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Test your knowledge about the book "After the Funeral". We have come up with 10 quiz questions for the book. Hit play and start testing your knowledge. Each correctly answered question gives one point.

10 questions available

Essay questions

These essay questions are meant to be used as a starting point for your essay or research paper.

  1. How does the death of Richard Abernethie set the stage for the events in 'After the Funeral'?
  2. Discuss the significance of the title 'After the Funeral' and its relation to the story's central themes.
  3. Analyze the character of Cora Lansquenet and her role in the plot. How does she contribute to the mystery surrounding Abernethie's death?
  4. Explore the theme of family dynamics in 'After the Funeral'. How do the relationships between the Abernethie siblings impact the unfolding of the mystery?
  5. Discuss the role of inheritance and greed in the novel. How do these factors drive the actions of the characters and influence the plot?
  6. Examine the character of Inspector Morton and his investigative methods. How does he approach the case and what techniques does he employ to uncover the truth?
  7. Analyze the use of red herrings in 'After the Funeral'. How do these false leads and misleading information contribute to the suspense and mystery of the story?
  8. Discuss the significance of the nursery rhyme 'Sing a Song of Sixpence' in the context of the novel. How does it foreshadow events and provide clues to the identity of the murderer?
  9. Explore the theme of deception in 'After the Funeral'. How do the characters deceive one another and what are the consequences of their actions?
  10. Analyze the resolution of the mystery in 'After the Funeral'. Did the reveal of the murderer come as a surprise, or were there sufficient clues leading up to it?