
It's a mistake to think evil is always wickedness and goodness always righteousness. There is evil and goodness in everyone.

Agatha Christie

There is no such thing as a good influence, Mrs. Boynton. Every influence, everything you see and hear, affects you. No one can live in the world as an adult and not be influenced.

Agatha Christie

Gossip is a nasty thing. It can destroy lives.

Agatha Christie

The trouble with you women is that you get used to things.

Agatha Christie

The human mind is a deep and dangerous place.

Agatha Christie

Hate is a very strong emotion. It can drive people to do terrible things.

Agatha Christie

In order to live, we must learn to forgive.

Agatha Christie

The truth can be a dangerous weapon.

Agatha Christie

Sometimes, the cruelest people are the ones who appear the kindest.

Agatha Christie

The past can haunt us, even in death.

Agatha Christie