Half Girlfriend
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3.14 / 5

"Half Girlfriend" Summary

By Chetan Bhagat

fiction | 260 pages | Published in 2014

ISBN_13: 9788129135728

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A complicated love story between a boy from rural Bihar and a girl from Delhi, who struggle to bridge the gap between their different worlds.


"Half Girlfriend" is a popular novel written by Indian author Chetan Bhagat. Published in 2014, the book revolves around the complicated relationship between the main characters, Madhav and Riya. It explores themes of love, friendship, and the challenges of societal expectations.

Brief Synopsis

The story is primarily set in Bihar, India, and later moves to Delhi and New York. Madhav Jha, a rural boy from Bihar, secures admission to St. Stephen's College in Delhi through the sports quota. Madhav's command of the English language is weak, but he manages to befriend Riya Somani, a wealthy and educated girl.

Madhav falls in love with Riya and proposes a romantic relationship. However, Riya prefers to be his "half girlfriend" – a term she coins to describe a relationship that falls short of being a complete commitment. Despite this, they develop a close bond and spend a lot of time together.

Main Characters

Here are the main characters in "Half Girlfriend":

Character NameDescription
Madhav JhaThe protagonist of the story, a rural boy from Bihar who studies in Delhi. He is sincere, determined, and struggles with his command of the English language.
Riya SomaniA wealthy and educated girl who becomes Madhav's love interest. She is independent, confident, and struggles with her own emotional issues.
Bill GatesA fictional character who plays a significant role in the story. He serves as an inspiration for Madhav and motivates him to make a difference in his village.

Summary of Different Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1-5: Introduction to Madhav and Riya

The story begins with Madhav's admission to St. Stephen's College and his encounter with Riya. They become friends and spend time together, developing a deep connection. Madhav falls in love with Riya but struggles to express his feelings.

Chapter 6-10: The Half Girlfriend Concept

Riya introduces Madhav to the concept of being "half girlfriend." She explains that she is not ready for a committed relationship but still wants to maintain a close bond with Madhav. They continue spending time together, fueling Madhav's hope for a more serious relationship.

Chapter 11-15: The Delhi-Durham Divide

Madhav faces cultural differences and struggles to fit in with the elite society at college. Riya, on the other hand, finds solace in Madhav's simplicity. Their relationship becomes more intimate, even though Riya still maintains her stance on being a half girlfriend.

Chapter 16-20: The New York Trip

Madhav secures an opportunity to visit New York with Riya. The trip strengthens their bond, but Madhav's desire for a committed relationship intensifies. Riya, however, reveals that she will soon be marrying her childhood friend, Rohan.

Chapter 21-25: The Village Transformation

Madhav returns to his village in Bihar and decides to make a positive impact on his community. Inspired by Bill Gates, he aims to improve the educational infrastructure. Riya supports him from a distance, and their relationship takes a backseat.

Chapter 26-30: Reunion and Closure

Years later, Madhav and Riya meet again. Riya is now divorced and regrets not being able to reciprocate Madhav's love fully. They find closure in their relationship, acknowledging the impact they had on each other's lives.

Main Events

  • Madhav's admission to St. Stephen's College
  • Madhav and Riya's friendship and the development of their relationship
  • The introduction of the "half girlfriend" concept
  • Madhav's struggles with cultural differences in Delhi
  • The New York trip and the revelation of Riya's impending marriage
  • Madhav's dedication to transforming his village
  • The reunion and closure of Madhav and Riya's relationship

Themes and Insights

  1. Love and Relationships: The book explores the complexities and challenges of modern relationships, highlighting the different expectations individuals may have.
  2. Social Divide: The story delves into the cultural and social divide between rural and urban communities in India, emphasizing the struggles faced by individuals when trying to fit into a different social stratum.
  3. Pursuit of Dreams: Madhav's determination to bring about change in his village highlights the importance of pursuing one's dreams and making a positive impact on society.
  4. Emotional Baggage: The characters in the story grapple with emotional baggage and the consequences it can have on their relationships and personal growth.
  5. Self-Discovery: Through their experiences, both Madhav and Riya undergo a journey of self-discovery, learning more about themselves and their desires.

Reader's Takeaway

"Half Girlfriend" offers a relatable and engaging narrative that delves into the complexities of relationships and societal expectations. It prompts readers to reflect on their own experiences and challenges them to question conventional definitions of love and commitment.


"Half Girlfriend" by Chetan Bhagat is a captivating novel that explores themes of love, friendship, and societal expectations. Through the journey of its main characters, Madhav and Riya, the book provides insights into the complexities of modern relationships and the pursuit of personal dreams. With its relatable story and thought-provoking themes, "Half Girlfriend" is a book that will resonate with readers and leave them contemplating their own views on love and commitment.

Half Girlfriend FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'Half Girlfriend'?

    The genre of 'Half Girlfriend' is contemporary romance.

  2. Who is the author of 'Half Girlfriend'?

    The author of 'Half Girlfriend' is Chetan Bhagat.

  3. When was 'Half Girlfriend' published?

    'Half Girlfriend' was published in 2014.

  4. What is the main plot of 'Half Girlfriend'?

    'Half Girlfriend' tells the story of a rural boy named Madhav who falls in love with a high-society girl named Riya. Their relationship faces challenges due to their different backgrounds and ambitions.

  5. Is 'Half Girlfriend' based on a true story?

    No, 'Half Girlfriend' is a work of fiction and is not based on a true story.

  6. Are there any film adaptations of 'Half Girlfriend'?

    Yes, 'Half Girlfriend' was adapted into a Bollywood film in 2017.

  7. What are some other popular books by Chetan Bhagat?

    Some other popular books by Chetan Bhagat include 'Five Point Someone', '2 States', 'The 3 Mistakes of My Life', and 'Revolution 2020'.

  8. Is 'Half Girlfriend' a standalone novel or part of a series?

    'Half Girlfriend' is a standalone novel and is not part of a series.

  9. Where is the setting of 'Half Girlfriend'?

    The setting of 'Half Girlfriend' is primarily in Bihar, New Delhi, and New York City.

  10. What is the target audience for 'Half Girlfriend'?

    The target audience for 'Half Girlfriend' is young adults and fans of contemporary romance novels.