that room, that bed, that house, that city, that country.

Amos Oz

I was not yet thirteen, and I felt that I was carrying the weight of the world on my young shoulders.

Amos Oz