Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A girl named Bethany discovers that she may not be who she thinks she is, leading her on a suspenseful journey to uncover her true identity.


In "Double Identity" by Margaret Peterson Haddix, thirteen-year-old Bethany Cole is about to embark on a journey that will change her life forever. Filled with mystery and suspense, this gripping young adult novel explores the themes of identity, family secrets, and the power of self-discovery. As Bethany uncovers the truth about her past, readers are taken along on a thrilling adventure that will keep them on the edge of their seats.

Brief Synopsis

"Double Identity" follows the story of Bethany, a young girl who discovers that her whole life has been a lie. After her parents abruptly send her to live with an aunt she never knew existed, Bethany becomes suspicious and begins to question her true identity. Set in the small town of Sanderfield, Illinois, the novel takes place in the present day.

As Bethany delves deeper into the mystery surrounding her past, she uncovers a web of secrets and deception. She discovers that she was born as Elizabeth, but her parents changed her name and moved away, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions. With the help of her new friend Joss, Bethany embarks on a journey to unravel the truth and find her place in the world.

Main Characters

Bethany ColeThe thirteen-year-old protagonist who is sent to live with her aunt and becomes determined to uncover the truth about her identity.
JossBethany's new friend, who helps her in her quest for the truth.
Aunt MyrlieBethany's aunt, who takes her in and provides her with a safe haven.
Uncle ThadAunt Myrlie's husband, who supports Bethany and helps her in her search.
ElizabethBethany's original name, which she discovers through her investigations.

Summary of Story Points

Chapters 1-5: The Arrival

Bethany is sent to live with her Aunt Myrlie and Uncle Thad in Sanderfield, Illinois. She feels out of place and begins to question why her parents sent her away.

Chapters 6-10: The Discovery

Bethany finds a box of old photographs and letters hidden in the attic. She uncovers her birth certificate, which reveals her original name as Elizabeth. This discovery leads her to believe that her parents have been hiding something from her.

Chapters 11-15: The Investigation

Bethany starts investigating her past, seeking answers from her parents and other family members. She learns that her parents changed their identities and moved away, erasing their old lives. Bethany becomes determined to find out why.

Chapters 16-20: The Journey

Bethany and Joss embark on a road trip to find her birth parents. Along the way, they face obstacles and encounter people who may hold the key to unlocking the truth.

Chapters 21-25: The Reveal

Bethany finally confronts her birth parents and uncovers the shocking truth about her past. She learns that she was born into a witness protection program and that her parents had to change their identities to keep her safe.

Chapters 26-30: The Resolution

Bethany comes to terms with her true identity and begins to rebuild her life. She realizes that her past does not define her and that she has the power to shape her own future.

Main Events

  1. Bethany's arrival in Sanderfield and her growing suspicion about her parents' motives.
  2. Bethany's discovery of her birth certificate, which reveals her original name as Elizabeth.
  3. Bethany's investigation into her past, seeking answers from her parents and other family members.
  4. Bethany's road trip with Joss to find her birth parents, encountering obstacles along the way.
  5. Bethany's confrontation with her birth parents and the shocking truth about her past.
  6. Bethany's resolution to embrace her true identity and create a new future for herself.

Themes and Insights


"Double Identity" explores the theme of identity and the search for self-discovery. Bethany's journey to uncover her true identity forces her to question who she really is and what defines her as a person. Through her experiences, readers are reminded of the importance of embracing one's true self and not allowing others to define them.

Family Secrets

The novel delves into the theme of family secrets and the impact they can have on individuals. Bethany's parents' decision to change their identities and keep her in the dark about her past reveals the power of hidden truths and the consequences they can have on relationships.

Power of Self-Discovery

As Bethany unravels the mystery of her past, she undergoes a process of self-discovery and growth. She learns to trust her instincts, face her fears, and embrace her true identity. This theme highlights the transformative power of self-discovery and the ability to shape one's own destiny.

Reader's Takeaway

"Double Identity" is a captivating novel that keeps readers engaged from beginning to end. It explores themes of identity, family secrets, and the power of self-discovery in a suspenseful and thought-provoking manner. Through the journey of its protagonist, Bethany, readers are reminded of the importance of embracing one's true self and the transformative power of self-discovery.


"Double Identity" by Margaret Peterson Haddix is a thrilling and suspenseful young adult novel that takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and uncovering hidden truths. With its relatable characters, engaging plot, and thought-provoking themes, this book is sure to captivate readers of all ages.

Double Identity FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'Double Identity'?

    The genre of 'Double Identity' is young adult fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'Double Identity'?

    The author of 'Double Identity' is Margaret Peterson Haddix.

  3. What is the main theme of 'Double Identity'?

    The main theme of 'Double Identity' is identity and self-discovery.

  4. What is the book about?

    'Double Identity' tells the story of a 13-year-old girl named Bethany who discovers that she is not who she thought she was. She is sent to live with an aunt she didn't know existed and soon unravels a web of family secrets and deception.

  5. Is 'Double Identity' part of a series?

    'Double Identity' is a standalone novel and is not part of a series.

  6. What age group is 'Double Identity' suitable for?

    'Double Identity' is suitable for readers aged 10 and above.

  7. Are there any sensitive topics addressed in 'Double Identity'?

    Yes, 'Double Identity' touches on themes of family secrets, adoption, and personal identity, which may be sensitive for some readers.

  8. What is the writing style of 'Double Identity'?

    'Double Identity' is written in a suspenseful and engaging style that keeps readers hooked until the end.

  9. Are there any notable awards or recognition for 'Double Identity'?

    While 'Double Identity' has not won any major awards, it has received positive reviews from readers and critics alike.

  10. Where can I purchase 'Double Identity'?

    You can purchase 'Double Identity' from various online retailers or visit your local bookstore.