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"Blindsight" Quotes

By Peter Watts

science fiction | 384 pages | Published in 2006

It's been two months since a myriad of alien objects clenched about the Earth, screaming as they burned. The heavens have been silent since - until a derelict space probe hears whispers from a distant comet. Something talks out there: but not to us. Who to send to meet the alien, when the alien doesn't want to meet? Send a linguist with multiple-personality disorder, and a biologist so spliced to machinery he can't feel his own flesh. Send a pacifist warrior, and a vampire recalled from the grave by the voodoo of paleogenetics. Send a man with half his mind gone since childhood. Send them to the edge of the solar system, praying you can trust such freaks and monsters with the fate of a world. You fear they may be more alien than the thing they've been sent to find - but you'd give anything for that to be true, if you knew what was waiting for them.



I can't feel my legs. I can't feel the bed beneath me. I try to roll, try to swing my legs over the side, but my body doesn't move. I'm paralyzed.

Peter Watts

I can't see, but I can hear them. The sound of their footsteps, their breathing. They're getting closer. I can feel their presence.

Peter Watts

The darkness is suffocating. It engulfs me, wraps around me like a thick blanket. I'm trapped, unable to escape.

Peter Watts

The world outside is a blur of colors and shapes. I strain to make sense of it, but my mind struggles to comprehend.

Peter Watts

They say I'm broken, that there's something wrong with me. But I know the truth. I'm just different.

Peter Watts

Fear is a powerful motivator. It can drive us to do things we never thought possible.

Peter Watts

In the silence, I find solace. It's the only place where I can truly be myself.

Peter Watts

The world is full of mysteries, waiting to be unraveled. It's up to us to seek the truth.

Peter Watts

The past is a haunting presence, always lurking in the shadows of our minds.

Peter Watts

Love is an enigma, a puzzle we spend our lives trying to solve.

Peter Watts