A Town Like Alice
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"A Town Like Alice" Quotes

By Nevil Shute

fiction | 286 pages | Published in 1981

ISBN_10: 0099530260
ISBN_13: 9780099530268


When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you're having an adventure you wish you were safe at home.

Nevil Shute

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.

Nevil Shute

It's a woman's business to be interested in clothes!

Nevil Shute

Have you ever noticed how, oftentimes, when you get something you want, it's not nearly as good as you thought it would be?

Nevil Shute

It's a bit difficult to explain things when you're tied up, but at least you're held still and have to listen.

Nevil Shute

War has a way of bringing out the worst in people.

Nevil Shute

Sometimes strength is hidden beneath the surface.

Nevil Shute

You'll find that it takes a person of strong character to be able to be alone.

Nevil Shute

Love can survive even the most challenging circumstances.

Nevil Shute

In all the history books I have found, there's never been an account of a woman leading a thousand women in a jungle march to defeat the enemy.

Nevil Shute