Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A woman investigates her mother's murder 16 years ago, interviewing the five suspects to uncover the truth.


In "Five Little Pigs," the renowned mystery writer Agatha Christie takes readers on a thrilling journey filled with deception, betrayal, and suspense. This classic detective novel, first published in 1942, showcases Christie's exceptional storytelling skills as she unravels a decades-old murder case. With her trademark twists and turns, Christie keeps readers guessing until the very end, making "Five Little Pigs" a must-read for fans of the mystery genre.

Brief Synopsis

"Five Little Pigs" revolves around the murder of a celebrated painter, Amyas Crale, who was poisoned with a deadly dose of coniine. Sixteen years after the crime, his wife, Caroline Crale, is found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. However, their daughter, Carla, believes her mother is innocent and seeks the help of renowned detective Hercule Poirot to prove it.

The story takes place in England, primarily at Alderbury, the Crale family's country house, and London. It unfolds through a series of interviews conducted by Poirot as he delves into the past to uncover the truth.

Main Characters

Character NameDescription
Hercule PoirotA Belgian detective renowned for his sharp intellect and meticulous approach to solving crimes.
Caroline CraleThe convicted murderer of Amyas Crale and mother of Carla.
Carla LemarchantCaroline's daughter, determined to prove her mother's innocence.
Amyas CraleA talented painter and victim of the murder.
Philip BlakeAmyas Crale's best friend and a potential suspect in the murder.
Meredith BlakePhilip's brother and a key witness in the case.

Summary of Story Points

Chapter 1: Carla's Plea

Carla Lemarchant visits Hercule Poirot and implores him to reinvestigate her mother's case, convinced of Caroline's innocence. Poirot is intrigued by the challenge and agrees to take on the case.

Chapter 2: Setting the Stage

Poirot interviews each of the five witnesses present during the trial, gathering their perspectives on the events leading up to the murder. These witnesses include Philip Blake, Meredith Blake, Elsa Greer, Cecilia Williams, and Angela Warren.

Chapter 3: A Tragic Love Triangle

Poirot uncovers a complicated web of relationships surrounding Amyas Crale. It becomes evident that Amyas was involved in a love triangle with his wife, Caroline, and his mistress, Elsa Greer. The tensions and betrayals within this triangle provide potential motives for the murder.

Chapter 4: Uncovering Motives and Alibis

Poirot examines the motives and alibis of the five witnesses. Philip Blake, Amyas's best friend, had a clear motive for the murder, as he was secretly in love with Caroline. However, his alibi seems solid. Meredith Blake's alibi also checks out, but his strained relationship with his brother raises suspicions.

Chapter 5: The Missing Letter

Poirot discovers a crucial piece of evidence—a letter written by Caroline to Amyas on the day of the murder. The letter reveals her intentions to confront him about his affair. This newfound information casts doubt on Caroline's guilt and redirects Poirot's investigation.

Chapter 6: The Truth Revealed

Through meticulous analysis and reconstruction of the events leading to the murder, Poirot uncovers the truth. The real murderer is revealed, shocking both the characters and readers. The story concludes with justice served and the innocence of Caroline Crale finally established.

Main Events

  1. Carla Lemarchant seeks Hercule Poirot's help in proving her mother's innocence.
  2. Poirot interviews the five witnesses who testified during the trial.
  3. The complex love triangle involving Amyas, Caroline, and Elsa is uncovered.
  4. Poirot examines the motives and alibis of the witnesses.
  5. The discovery of a letter written by Caroline leads to a new direction in the investigation.
  6. Poirot unveils the truth behind the murder, revealing the real culprit.

Themes and Insights


  1. Justice and Innocence: The novel explores the themes of justice and the struggle to prove one's innocence. Caroline Crale's conviction raises questions about the reliability of the legal system and the importance of seeking the truth.
  2. Love and Betrayal: The story delves into the complexities of love and the devastating consequences of betrayal. The love triangle between Amyas, Caroline, and Elsa highlights the destructive power of jealousy and obsession.
  3. Memory and Perception: "Five Little Pigs" emphasizes the fallibility of memory and the subjective nature of perception. Each witness's recollection of events differs, leading to conflicting testimonies and challenging Poirot's investigation.


  1. The Complexity of Human Relationships: Christie skillfully portrays the intricate dynamics of human relationships, showcasing the various motivations and emotions that can drive individuals to commit heinous acts.
  2. The Power of Deception: The novel highlights the deceptive nature of appearances, as characters hide their true intentions and motivations. This serves as a reminder that things are not always as they seem.
  3. The Importance of Seeking the Truth: "Five Little Pigs" underscores the significance of uncovering the truth, even if it means revisiting past events and reopening old wounds. Only by seeking the truth can justice be served and innocence be restored.

Reader's Takeaway

"Five Little Pigs" is a captivating and thought-provoking detective novel that showcases Agatha Christie's mastery of the genre. With its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and surprising twists, the book keeps readers engrossed from beginning to end. This compelling story reminds us of the complexities of human nature and the power of truth. It is a must-read for fans of classic mystery novels and anyone who enjoys an engaging and suspenseful tale.


Agatha Christie's "Five Little Pigs" is a gripping murder mystery that will keep readers guessing until the final revelation. Through her skillful storytelling and brilliant characterization, Christie weaves a tale of love, betrayal, and deception that explores themes of justice, memory, and the complexities of human relationships. With its intriguing plot and surprising twists, this classic detective novel is a testament to Christie's enduring legacy as the Queen of Crime.

Five Little Pigs FAQ

  1. What is the plot of 'Five Little Pigs'?

    In 'Five Little Pigs', Hercule Poirot is hired to investigate a murder that occurred sixteen years ago. Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, but her daughter believes she was innocent. Poirot interviews the five people present on the day of the murder and uncovers the truth.

  2. Who is the author of 'Five Little Pigs'?

    The book 'Five Little Pigs' was written by Agatha Christie.

  3. Is 'Five Little Pigs' part of a series?

    Yes, 'Five Little Pigs' is part of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot series.

  4. When was 'Five Little Pigs' first published?

    'Five Little Pigs' was first published in 1942.

  5. Are there any adaptations of 'Five Little Pigs'?

    Yes, 'Five Little Pigs' has been adapted for television multiple times, including an episode in the TV series 'Agatha Christie's Poirot'.

  6. What genre does 'Five Little Pigs' belong to?

    'Five Little Pigs' is a detective fiction novel, belonging to the mystery genre.

  7. Who is the main character in 'Five Little Pigs'?

    The main character in 'Five Little Pigs' is Hercule Poirot, a famous Belgian detective.

  8. What is the setting of 'Five Little Pigs'?

    The story of 'Five Little Pigs' is set in England, primarily in London and Devon.

  9. Is 'Five Little Pigs' a standalone novel or should I read other books first?

    'Five Little Pigs' can be read as a standalone novel. Prior knowledge of the Hercule Poirot series is not necessary.

  10. Does 'Five Little Pigs' contain any twists or surprises?

    Yes, 'Five Little Pigs' is known for its clever plot twists and surprising revelations.