Go Tell it on the Mountain
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"Go Tell it on the Mountain" Summary

By James Baldwin

fiction | 272 pages | Published in 2001

ISBN_13: 9780141917191
ISBN_10: 0141917199

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A young man in 1930s Harlem struggles with family, religion, and his own identity.


"Go Tell it on the Mountain" by James Baldwin is a powerful semi-autobiographical novel that delves into the African-American experience in 1930s Harlem. The book takes readers on a journey through the lives of the Grimes family, exploring themes of faith, identity, and the search for belonging. With its rich prose and complex characters, the novel offers a profound exploration of the struggles and triumphs of the human spirit.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

"Go Tell it on the Mountain" unfolds over the course of a single day, primarily focusing on the life of John Grimes, a young African-American boy on the cusp of adolescence. The story also delves into the lives of other family members, shedding light on their experiences and struggles.


The novel is set in 1930s Harlem, a vibrant and dynamic neighborhood in New York City. Against the backdrop of the Harlem Renaissance, the story captures the cultural and social milieu of the time, exploring the complexities of African-American life in a rapidly changing urban landscape.

Main Characters

The novel features several key characters who play pivotal roles in the narrative:

John GrimesA young African-American boy grappling with questions of faith and identity.
Elizabeth GrimesJohn's mother, a deeply religious woman struggling with her own past.
Gabriel GrimesJohn's stepfather, a charismatic church preacher with a troubled past.
FlorenceGabriel's sister, who carries the weight of her own secrets and sorrows.

Summary of Different Story Points over Chapters

Chapter 1

The novel opens with an exploration of John's internal struggles as he grapples with feelings of isolation and a sense of alienation from his family. The narrative provides insights into the complexities of his relationships and his yearning for a sense of belonging.

Chapter 2

As the story unfolds, the focus shifts to Elizabeth, John's mother. Her past experiences and the challenges she has faced come to the forefront, shedding light on the forces that have shaped her and the family dynamics within the Grimes household.

Chapter 3

The narrative delves into Gabriel's past, revealing his tumultuous journey and the choices he has made. As his story unfolds, readers gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of his character and the impact of his actions on those around him.

Chapter 4

Florence's story takes center stage in this chapter, offering a poignant exploration of her struggles and the burdens she carries. The narrative provides a window into her inner world, unraveling the emotional complexities that define her character.

Main Events

The novel is punctuated by several pivotal events that shape the trajectory of the narrative:

  1. John's internal struggles and quest for identity.
  2. Elizabeth's reflections on her past and the challenges she has faced in her life.
  3. Gabriel's tumultuous journey and the impact of his actions on the family.
  4. Florence's emotional turmoil and the weight of her own secrets.

Themes and Insights


  • Faith and Religion: The novel delves deeply into the themes of faith and religion, exploring the role of spirituality in the lives of the characters and its influence on their actions and decisions.
  • Identity and Belonging: The quest for identity and a sense of belonging is a central theme, as the characters grapple with questions of self-discovery and acceptance.
  • Family and Relationships: The complexities of family dynamics and relationships are explored, shedding light on the bonds that tie the characters together and the conflicts that threaten to tear them apart.


The novel offers profound insights into the human experience, delving into the complexities of the human spirit and the resilience of the characters in the face of adversity. Through rich prose and vivid storytelling, the narrative provides a window into the inner worlds of the characters, offering a nuanced exploration of their struggles and triumphs.

Reader's Takeaway

"Go Tell it on the Mountain" is a poignant and evocative novel that offers readers a powerful exploration of the African-American experience. Through its richly drawn characters and vivid portrayal of 1930s Harlem, the book invites readers to reflect on the universal themes of faith, identity, and the search for belonging. With its compelling narrative and profound insights, the novel leaves a lasting impression, offering readers a deeply moving and thought-provoking literary experience.


In conclusion, "Go Tell it on the Mountain" stands as a timeless work of literature that continues to resonate with readers, offering a compelling portrayal of the human experience. James Baldwin's masterful storytelling and rich character development weave together a narrative that captures the complexities of faith, identity, and family, making it a must-read for those seeking a profound exploration of the African-American experience.

Go Tell it on the Mountain FAQ

  1. What is 'Go Tell it on the Mountain' about?

    'Go Tell it on the Mountain' is a semi-autobiographical novel by James Baldwin that explores the religious, racial, and family struggles of a young African American boy growing up in 1930s Harlem.

  2. Is 'Go Tell it on the Mountain' based on James Baldwin's life?

    Yes, the novel draws heavily from Baldwin's own experiences growing up in Harlem and his complex relationship with his stepfather and the church.

  3. What themes are explored in 'Go Tell it on the Mountain'?

    The novel delves into themes of religion, race, identity, family dynamics, and the search for self-discovery and acceptance.

  4. Who would enjoy reading 'Go Tell it on the Mountain'?

    Readers interested in powerful coming-of-age stories, exploration of identity, and the impact of religion on individuals and communities would find 'Go Tell it on the Mountain' compelling.