Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Meg MurryProtagonist
Charles Wallace MurryMeg's younger brother
Calvin O'KeefeMeg's friend and love interest
Mrs. WhatsitA celestial being
Mrs. WhoA celestial being
Mrs. WhichA celestial being
The Man with Red EyesAntagonist

Role Identification

Meg Murry

Meg Murry is the protagonist of "A Wrinkle in Time." She is a young girl who embarks on a cosmic journey to rescue her father, Mr. Murry, with the help of her younger brother, Charles Wallace, and her friend Calvin O'Keefe.

Charles Wallace Murry

Charles Wallace is Meg's exceptionally intelligent and enigmatic younger brother. Despite his young age, he possesses a deep understanding of the universe and plays a crucial role in the quest to find their father.

Calvin O'Keefe

Calvin is a popular and confident boy who befriends Meg and becomes an integral part of their journey. He develops a close bond with Meg and provides vital support throughout their adventures.

Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which

These three celestial beings guide Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin on their journey. They possess otherworldly knowledge and abilities, serving as mentors and allies to the young protagonists.

The Man with Red Eyes

The Man with Red Eyes is the primary antagonist in the story. He represents the dark forces that Meg and her companions must confront and overcome during their quest.

Character Descriptions

Meg Murry

Meg is depicted as a stubborn and insecure girl who struggles with self-doubt. However, she also exhibits remarkable courage, intelligence, and resilience as she confronts various challenges throughout the narrative.

Charles Wallace Murry

Charles Wallace is a precocious and enigmatic child with an extraordinary intellect. Despite his young age, he possesses a deep understanding of the universe and often demonstrates wisdom beyond his years.

Calvin O'Keefe

Calvin is described as a popular and charismatic boy with a kind and empathetic nature. He forms a strong emotional connection with Meg, providing unwavering support and empathy during their perilous journey.

Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which

These celestial beings are depicted as mysterious and ethereal entities with the ability to transcend space and time. Each of them contributes unique wisdom, guidance, and supernatural powers to aid the protagonists on their quest.

The Man with Red Eyes

The Man with Red Eyes embodies malevolence and represents the oppressive forces that seek to subjugate and control others. His menacing presence creates a sense of foreboding and danger throughout the narrative.

Character Traits

Meg Murry

  • Courageous: Despite her insecurities, Meg demonstrates remarkable bravery in the face of adversity.
  • Intellectual: She possesses a keen intellect and problem-solving skills that prove invaluable during their quest.
  • Emotionally Vulnerable: Meg grapples with feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability, adding depth to her character.

Charles Wallace Murry

  • Profoundly Intelligent: Charles Wallace's exceptional intellect and intuitive understanding of complex concepts set him apart as a unique and enigmatic character.
  • Mysterious: His enigmatic nature and uncanny perceptiveness contribute to his captivating presence in the story.

Calvin O'Keefe

  • Empathetic: Calvin's compassionate and empathetic nature enables him to form deep connections with Meg and Charles Wallace.
  • Supportive: He provides unwavering support and encouragement to his companions, demonstrating loyalty and resilience.

Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which

  • Otherworldly: These celestial beings possess supernatural abilities and knowledge that transcend human comprehension.
  • Guiding: They serve as mentors and guides, imparting wisdom and guidance to the young protagonists on their cosmic journey.

The Man with Red Eyes

  • Menacing: The antagonist exudes an aura of malevolence and poses a significant threat to the protagonists' mission.
  • Manipulative: He utilizes cunning and manipulation to sow discord and hinder the protagonists' progress.

Character Background

Meg Murry

Meg is a complex and relatable character whose background is rooted in familial love and academic struggles. Her father's mysterious disappearance deeply impacts her, shaping her determination to reunite her fractured family.

Charles Wallace Murry

Charles Wallace's background remains enigmatic, adding to his air of mystery and intrigue. His deep connection to the cosmic forces at play suggests a profound and otherworldly origin.

Calvin O'Keefe

Calvin's background is characterized by a tumultuous family life, driving his desire for emotional connection and belonging. His innate empathy and resilience stem from his experiences, shaping his role in the narrative.

Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which

The celestial beings' origins remain shrouded in mystery, emphasizing their transcendent nature and inscrutable backgrounds. Their enigmatic presence underscores their pivotal roles as cosmic guides.

The Man with Red Eyes

The antagonist's background is steeped in darkness and tyranny, reflecting his malevolent nature and thirst for control. His origins and motivations are rooted in the oppressive forces that threaten the protagonists' world.

Character Arcs

Meg Murry

Meg undergoes a profound character arc, evolving from a self-doubting and insecure girl into a courageous and empowered young woman. Her journey of self-discovery and resilience drives the narrative forward, culminating in a transformative personal growth.

Charles Wallace Murry

Charles Wallace's arc revolves around his enigmatic nature and his pivotal role in the cosmic quest. His evolution intertwines with the mystical forces at play, leading to revelations about his extraordinary abilities and cosmic purpose.

Calvin O'Keefe

Calvin experiences a transformative arc centered on emotional growth and self-discovery. His journey alongside Meg and Charles Wallace shapes his understanding of love, friendship, and the interconnectedness of the universe.

Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which

Though already celestial beings, their arcs revolve around guiding the protagonists and imparting crucial wisdom. Their interactions with the young characters offer glimpses into their timeless existence and unwavering commitment to the forces of light.

The Man with Red Eyes

The antagonist's arc encompasses his relentless pursuit of power and dominance, culminating in a climactic confrontation with the protagonists. His descent into darkness and tyranny serves as a formidable obstacle that the protagonists must overcome.


Meg Murry and Charles Wallace Murry

Meg's bond with her younger brother is characterized by deep familial love and unwavering loyalty. Their connection transcends ordinary sibling dynamics, forming a crucial foundation for their cosmic journey.

Meg Murry and Calvin O'Keefe

Meg and Calvin's relationship blossoms from friendship into a profound emotional connection. Their mutual support and understanding strengthen them as they navigate the challenges of their perilous quest.

Meg Murry, Charles Wallace Murry, and Calvin O'Keefe

The trio forms a resilient and interconnected unit, each contributing unique strengths and perspectives to their cosmic odyssey. Their bond symbolizes the power of collaboration and empathy in overcoming adversities.

The Protagonists and the Celestial Beings

The protagonists' relationship with the celestial beings is defined by reverence, trust, and the exchange of cosmic knowledge. Their guidance and mentorship forge a profound alliance that transcends the boundaries of human comprehension.

The Protagonists and the Man with Red Eyes

The antagonistic relationship between the protagonists and the Man with Red Eyes is characterized by conflict and peril. Their confrontations underscore the inherent struggle between light and darkness, shaping the narrative's climactic tension.

In "A Wrinkle in Time," Madeleine L'Engle crafts a rich tapestry of characters, each contributing to the narrative's depth and thematic resonance. From the protagonists' transformative arcs to the enigmatic celestial beings and menacing antagonist, the interplay of characters forms a captivating exploration of love, courage, and the cosmic forces that bind the universe.