Gone with the Wind
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"Gone with the Wind" Characters Analysis

By Margaret Mitchell

classics | 1037 pages | Published in 2036

ISBN_13: 9780446675536

Estimated read time: 4 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Scarlett O'HaraProtagonist
Rhett ButlerAntagonist
Ashley WilkesSupporting Character
Melanie HamiltonSupporting Character
MammySupporting Character
Charles HamiltonSupporting Character
Belle WatlingSupporting Character
Frank KennedySupporting Character
India WilkesSupporting Character
Suellen O'HaraSupporting Character
Gerald O'HaraSupporting Character

Role Identification

Scarlett O'Hara

Scarlett O'Hara is the protagonist of "Gone with the Wind." Her journey is central to the narrative, and her actions drive the plot forward.

Rhett Butler

Rhett Butler serves as the antagonist in the story. His conflicting relationship with Scarlett and his disruptive influence on her life make him a pivotal character.

Supporting Characters

Ashley Wilkes, Melanie Hamilton, Mammy, Charles Hamilton, Belle Watling, Frank Kennedy, India Wilkes, Suellen O'Hara, and Gerald O'Hara all play significant supporting roles in the development of the main characters and the overall plot.

Character Descriptions

Scarlett O'Hara

Scarlett O'Hara is a headstrong and determined young woman, known for her striking beauty and manipulative nature. She is fiercely independent and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals, often disregarding the feelings of those around her.

Rhett Butler

Rhett Butler is a charming and enigmatic character. He is known for his sharp wit, intelligence, and rebellious nature. His complex personality and mysterious past make him an intriguing figure in the story.

Supporting Characters

Each supporting character in "Gone with the Wind" is intricately developed, with unique personalities and motivations that contribute to the richness of the narrative.

Character Traits

Scarlett O'Hara

Scarlett possesses traits such as resilience, ambition, and a relentless pursuit of her desires. However, her impulsiveness, selfishness, and lack of empathy are also prominent traits that drive her actions.

Rhett Butler

Rhett is characterized by his charisma, confidence, and unpredictability. His cynical nature and penchant for challenging societal norms make him an unconventional and compelling character.

Supporting Characters

The supporting characters exhibit a diverse range of traits, from loyalty and kindness to jealousy and insecurity, adding depth and complexity to the story.

Character Background

Scarlett O'Hara

Scarlett comes from a privileged Southern family and is accustomed to a life of luxury. Her upbringing and the societal expectations placed upon her greatly influence her worldview and actions throughout the novel.

Rhett Butler

Rhett's background is shrouded in mystery, adding an air of intrigue to his character. His experiences during the Civil War and subsequent rise to wealth provide insight into his motivations and behavior.

Supporting Characters

The supporting characters have varied backgrounds, with each individual shaped by their experiences within the tumultuous setting of the American Civil War and its aftermath.

Character Arcs

Scarlett O'Hara

Scarlett undergoes a significant character arc, transforming from a carefree young woman to a hardened survivor in the face of adversity. Her romantic entanglements and personal losses shape her evolution throughout the story.

Rhett Butler

Rhett's character arc is marked by inner turmoil and personal growth. His shifting relationship with Scarlett and the challenges he faces lead to a complex and compelling development.

Supporting Characters

The supporting characters also experience notable arcs, with their own trials and tribulations influencing their growth and impact on the central narrative.


Scarlett O'Hara

Scarlett's relationships are a focal point of the story, particularly her tumultuous dynamic with Rhett Butler and her enduring connection to Ashley Wilkes. Her interactions with other characters also shape the course of the plot.

Rhett Butler

Rhett's complex relationship with Scarlett drives much of the narrative tension, as their passionate yet turbulent bond unfolds against the backdrop of a changing society.

Supporting Characters

The supporting characters' relationships contribute to the intricate web of connections within the story, showcasing the intertwining lives and dynamics of the ensemble cast.

In Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind," the rich tapestry of characters, their intricate relationships, and their compelling arcs combine to create a timeless and captivating literary masterpiece.