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"Berserk" Quotes

By Tim Lebbon

horror | 337 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780843954302


Sometimes, you have to embrace the darkness to find the light.

Tim Lebbon

In the face of despair, the smallest act of kindness can be a beacon of hope.

Tim Lebbon

Fear is a powerful weapon, but courage can triumph over it.

Tim Lebbon

Revenge only breeds more pain. Let go of the past and find a new path.

Tim Lebbon

Love is a fragile and beautiful thing, worth fighting for.

Tim Lebbon

In the darkest moments, hope can be a lifeline.

Tim Lebbon

Sometimes, the strongest bonds are formed in the midst of chaos.

Tim Lebbon

True strength lies not in physical power, but in the strength of one's character.

Tim Lebbon

The path to redemption is paved with sacrifice.

Tim Lebbon

Fear can hold you back, but it can also push you forward.

Tim Lebbon