
Home is the best place for all of us.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

It is best to be content with what we have.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

All's well that ends well.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Enough is as good as a feast.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

It's a good idea always to do something relaxing before making an important decision.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

The best things are nearest: breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of God just before you.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

The rich man's sons ride in chaises, it is the poor man's sons that ride on horses.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

There is no great loss without some small gain.

Laura Ingalls Wilder